Pizza Dough Without Yeast On Kefir: A Recipe For The Oven, How To Make It Quickly And Easily
Pizza Dough Without Yeast On Kefir: A Recipe For The Oven, How To Make It Quickly And Easily

Kefir dough for pizza without yeast: tasty, fast and affordable

Dough for pizza on kefir without yeast
Dough for pizza on kefir without yeast

Kefir dough, prepared without yeast, does not provoke fermentation processes in the digestive system. Pizza made from this dough baked in the oven is thin and crispy.

Thick kefir dough

A feature of the presented recipe is the addition of mustard oil.

Mustard oil
Mustard oil

Mustard oil gives the dough plasticity and incredible flavor


  • 1 tbsp. kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 375 g flour;
  • 5 g of soda;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper;
  • 10 g sugar;
  • 50 ml of mustard oil.


  1. Mix warm kefir (35–38 ° С), spices and soda. Add egg and stir.

    Kefir with spices and egg
    Kefir with spices and egg

    Kefir can be heated in the microwave

  2. Sift flour.

    Sifting flour
    Sifting flour

    Sifting flour will add lightness and fluffiness to the dough.

  3. Add half in small portions to the egg-kefir mixture.

    Flour and egg-kefir mixture
    Flour and egg-kefir mixture

    You need to thoroughly mix the base for the dough, eliminating lumps

  4. Pour in oil.

    Mustard oil in kefir dough
    Mustard oil in kefir dough

    Stir the butter into the dough base with a whisk

  5. Pour in the remaining flour.

    Adding the leftover flour to the kefir dough base
    Adding the leftover flour to the kefir dough base

    The remaining flour must be mixed as thoroughly as possible into the base for the kefir dough

  6. Knead the dough.

    Kneading dough
    Kneading dough

    Try not to knead the kefir dough too much so that it does not lose its delicate texture.

  7. Divide the entire mass into three parts and give them a spherical shape.

    Kefir dough for pizza
    Kefir dough for pizza

    The prepared dough should be allowed to stand for 30 minutes.

  8. Roll each into a flat cake.

    Rolling out kefir pizza dough
    Rolling out kefir pizza dough

    Try to make the cake thin, no more than 1 cm thick

  9. Transfer the dough to a pizza tray.

    Kefir dough flatbread on a pizza tray
    Kefir dough flatbread on a pizza tray

    You can use a rolling pin to transfer the dough cake.

  10. Bake the cake for 10 minutes. Then cool (3-5 minutes) and add the filling. Then bake the pizza until tender.

    Pizza base
    Pizza base

    Pre-baking the kefir dough cake contributes to the fact that the cake gets lightness, and the filling is evenly baked

Video: miracle dough from Ulyana

Liquid dough with kefir

The presented express method will be especially appreciated by novice housewives. The dough according to this recipe is prepared no more than 7 minutes.


Provided that you prepared the filling in advance, a pizza on thin kefir dough can be prepared in half an hour


  • 1 tbsp. kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.


  1. Sift flour into a bowl.

    Sifting wheat flour
    Sifting wheat flour

    For sifting flour, it is convenient to use a fine sieve with a long handle

  2. Add warm kefir, eggs, baking soda, sugar and salt.

    Kneading liquid kefir dough
    Kneading liquid kefir dough

    Liquid kefir dough is kneaded very quickly and without lumps with a culinary whisk

  3. The consistency should be like a pancake.

    Demonstration of the consistency of kefir dough
    Demonstration of the consistency of kefir dough

    The dough should flow freely from the spoon, this indicates its readiness

  4. Pour the kefir dough into a pizza pan. Spread out the filling and bake the dish in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

    Spreading kefir batter over the pizza pan
    Spreading kefir batter over the pizza pan

    It is most convenient to spread the dough in a thin layer with a spoon.

Video: pizza "No hassle" on liquid kefir dough

I cook very often kefir pastries. Pizza is especially good. The main advantage of such recipes is the speed of preparation. Kneading the kefir dough takes only 5–7 minutes, spreading the filling on the cake - another 3–4 minutes. And the rest of the work is behind the oven. Making yeast dough requires much more time and effort.

Kefir pizza dough is extremely easy to prepare and does not require special culinary skills. In addition, the presented recipes allow rational use of the family budget, finding use for fermented milk products that have lost their freshness.
