Pepper Health: Characteristics And Description Of The Variety, Photos, Reviews
Pepper Health: Characteristics And Description Of The Variety, Photos, Reviews

Pepper Health: one of the few varieties for the northern climate

Pepper Health
Pepper Health

Health is one of the best known sweet peppers. Grown for a long time, bears fruit successfully and reliably. Of course, at the present time it cannot be considered the best, but it fully satisfies all the basic needs of gardeners, since it brings crops early and does not require super-qualified care.


  • 1 Description of the pepper variety Health

    • 1.1 Plant appearance
    • 1.2 Characteristics and features of pepper Health

      1.2.1 Video: Pepper Seeds Health

    • 1.3 Regions of admission
    • 1.4 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 2 Features of cultivation
  • 3 Reviews

Description of the pepper variety Health

Pepper Health was registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation back in 1986, but it is impossible to find out anything specific about it from an official document: a description of the variety is not given there. All information should be found on seed packages and in numerous reviews of gardeners growing this crop. The variety was obtained in the All-Russian NIISSOK (Moscow region).

Plant appearance

Health pepper grows in the form of a semi-sprawling bush, its height is greater than the height of bushes of most varieties of sweet peppers, and can reach one and a half meters, and in favorable greenhouse conditions even more. Therefore, when growing it, supports are required for tying the stems, and it is advisable to use not simple stakes, but trellises as supports, so that branches with fruits can be evenly distributed in space for better lighting of the fruits and airing the plant. It is in greenhouses that this variety is most often planted: tall varieties of any vegetable crops are tried to be planted in a greenhouse, where it is important to save space, and there is no wind that can break the stems.

The number of fruits on the pepper bushes Health is great: they are so covered with them that they resemble a New Year tree. At the same time, the peppers themselves cannot be called large: rather, they are below average size, have a prismatic shape, characteristic of many varieties. The surface of the fruits is uneven, with numerous tubercles and depressions, and the fruits themselves on the bushes are, as it were, in a drooping state: tops down. The appearance of the fruit is rather typical for many varieties of hot pepper. The length of each pepper does not exceed 10–12 cm, the thickness is 6 cm, and the weight is about 40 g.

Peppers on the bush
Peppers on the bush

Peppers look tops down, there are a lot of them

In a state of technical ripeness, when the peppers are already quite suitable for consumption, they are colored in a light green color. In the future, the color turns into yellow and, at the stage of biological ripeness, into bright red. At this time, the harvest must already be removed completely; from the largest, fully ripe fruits, you can choose seeds for sowing next year: pepper Health is not a hybrid of the first generation, seeds do not need to be bought annually.

The fruits are quite juicy, fleshy, however, in comparison with modern varieties, they do not differ in a large wall thickness: it barely exceeds 4 mm. The skin covering the fruit is thin, and does not interfere with the use of peppers. The peppers of this variety are considered good or excellent: different data are given depending on the degree and conditions of ripening. The purpose of the crop is universal: it is used both for direct fresh consumption and for harvesting for the winter. Moreover, in the first case, even unripe fruits are harvested, in the second they prefer to remove completely reddened ones.

Pepper Fruit Health
Pepper Fruit Health

In appearance, the fruits are the most common, traditional in shape and color

Characteristics and features of pepper Health

Any pepper is not very easy to grow: this crop is thermophilic, and the growing season is many months. Therefore, in the middle lane, and even more so - to the north, it is difficult to grow it, almost always this is done in greenhouses. In connection with this fact, early-ripening varieties are especially interesting to gardeners; pepper Health belongs precisely to this group. In a number of sources, it is even considered ultra-early ripening: less than three months after the emergence of seedlings, you can taste the first fruits, of course, in a state of technical ripeness. Almost a month passes from this period to full ripening, but even light green peppers are already full of vitamins and other compounds useful for the body. But pepper is one of the leaders among vegetables in terms of vitamin C content, and it also contains a lot of vitamin A, almost like in carrots.

In addition, the value of the variety that distinguishes it from many others is shade tolerance: it normally bears fruit in conditions of insufficient light. At the same time, the composition of the fruit practically does not suffer: it is a set of useful substances when grown both in sunny and cloudy weather, both under the sun in an open garden, and in a greenhouse. Although, of course, it is planted without shelter only in the southern regions.

Zdorov'e pepper gives most of the harvest together, in the early stages, further fruiting continues, but to a much lesser extent. The total yield for the season is about 5 kg / m 2. The variety is characterized by a high degree of disease resistance, including apical rot. It is grown both in private gardens and for the purpose of sale, since the appearance of the fruits is quite marketable, and the early arrival of the harvest, already in the first month of summer, is interesting on the market.

Video: Pepper Seeds Health

Regions of admission

According to the official document, Zdorov'e pepper is approved for use in the North and North-West regions for greenhouse cultivation. These regions are characterized by a cold climate and the fact that the amount of natural sunlight, despite the white nights in the middle of summer, is often insufficient to grow many varieties of vegetable plants.

Of course, for amateur gardeners, the State Register of the Russian Federation is "not a decree", so this pepper can be found throughout the country, although there is no point in planting it in the unprotected soil of the southern regions, you can find more perfect varieties. But in regions with a similar climate, for example, in the Urals or Siberia, it can be found often. The northern regions of the middle zone have gone not far in this regard: summer here cannot be called very welcoming either, and Zdorov'e pepper feels rather good.

Advantages and disadvantages

Judging by the numerous articles and reviews that have appeared over the years of the existence of the Health pepper, the number of its undoubted advantages significantly exceeds the number of relative disadvantages.

Table - the advantages and disadvantages of the Health variety

pros Minuses
Very early ripening of the crop Insufficiently thick fruit walls
Excellent fruit set in low light conditions Relatively small size of peppers
Very high yield The need for tying
Good or even excellent taste
Fruit presentation
Unpretentious care
High resistance to disease
Good crop transportability
Good keeping quality of fruits
Versatility of use

It is quite possible to put up with the shortcomings: in the end, there is nothing difficult in tying, and relatively small fruits are often even more convenient. But, of course, more fleshy peppers, with thicker walls, are desirable, especially since such peppers currently exist. Although, of course, it is not at all easy to choose among them such shade-tolerant ones as Health. Specifically for the northern regions, even the State Register offers a very limited number of options.

Growing features

Agrotechnics of the Zdorovye pepper variety is relatively simple. Despite its early maturity, like all varieties of pepper, it is grown through the seedling stage; seeds for greenhouse continuation are sown in February. They can be sown in a small box, but dive with 2-3 leaves should be in separate cups, and preferably in peat pots. By the time they are transplanted into the greenhouse, the seedlings already have 10–12 leaves and the first flower clusters, sometimes the flowers even bloom in the apartment.

Pepper with flowers
Pepper with flowers

As an ultra early ripening variety, Zdorovye pepper has the right to bloom already in pots.

The soil in the greenhouse at the time the transplant must warm up to at least 15 of the C, air - no less than 20 on S. planted pepper this scheme 40 x 60 cm or a little less, without penetration. The optimum temperature for growing is 22 to 28 o C, at night - not lower than 15 o C. Care must be taken that it does not exceed 30 o C: in such conditions, fruits are not formed. Health peppers are watered and fed in the same way as most similar varieties.

There is a recommendation for keeping a two-stem bush. In reality, everything that has grown to the first fork is removed from this pepper, and then the stems are simply tied up as needed. This pepper bears fruit for a long time, but the first wave, especially fruitful, passes by the middle of summer. Everything that remains unassembled by the onset of autumn is removed to any degree of ripeness.


Pepper Health is one of the few varieties that feel great in the greenhouses of the northern regions. Its agricultural technology is quite simple, and the quality of the fruit is very good for the harsh climate, so the variety is deservedly popular.
