Why A Headache Should Not Be Tolerated And How Dangerous It Is, Including For Pregnant Women
Why A Headache Should Not Be Tolerated And How Dangerous It Is, Including For Pregnant Women

Why can't you endure a headache

Strong headache
Strong headache

Headache (cephalalgia) is an uncomfortable sensation that signals a malfunction in the body. The reasons are not always harmless, so enduring pain is harmful.

Characteristic of headache

Headache happens:

  • short-term and long-term;
  • periodic or frequent;
  • mild, moderate, or severe;
  • widespread, localized.

The sensations with cephalalgia are varied - aching, throbbing, stabbing, squeezing, shooting, etc.

Common causes of headaches:

  • migraine;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • vegetative-vascular dysfunction;
  • anemia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • malnutrition;

    girl, plate with olives on the table, cutlery
    girl, plate with olives on the table, cutlery

    A sharp restriction on the amount of food and monocomponent diets lead to starvation of brain cells, which is accompanied by a headache

  • viral diseases;
  • eye diseases or improperly fitted lenses, glasses;
  • inflammation of the inner ear (otitis media) or sinuses (sinusitis);
  • stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • brain tumors;
  • poisoning, etc.
head, areas of pain, illness
head, areas of pain, illness

Localization of the headache may indicate its cause

Why it is harmful to endure a headache

Headache reduces performance, causing exhaustion of the nervous system and fatigue. To endure this phenomenon is harmful, not only because of discomfort. Intense and frequent cephalalgia leads to complications:

  • Against the background of spasm, a lot of adrenaline enters the bloodstream, which contributes to the paroxysmal activity of the brain (an increase in the amplitude of brain waves). The vessels are narrowed even more. Paroxysmal pain often leads to nosebleeds, vomiting, and loss of consciousness.

    girl with nausea and migraine
    girl with nausea and migraine

    With a severe headache, a single vomiting can be beneficial, since after it the cerebral vessels dilate and relief comes.

  • Pain in the head quickens the pulse and increases blood pressure. Along with the vessels of the brain and body, the heart is overloaded. There is a risk of myocardial infarction or intracranial stroke.
  • Regular cephalalgia leads to neurosis and depression. A person has a fear of another attack, self-doubt, sleep worsens.

It is dangerous to ignore a headache, as it signals serious pathologies. For example, if the head hurts at night, the development of a brain tumor is possible. Morning cephalalgia is a common sign of stroke.

signs of stroke
signs of stroke

If the listed signs join a severe headache, this is a sure indication that a person is developing a stroke.

Pregnant women cannot tolerate moderate to severe headaches. The latter leads to impaired blood circulation and worsens the emotional background of the expectant mother.

pregnant woman covers her face with her palms, doctor's hand
pregnant woman covers her face with her palms, doctor's hand

If the expectant mother often has a headache, regardless of the gestational age, she needs to consult a doctor for examination and prescribing safe treatment

Headache can be tolerated when it is moderate or extremely rare. For frequent attacks of cephalalgia, it is necessary to consult a neurologist who will find out the cause and select a treatment.
