Why Men Lose Interest In Their Wives As They Age
Why Men Lose Interest In Their Wives As They Age

Why husbands lose interest in once adored wives with age


Over time, even what you love can become annoying. Often men feel this in relation to their wives, but not always they are the only ones to blame for this.

Turning into a "aunt"

After marriage, a woman has many worries. Many people stop caring for themselves due to lack of time or laziness.

But think about it. Is it pleasant for you to come to a tidied apartment or to constantly see rubbish, dirty floors and scattered things around?

Start treating yourself as well. If the reflection in the mirror starts to please, the husband will also look with different eyes.

Lack of support

At the beginning of a relationship, we make plans, but reality does not always correspond to expectations. At such moments, the wife begins to be disappointed in her husband, who does not meet her expectations, and turns into a chainsaw.

Few people like this sound, so it is only natural for the spouse to get annoyed. His patience is not unlimited, and the load is too great.

Everyone is different, and your partner may not always want to do what you want. Once you understand this, you will no longer be disappointed.



The monotony quickly becomes boring. An eternally tired and disgruntled wife, the same reproaches and endless routine will tire anyone.

In order not to get bored with each other, do pleasant things, arrange surprises, create new traditions.

Dissolving in a husband

Housewives and girls with low self-esteem often suffer from this. The meaning of their life is to serve their husband, his happiness and comfort.

Her hobby makes a woman self-sufficient, independent and more interesting for others.


She washed two plates and he washed one. She was promoted and the head of the family lost his job. The desire to become the main, the best, the first in comparison with the chosen one greatly infringes upon the feelings of a man.

Another question is if the husband is sitting on the couch and is annoyed by his wife's attempts to live better. Only dialogue will help here.

Communication problems

For the first time, this problem can arise with the appearance of children, when a woman fully devotes herself to motherhood.

Each of the spouses has their own interests, and the partner cannot keep up the conversation. But it is worse if he does not want to listen or is indifferent to the words of the interlocutor.

Misunderstanding and resentment grow like a snowball. As a result, living together is comfortable, but there is nothing to talk about. And there is no desire to conduct a dialogue.

To maintain a relationship and trust in each other, show interest in your partner.
