Do I Need To Wash Nuts And Dried Fruits Before Eating
Do I Need To Wash Nuts And Dried Fruits Before Eating

Do I need to wash nuts and dried fruits before eating

Dried fruits and nuts
Dried fruits and nuts

Nuts and dried fruits are a valuable food product, so we try to include it in the diet of our family. After buying, many people have a question: do I need to wash them before eating?

Do I need to wash the nuts

All types of nuts must be washed before use. This primarily applies to products bought by weight. Moreover, it is necessary to wash not only the nuts in the shell, but also the peeled ones. The reasons for this are more than solid:

  • when collecting, some of the nuts are collected directly from the ground;

    Picking walnuts
    Picking walnuts

    Nuts that have lain on the ground for several days are unsuitable for storage, since they are highly likely to become infected with mold.

  • Drying in the open air is considered a natural way of drying nuts;

    Drying nuts
    Drying nuts

    Due to a long stay on the ground, the likelihood of the development of harmful microorganisms increases, and moisture can lead to damage to the fruit.

  • when transporting the product, non-sterile containers are most often used;
  • nuts are often treated with special chemicals to increase shelf life, to protect against food moths and other pests.

Only fried and salted nuts are not washed, since they have undergone not only a serious heat treatment, but also marinated before cooking in a salted lemon solution.

Roasted salted pistachios in a package
Roasted salted pistachios in a package

Producers inform that salted pistachios are packed in a protective atmosphere that preserves the beneficial properties and freshness of the product for a long time.

Our ancestors practiced soaking nuts before eating. This procedure improves the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients, allows you to get rid of phytic acid, which hinders the absorption of nuts.

Soaking nuts
Soaking nuts

Soaked nuts are much more nutritious, tastier and more juicy

Video: why you need to wash nuts

Do I need to wash dried fruits

Without additional processing with preservatives, dried fruits will have an unpresentable appearance and a short shelf life. Therefore, absolutely all dried fruits, regardless of whether you plan to cook compote from them, add to baked goods or just eat, must be washed before eating.

Dried apricots
Dried apricots

Sulphited dried apricots (treated with sulfur dioxide) - bright, beautiful, appetizing, and natural without sulfur - wrinkled and dark

First, it is recommended to soak dried fruits for 20-25 minutes in water at room temperature. This step allows not only to dissolve the sulfur dioxide used to treat the fruit after drying, but also to prevent the dehydration of the body (decrease in the amount of fluid) that can occur when consuming dry fruit. It is especially important to thoroughly rinse and pour boiling water over dried fruits that you plan to give to children.

If you prefer to purchase dried fruits in packaging, then pay attention to the following:

  • the matte color of dried fruits, the absence of foreign particles indicates that the manufacturer has washed the product and can be eaten immediately;
  • bright, shiny color of dried fruits indicates the presence of chemicals on the surface. Be sure to wash such a product.
Dried fruits in packaging
Dried fruits in packaging

Producers on packages with dried fruits should indicate whether they are ready to eat or if they need to be washed

So eat nuts and dried fruits for health, just wash them and do it right!
