Lunar Calendar Of Haircuts And Coloring For November
Lunar Calendar Of Haircuts And Coloring For November

When to go to the hairdresser: lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for November 2019


Going to the hairdresser for a new hairstyle or hair color, we dream that the paint does not wash out in a week, and the haircut will delight with its beauty for a long time. Astrologers believe that not every day is equally suitable for manipulating hair, so a special lunar calendar is drawn up every month.

November 1, Friday

A favorable day for changes in appearance, since today they will bring only positive emotions. You can make a new haircut, but the bangs should not be trimmed: it will grow back quickly. For coloring, choose natural shades.

November 2, Saturday

On this day, you should postpone self-care. Any impact on your hair will negatively affect your psychological state. It is permissible to carry out small health procedures, but only at home.

November 3, Sunday

A haircut on this day can have a bad effect on your health, so it is better to forget about visiting a hairdresser. Take a firming treatment or dye your hair with natural dyes: henna or basma.

November 4, Monday

Auspicious day for any haircuts. The new hairstyle will fit well on the hair and will last long enough. You can experiment with curling and styling. You can only paint in red shades, any other color will quickly come down.

5 November, Tuesday

It's not worth doing a radically new hairstyle on this day: there is a chance that it will not turn out quite the way you wanted. It is allowed to trim the ends or freshen the hair color, but without any experimentation.

6 November, Wednesday

It is not worth doing a haircut on this day, it will have a bad effect on your well-being and on the structure of your hair. If you want something unusual, try a new hairstyle, but only without a perm. You can dye the strands with henna.

Redhead girl
Redhead girl

On November 6, you can dye your hair with henna

November 7, Thursday

If you have long wanted to change your hairstyle, then choose this day. Any manipulation of your hair will refresh your appearance, add energy and help improve your relationship with the opposite sex. If you feel depressed, be sure to do a grooming hair treatment.

November 8, Friday

The perfect day for any beauty treatment. Hair today is especially susceptible to nourishing masks and balms, they will be filled with strength for a long time. Haircuts are undesirable, but can be dyed in pastel colors.

November 9, Saturday

This is a great day for a change in appearance, especially if you have long wanted to improve your personal life. The only thing to avoid is staining, it will only worsen the appearance.

November 10, Sunday

Today, changes in hairstyle will affect not only appearance, but also life in general, so you should not experiment. Get healthy and restore your hair.

11 November, Monday

A perfect day for painting over gray hair and toning. However, if you want to completely change your hair color, it is better to postpone the procedure until another time. Haircuts and styling are also more likely to upset.

12 November, Tuesday

Strengthen your hair with masks or balms. You can slightly correct the hairstyle (for example, cut the ends), but refuse serious changes. Coloring is also undesirable.

Woman applying mask to hair
Woman applying mask to hair

On November 12, it is better to do grooming procedures

13 November, Wednesday

A perfect day to make an appointment with a hairdresser. Any, even the most complex haircuts will look amazing, and the paint will last a long time and will not harm your hair.

November 14, Thursday

For people with low self-esteem, toning or coloring is recommended: this will add self-confidence. But to get a haircut today is not worth it: it is fraught with quarrels and conflicts.

November 15, Friday

Going to the hairdresser for a new hairstyle will only bring disappointment and poor health. You can make a mask or wrap, lamination.

November 16, Saturday

Not a bad day for any length-related manipulation. You should not do toning and coloring, if you want a change, change the parting. A great day for hair nourishing treatments.

November 17, Sunday

Not a good day for any hair manipulation. Any changes will ruin your mood, adversely affect your health and relationships with others.

November 18, Monday

A great day for any haircut, even the most unusual. If you want to go for coloring, then choose a native color or a couple of shades darker. Nursing procedures are not prohibited.

Woman in hairdresser
Woman in hairdresser

On November 18, you can do any, even very daring haircuts

November 19, Tuesday

It is not worth getting a haircut today: it will cause a bad mood. If your life doesn't suit you, change the color, it may help. You can do procedures to increase the volume.

20 November, Wednesday

Changing your hairstyle today is not worth it: you will ruin not only the hair structure, but also health in general. The only permitted manipulation is dark staining.

November 21, Thursday

If you do not want dandruff and split ends, it is better to refuse to change the length of your hair. Take care of your hair or dye your hair with a natural dye such as henna.

November 22, Friday

If you have long planned changes in appearance, then you can visit the salon, but refuse hasty decisions. Any chemical attack will severely damage your hair.

November 23, Saturday

If you wanted to refresh your appearance, then go for it - any changes in your hairstyle will have a good effect on your life. It is worth giving up curling - it will not last long.

November 24, Sunday

Don't cut your hair or change your hairstyle drastically. It is not forbidden to do dyeing and other procedures associated with chemical effects on the hair: today they do not harm as much as usual.

Dyed hair
Dyed hair

November 24 is a good day for hair coloring

November 25, Monday

A good day for any makeover, changing your hairstyle will bring positive changes in your life. It is recommended to highlight or bleach hair.

November 26, Tuesday

Unfavorable day for haircuts, they can lead to illness. The only acceptable procedure is henna or basma staining.

November 27, Wednesday

A great day to visit the hairdresser, a new haircut or hair color will reflect well on your quality of life. You can paint over gray hair or lighten strands. Nursing procedures are recommended.

November 28, Thursday

Changes are undesirable today: they will have a bad effect on the structure and health of the hair. It is recommended to engage in nutrition and hair restoration.

November 29, Friday

Most likely, today you suddenly want to change, but do not give in: going to the hairdresser can only ruin your appearance. Small procedures are acceptable: coloring the roots or light highlighting.

November 30, Saturday

Nice day for a new haircut and bright colors. Hair will look healthier and more beautiful. Any treatment will have a long lasting effect.

Girl with blue hair
Girl with blue hair

On November 30, you can paint in bright colors

On some lunar days, the new paint lays down well, and the haircut turns out to be successful, but on some - vice versa. When making an appointment with the hairdresser, check the lunar calendar so that later you do not worry about an unsuccessful new hairstyle.
