How To Clean Suede Shoes At Home - Care Products For Shoes, Sneakers And Other Shoes Made Of Velor, Nubuck In Different Colors
How To Clean Suede Shoes At Home - Care Products For Shoes, Sneakers And Other Shoes Made Of Velor, Nubuck In Different Colors

How and how to properly clean nubuck, velor and suede shoes at home

Man in suede boots
Man in suede boots

Shoes made of nubuck, velor, as well as suede are very attractive and durable enough, although they are considered difficult to maintain. These materials are similar in appearance. However, there are significant differences in raw materials and technologies for their manufacture. What are the differences between materials? What care products are there and how can you clean your shoes at home?


  • 1 Suede, nubuck and velor: similarities and differences in care

    • 1.1 Properties of suede, nubuck and velor
    • 1.2 How to care for suede, nubuck and velor shoes after purchase
    • 1.3 Means and methods of cleaning shoes, boots and sneakers made of suede, nubuck and velor
    • 1.4 Table: assessment of different methods and means of care
  • 2 How to safely and effectively clean shoes from various contaminants

    • 2.1 Caring for velor shoes: how to get rid of dirt and stains
    • 2.2 How to remove stains and streaks from suede shoes

      • 2.2.1 Should I use “grandma's” recipes?
      • 2.2.2 Can suede be washed in a washing machine?
    • 2.3 How to properly care for nubuck shoes
    • 2.4 Video: properties of nubuck
    • 2.5 Video: which brushes are suitable for suede, velor and nubuck
    • 2.6 Video: caring for suede shoes

Suede, nubuck and velor: similarities and differences in care

Suede, velor and nubuck are brushed leather. These materials differ in the raw materials from which they are produced, and in the method of tanning.

Properties of suede, nubuck and velor

Velor - leather polished from the side of the bakhtarma (the lower surface of the leather). Velor shoes have a sophisticated appearance, a soft velvety surface, and at the same time are known for their imperfections against water and dirt.


Velor has a rough surface texture

Nubuck - leather, sanded from the front side. Nubuck is a chrome-tanned leather treated with an abrasive material. The result is the characteristic velvety nubuck surface. This treatment gives the leather strength and breathability. Nubuck is made from the skins of cattle.

Nubuck has undeniable advantages: light structure and strength. Nubuck retains heat well and is often used for the production of winter footwear. Boots made of this material are comfortable even in the most severe frosts. Since this is a "breathable" material, summer shoes can also be made of nubuck.

The disadvantages of nubuck include the complexity of care and moisture intolerance.

There is also nubuck oil. This is a material with a special grease impregnation that prevents wetting. It is not as velvety as usual, but it is more moisture resistant and durable.


Nubuck boots

Suede - leather from selected raw materials, produced by fat tanning of deer and small ruminants. When dressing suede, the top layer formed from dense fabric is removed from the skin. In the process of dressing, fats are introduced into the skin. The fat in suede binds chemically with the fibers, while in ordinary leather the fats are unbound. As a result of fat tanning (“suede”) the leather becomes soft and water resistant. Suede can be washed without deteriorating the properties of the leather.


Suede shoes

How to care for suede, nubuck and velor shoes after purchase

After purchasing shoes made of suede, velor or nubuck, you should not immediately leave the house wearing them. In order for the footwear to please with a good appearance for a long period, it should be protected from moisture and dirt.

After the purchase, without delay, it is necessary to carry out a three-fold impregnation with a special spray. Care products for suede, velor, nubuck are not cheap, but they are definitely necessary. Buy spray and other care products at the same time as the shoes themselves. It is better to choose a spray of well-known, proven brands. The impregnation provides reliable protection against dirt and moisture. Water and dirt do not enter the fiber structure, but roll off the surface of the shoe. It remains "breathable", its service life increases, and its appearance is preserved.

Spray for impregnating leather
Spray for impregnating leather

Spray for suede, nubuck and velor

Means and methods for cleaning shoes, boots and sneakers made of suede, nubuck and velor

Based on the properties of the leather, wet cleaning methods can only be applied to suede.

Dry cleaning from dirt is most suitable for rough leather. In this case, comfortable rubber brushes and hair brushes of different hardness are used.

It is important to use only high-quality and modern care products for suede, nubuck and velor. European trade brands have proven themselves well. Various sprays are available that restore the texture and color of rough skin.

Care products should be designed specifically for nubuck, suede and velor. In no case should you use cream and wax for smooth skin. This will lead to hopeless damage to the shoes.

Table: assessment of various methods and means of care

Suede Nubuck Velours
Wash + - -
The washing up + - -
Wet cleaning + - -
Dry cleaning + + +
Cream Only a cream suitable for suede is used Only a cream suitable for nubuck is used Only a cream suitable for velor is used
Wax - - -
Spray impregnation + + +
Rubber brush + + +
Classic brush with a moderately hard bristle + - +
Classic brush with soft bristles + + +
Eraser + + +

How to safely and effectively clean shoes from various contaminants

Velor shoe care: how to get rid of dirt and stains

Velor shoes can only be cleaned well dried. In this case, do not use heating devices. It is absolutely not permissible to dry such shoes on a radiator: the shoes will be hopelessly damaged. Drying suede, velor and nubuck shoes near heating devices has the most harmful effect on them. The skin becomes hard and cracks appear. Even special shoe dryers are undesirable. Drying should take place at room temperature. You can stuff your shoes with newspapers, while changing them to dry several times. But this method is long, you need to dry it for at least a day.

For the care of velor, there are special brushes consisting of several parts. The rubber part is used to clean the velor from dirt, and the part with metal bristles raises the pile. To avoid abrasion of the pile, brush should be done with gentle, gentle strokes.

Brush for cleaning velor and suede
Brush for cleaning velor and suede

Cleaning velor shoes with a special brush

If significant contamination appears on the shoes, a special cleaner spray should be used. Then you can hold the velor shoes over the steam for two or three minutes, and then brush them with a special brush to raise the pile.

Oil stains are removed with a special stain remover. There are recommendations to treat such stains with gasoline, but there is a great risk of ruining your shoes. Leather for the manufacture of shoes is used of different qualities and is made using different technologies. How she will react to the use of this or that remedy, it is better to check on a small inconspicuous area. You can sprinkle talcum powder on a greasy stain if the shoes are light, and after a few hours clean them with a stiff brush.

Damp stains appear on velor shoes. After drying, such shoes can be lightly rubbed with an eraser, and then cleaned with a rubber brush. An eraser, of course, is better to use not an ink eraser, but a special eraser for velor leather.


Eraser for suede, nubuck and velor

Special impregnation for velor shoes must be used not only for new, just purchased shoes, but also beyond. It is extremely important to carry out such treatment during periods when precipitation is possible. In this case, it is enough to apply one layer of spray. After spraying, the shoes should dry.

Velor shoes come in different colors.

Velor shoes
Velor shoes

Velor shoes can be of different colors

Over time, the color changes, fades. You can restore it with the help of spray paint, which is selected in accordance with the color of the shoe. The paint also has protective properties.

Spray paint
Spray paint

Paint for suede, nubuck and velor

How to remove stains and streaks from suede shoes

Everything that is typical for cleaning velor shoes: drying, removing stains, white streaks, restoring color - is also relevant for suede. After a walk, suede shoes should be well dried at room temperature and cleaned with a brush. As necessary, the water-repellent properties of the shoes should be maintained and the color refreshed with spray paint to mask abrasions and return the shoe to its original appearance.

Sometimes, if there is no professional cosmetics, you can clean the suede with a brush dipped in water with the addition of ammonia (5 parts of water and 1 part of ammonia).

Now manufacturers have learned to make artificial suede. It should be remembered that she is afraid of solvents and bleaching agents. It is recommended to clean artificial suede shoes with liquid soap.

Should I use “grandma's” recipes?

Experts do not recommend using “grandmother's” recipes when cleaning suede: refresh brown shoes with coffee grounds, black shoes with carbon paper or typewriter tape, etc. The fact is that tanning and leather processing technologies have changed significantly. This is no longer the suede from which shoes or boots were made at a time when these tips worked, and any organic matter like coffee grounds will only ruin the shoes. The stores now have a whole arsenal of modern means for cleaning, enhancing water-repellent properties, refreshing color, and removing stains.

Can suede be washed in a washing machine?

In the broadest sense, washing, of course, no. Suede - oil-tanned leather. Processing technology makes the fats bound to the fibers of the material. Therefore, suede endures a process close to the simple concept of washing.

For example, you can wash your shoes like this:

  1. Prepare a soapy solution, for which thoroughly dissolve powder for delicate fabrics in water. Make sure that there are no undissolved grains left.
  2. Wipe the dirty areas with a soft sponge dipped in soapy water. Make sure that the shoes do not get wet through.
  3. After the dirt is removed, proceed to "rinsing". Wipe your shoes with another sponge soaked in clean water.
  4. Wipe with a dry, absorbent cloth. Wipe the inside of the shoes and fill with paper.
  5. Leave shoes at room temperature in a well-ventilated area until dry.

It is hardly possible to use a machine for washing suede shoes. Although the choice is up to the owner of the shoe. Maybe you can wash moccasins, sandals or slippers on a delicate cycle at 30 degrees without spinning and drying. Usually only textile shoes are washed in the machine and only those that are allowed to be washed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

How to properly care for your nubuck shoes

All principles of care for rough skin apply to nubuck. Nubuck, like velor and suede, can be painted in different colors. Therefore, when fading, abrasion, it is necessary to select the appropriate spray paint and process the shoes.

It should be noted that nubuck-oil (oiled nubuck) is less demanding to care for. It is enough to clean such shoes with a soft brush and even wipe with a damp cloth.

Video: nubuck properties

Video: which brushes are suitable for suede, velor and nubuck

Video: caring for suede shoes

Complicated care of suede, velor or nubuck shoes stops consumers from buying them. But true connoisseurs of such shoes are not afraid of difficulties. After all, it is enough not to forget about the rules of care and use proven and high-quality shoe care products. Then beautiful shoes made from natural materials will serve for a long time and delight its owner.
