Which Coffee Maker Is Better: Carob Or Drip, Geyser, Capsule, Pod, Reviews
Which Coffee Maker Is Better: Carob Or Drip, Geyser, Capsule, Pod, Reviews

Choosing a coffee maker: carob, drip, geyser, capsule or pod

coffee makers in the interior
coffee makers in the interior

There are a lot of coffee makers in home improvement stores. They differ in shape, color, additional functions. But the main difference between the two is the way the coffee is prepared. All coffee makers are divided into five types. Consider the pros and cons of each.


  • 1 rozhkovy coffee maker
  • 2 Drip coffee maker
  • 3 Geyser coffee maker
  • 4 Capsule
  • 5 Chaldovaya
  • 6 Which coffee maker to buy?

Bean coffee maker

The rozhkovy coffee maker runs on ground coffee. The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. The user pours the required amount of ground coffee into the cone, squeezing it into a tablet.
  2. Water is poured into another reservoir.
  3. After switching on the coffee maker, the water heats up and turns into steam.
  4. The device passes steam under high pressure through the horn of ground coffee.
  5. The steam passes through the ground coffee tablet, turning into a finished drink. It is immediately poured into mugs.

The main advantage of this approach is a very rich, bright taste. The rozhkovy coffee maker is capable of producing the strongest and thickest coffee. However, it also has a number of disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • bulky design;
  • expensive repair in case of breakdown.

All espresso machines can brew espresso. Some expensive models are also capable of preparing cappuccino and latte in automatic or semi-automatic mode. The rozhkovy coffee maker is sometimes also equipped with a built-in grinder. This allows you to achieve the best taste and aroma. But this technique is usually not cheap - from 15,000 rubles and more.

Bean coffee maker
Bean coffee maker

The cost of simple but reliable carob coffee makers starts from 4,000 rubles

Drip coffee maker

A drip coffee maker also turns water into steam for making coffee, but it does so at a different stage:

  1. The user pours the ground coffee into a special filter tank and water into the tank.
  2. The water from the tank heats up and rises as steam through the tube.
  3. The tube brings steam into a filter tank filled with ground coffee.
  4. The steam condenses and flows drop by drop through the coffee filter, absorbing the taste and aroma.
  5. After filtration, the finished drink enters the filling tank (very similar to a kettle).

A drip coffee maker is not capable of making such a strong and rich drink as a carob, but it is much cheaper. The price for an average device starts at 2,000 rubles. The main disadvantage of such a device is that it only knows how to cook American.

Drip coffee maker
Drip coffee maker

A drip coffee maker looks like a kettle

Geyser coffee maker

A geyser coffee maker is a simple and cheap way to make really strong coffee. The classic model (also called "baletti") does not require an electrical connection. To use it you need a stove:

  1. Water is poured into the lower container of the coffee maker, and ground coffee is poured into the tank in the middle.
  2. The user puts the coffee maker on the stove and turns on the hotplate over medium heat.
  3. Due to heating, the water will begin to rise upward, forming a kind of geyser.
  4. As it rises, the water passes through the coffee filter and is saturated with aroma and taste.
  5. The finished drink rises even higher into the filling tank.

Electric geyser coffee makers work on the same principle, only heating does not come from the stove, but from the network.

The geyser coffee maker has many advantages:

  • cheapness (cost starts from 800 rubles);
  • simplicity of design;
  • strong and aromatic drink;
  • minimal risk of breakage.

The main disadvantage is that the geyser coffee maker is designed only for a certain volume of the finished drink. Most baletti are capable of preparing exactly three coffee cups. This means that if you try to add three times less water and three times less coffee (to make one coffee cup), you end up with a poor-quality, watery drink. Therefore, it does not matter how much coffee you want to make - you will have to fill the geyser coffee maker strictly according to the instructions.

Geyser coffee maker
Geyser coffee maker

The classic geyser coffee maker has a faceted shape, but now you can find other models on the market.


To operate the capsule coffee maker, you will have to purchase capsules with ground coffee. The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. The capsule is inserted into a special slot, and water is poured into the reservoir.
  2. The coffee maker pierces the capsule.
  3. The water in the tank heats up to an average of 90 degrees.
  4. Water is injected and supplied under high pressure through a special tube.
  5. Pure water flows through the capsule of ground coffee like a filter.
  6. The finished drink is immediately poured into the cup.

The main plus is ease of use. The capsule coffee maker is easier to clean and makes coffee much faster than others.

The device itself costs an average of 5,000 rubles, but you need to regularly buy capsules for it. On average, consuming them is more expensive than buying regular ground or whole beans. For example, a pack of 16 capsules from Nespresso costs about 400 rubles. (This is not the most expensive brand yet.) It turns out that a mug of capsule coffee costs about 25 rubles.

Capsule coffee maker
Capsule coffee maker

The capsule coffee maker is perfect for those who do not have enough time or desire to regularly clean the device


Pod coffee makers work on the same principle as capsule coffee makers. However, they do not use capsules for work, but pods - special tablets made from compressed ground coffee. Manufacturers promise that this storage method allows you to better preserve flavor and richness. The shelf life of the tablets is 2 years. However, their cost is about one and a half to two times higher than that of capsules. For example, a pack of 18 pods from illy costs about 800 rubles. It turns out that the cost of one mug is 44 rubles. Moreover, pods are much more difficult to find in stores than capsules. And the range of varieties is much smaller.

The pod coffee makers themselves are more expensive than the capsule coffee makers. This is most likely due to the novelty of the technology. The average cost of a quality device starts at 7,000 rubles.

The main advantage of pod coffee makers over capsule coffee makers should be the quality of the resulting drink, however, due to the novelty of this device, it is still difficult to draw conclusions based on customer reviews

Coffee pods
Coffee pods

Coffee pods are stored in individual packages

Which coffee maker to buy?

Each of the types of coffee makers has its own undeniable advantages. Therefore, the choice depends on your personal requirements and wishes for the device:

  • A drip coffee maker is a good choice for those who do not make high demands on the quality and strength of coffee. Also, such a device is well suited for public use - for example, in offices;
  • a carob coffee maker is capable of delivering excellent coffee, therefore it is well suited for those who understand the quality of a drink and are ready to pay a relatively large amount for such a machine;
  • the geyser coffee maker is suitable for those coffee lovers who do not have the ability or desire to buy an expensive carob machine or make coffee in an authentic way, but there is a need for a fragrant drink;
  • the capsule coffee maker is a good choice if you don't want to spend a lot of time cleaning the machine. However, if you drink coffee often, then such a purchase may be unprofitable due to the high cost of capsules;
  • A pod coffee maker is not much different from a capsule coffee maker, however, coffee pods with coffee are not yet very common in Russia. Therefore, it is not recommended to purchase it - you may simply not find the desired variety on sale. The best use for pod coffee makers at the moment is in food service chains, not home use.

Any coffee maker can be a good helper. The main thing is to choose the device that suits your needs.
