Lunar Calendar Of Haircuts And Hair Coloring For June
Lunar Calendar Of Haircuts And Hair Coloring For June

June 2019: lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring

Girl and moon
Girl and moon

Astrologers assure that the result of a haircut or hair coloring is more likely to please if you visit a hairdresser at the "right" time. We invite you to get acquainted with the lunar calendar for June 2019 and find out which days are best for changing images, and in which it is better to postpone experiments.


  • 1 Calendar base

    1.1 Video: Astrologer on the Impact of Moon Link and Hair Manipulation

  • 2 Lunar calendar for June 2019: choose a day to go to the hairdresser

    • 2.1 June 1
    • 2.2 June 2
    • 2.3 June 3
    • 2.4 June 4
    • 2.5 June 5
    • 2.6 June 6
    • 2.7 June 7
    • 2.8 June 8
    • 2.9 June 9
    • 2.10 June 10
    • 2.11 June 11
    • 2.12 June 12
    • 2.13 June 13
    • 2.14 June 14
    • 2.15 June 15
    • 2.16 June 16
    • 2.17 June 17
    • 2.18 June 18
    • 2.19 June 19
    • 2.20 June 20
    • 2.21 June 21
    • 2.22 June 22
    • 2.23 June 23
    • 2.24 June 24
    • 2.25 June 25
    • 2.26 June 26
    • 2.27 June 27
    • 2.28 June 28
    • 2.29 June 29
    • 2.30 June 30

Basis for the calendar

Astrologers take into account 3 factors when forming lunar calendars for manipulating hair:

  • Moon phase. It is believed that if you cut your hair during the growth of the moon, it will grow faster than in the waning phase.
  • The position of the moon according to the zodiac sign. For going to the salon, the optimal days are those when the night star is in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn or Leo. The position in Aries or Aquarius is a reason to postpone the change of image.
  • Lunar day. A haircut or coloring on a certain lunar day can have a special effect on the condition of the hair and on the life situation in general.

Video: astrologer on the influence of the moon connection and hair manipulation

Lunar calendar for June 2019: choosing a day to go to the hairdresser

Before signing up for a master on a specific date, it is worth checking how favorable it is for transformation.

June 1st

On this day, the moon is in the sign of Taurus, which makes it favorable for those who want to radically change their image by experimenting with length and color. In addition, this is the 28th lunar day, which means that a small correction of hair color can improve positions in society. But a haircut on this lunar day can reduce physical activity and even shorten life expectancy.

The moon is waning on this day, so going to the hairdresser will slow down the growth of the strands, but the hair follicles will become stronger.

2 June

Although the moon is still in Taurus, the 29th lunar day is coming - on this day, a haircut can attract misfortune.

June 3

The moon passes into the sign of Gemini, which, like Taurus, is successful for haircuts.

However, the new moon, which this day is significant, is not the right time for a haircut, correcting the length of the strands increases the risk of misfortune and trouble.

June 4th

On this day, the moon begins to grow, making haircuts and coloring favorable - the hair becomes stronger, and the color will delight with durability.

A haircut on the 2nd lunar day will provide an influx of health energy, and coloring with natural compounds will bring a monetary profit.

June 5th

Although the moon continues to grow, it is advisable to spend this day without haircuts and coloring. The fact is that the luminary passes into the sign of Cancer: experiments with hair can make them naughty.

Girl at the hairdresser
Girl at the hairdresser

Astrologers believe that if you cut your hair on the growing moon, you can accelerate its growth.

June 6

On this day, the moon still remains in Cancer, so it is better to postpone the trip to the salon. In addition, a haircut on the 4th lunar day can provoke pathologies of the mouth and throat and increase anxiety for loved ones.

Astrologers believe that if the moon is in Cancer, it is better not to wash your hair on that day, as the procedure will not bring the desired freshness

June 7

The moon passes into Leo, which means that favorable conditions are created for those who want to change their image. A haircut will make your hair silky and well-groomed, and it will be easier to style it.

In addition, June 7 is the 5th lunar day, a haircut at this time improves financial well-being, promotes career advancement and promises success in work.

And the moon is growing on this day, which means that the hair will grow faster, and the dyeing will turn out to be more uniform.

June 8

The moon is still in the sign of Leo and is growing, and in general astrologers consider the day to be quite auspicious for a haircut. June 8 is the 6th lunar day, and changing the length of the hair will save you from diseases and attract money. But staining can attract discord in the family and at work.

the 9th of June

The moon passes into Virgo. At this time, it is good to trim strands and dye your hair. The moon continues to grow and a haircut will speed up hair growth and make the hair bulbs stronger.

A haircut on the 7th lunar day will sharpen intuition, and coloring will enhance sexuality.

June 10th

It is recommended to plan a trip to the hairdresser in the first half of the day, since the 7th lunar day is still continuing.

June 11

The moon is in Libra, and this phase is unfavorable for hairstyles and coloring: such manipulations can lead to a series of failures and hair loss, up to baldness.

However, June 11 is the 8th lunar day, and a haircut on this day will bring health and respect of other people. And the moon continues to rise, so this day is generally considered a neutral day for going to the hairdresser.

12 June

Although the moon is growing, the onset of the 9th lunar day makes the haircut undesirable due to the risk of deteriorating health.

June 13

The moon passes into Scorpio - a haircut at this time can either transform or worsen interaction with the opposite sex, and with equal probability. During this period, exposure to strong chemicals should be avoided.

Girl dyes her hair
Girl dyes her hair

If you dye your hair during the period when the moon is in Scorpio, then only using natural compounds

A haircut on the 10th lunar day can have a detrimental effect on your health. The moon continues to rise. In general, the day is considered neutral for visiting the master.

June 14

The moon continues to be in Scorpio, but the likelihood that the result of experiments with hair will please you increases. The fact is that a haircut on the 11th lunar day improves intuition and discernment, and the moon is growing.

June 15th

The night star is still in Scorpio. But the moon is growing, and a haircut on the 12th lunar day can bring material well-being. Therefore, the day for going to the salon is neutral.

June 16

A very auspicious day for cutting and coloring, as now all 3 factors favor a good result. The moon grows and passes into Sagittarius - changes in appearance at this time contribute to good luck in business and relationships. In addition, a haircut on the 13th lunar day has a positive effect on the appearance, improves well-being and attracts luck.

June 17

Another auspicious day. The full moon is coming, and this is the most positive time for a change of image. In addition, the moon is still in Sagittarius, and a haircut on the 14th lunar day will help advance your career and gain financial well-being.

June 18

The moon passes into Capricorn, during this period the haircut speeds up hair growth and prevents split ends. However, the luminary begins to wane, a haircut on the 15th lunar day can cause emotional stress.

June 19

The moon remains in Capricorn, and the waning phase makes it possible to experiment with color - the shade will not last long, so even if you don't like the result, you won't have to endure it for long.

But astrologers do not advise to cut hair on the 16th lunar day, as this can contribute to making the wrong decision.

June 20

The moon wanes and enters Aquarius, so a haircut will slow down hair growth and can ruin your appearance. In addition, hair manipulation increases the risk of business failure, health problems, and injury.

21st of June

The moon is waning, still retains its position in Aquarius. On this day, the 18th lunar day also begins, a haircut at this time can have a detrimental effect on health.

Waning moon
Waning moon

If the hair is cut for the waning moon, they will grow more slowly, but they will fall out less due to the strengthening of the bulbs

22nd of June

Although the moon is still in Aquarius and also decreases, a haircut on the 19th lunar day promises longevity and a faster cure for existing diseases. Therefore, this day is considered neutral for hair transformation.

June 23rd

The moon passes into the sign of Pisces, so any procedures with hair, even ordinary washing, are fraught with dandruff and seborrhea. The day is unfavorable for going to the hairdresser's also because the 20th lunar day is approaching, and at this time of transformation of the external appearance does not cause positive emotions and can provoke a feeling of rejection of the life situation.

June 24

The moon is still in Pisces. But for those who do not want active hair growth, but want to strengthen the bulbs, the day is considered neutral, since the 21st lunar day is successful for updating the image, as it leads to well-being in business.

June 25

The moon passes into Aries, now it's better not to cut your hair: this can worsen their structure and appearance, and reduce immunity.

However, the day is neutral due to the fact that the 22nd lunar day will ensure success in real estate business if you do a haircut on that day. Although on the other hand, it is fraught with the addition of extra pounds.

June 26

Although the moon is still in Aries, the day is also neutral due to a smoothing factor: a haircut on the 23rd lunar day improves well-being.

27th of June

The day is not favorable for going to the hairdresser. The moon remains in Aries, and a haircut on the 24th lunar day is risky due to the likelihood of injury.

June 28

The moon goes back into Taurus, making the haircut favorable. However, the day is still considered neutral, since adjusting the length on the 25th lunar day can impair vision.

June 29

Although the moon is in Taurus, it is advisable to postpone the visit to the master. A haircut on the 26th lunar day promises a bad mood, depression, and sometimes injury.

Bad mood
Bad mood

A haircut on the 26th lunar day is fraught with bad mood, up to depression

30 June

The moon turns into a sign of Gemini favorable for haircuts, and the 27th moon knocks will make hair length correction a tool for attracting happiness in life, acquiring charisma and popularity with others. A radical change of color will give the energy of health and financial well-being. Therefore, the day is favorable, although the moon is waning.

Everyone decides for himself how to choose a day for going to the hairdresser, focusing on the "window" in the diary or relying on the energy of the moon. However, nothing prevents you from trying to visit the master in June on the most favorable day, according to astrologers, and see the result.