Petersburg Cottage Cheese Pie With A Crispy Crust: A Step-by-step Recipe With Photos And Videos
Petersburg Cottage Cheese Pie With A Crispy Crust: A Step-by-step Recipe With Photos And Videos

Sweet classic: St. Petersburg curd pie with crispy crust

Petersburg curd pie
Petersburg curd pie

There is a version that we owe the invention of the Petersburg curd pie to one of the graduates of the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens. Indeed, this pastry is distinguished by its special sophistication, delicate taste and crispy crust. In this case, the ingredients are used the most common, no exotic. It is definitely worth baking such an unusual cake, spoiling your home with a pre-revolutionary delicacy.

Petersburg curd pie with a crispy crust: a recipe

The presented recipe requires some effort, but they are more than compensated for by the original taste and exquisite appearance of the baked goods. Try to use high-quality cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9% for the filling.

Products for dough preparation:

  • 125 g sugar;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 125 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 bag of baking powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g icing sugar;
  • 50 g almonds;
  • 1 tbsp. l. potato starch.

For sprinkling:

  • 75 g butter;
  • 75 g sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.


  1. Mix the softened butter with sugar and egg. Turn everything into a homogeneous mass and add sifted flour and baking powder. Add cocoa powder and quickly knead a tender shortbread dough. Cover it with plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour.

    Shortcrust pastry for St. Petersburg pie
    Shortcrust pastry for St. Petersburg pie

    Shortcrust pastry for a St. Petersburg pie should not stay at room temperature for a long time

  2. After the recommended time has passed, take out the dough and form a base for the cake out of it, using a snap-off mold.

    Pie base
    Pie base

    The springform pan is the ideal dish for baking St. Petersburg pie

  3. Beat the yolks, gradually adding the icing sugar to them.

    Powdered sugar yolks
    Powdered sugar yolks

    The yolks and powder should turn into a delicate cream

  4. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

    Cottage cheese
    Cottage cheese

    You need to take the freshest cottage cheese

  5. Beat whites until peaks.

    Whipped proteins
    Whipped proteins

    Whites whisk better if they are cold.

  6. Scald the almonds and peel them off. Punch the nuts in a blender.


    Unpeeled almonds will taste bitter in a pie

  7. Combine all the ingredients for the filling.

    Curd filling
    Curd filling

    The curd filling should be a delicate creamy mass

  8. Place the filling over the shortcrust pastry base. Top it up evenly with crumbs made from flour, butter, sugar and cocoa powder.

    Petersburg pie in the form
    Petersburg pie in the form

    The surface of the cake must be leveled with a spoon

  9. Bake the St. Petersburg curd pie in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 45-50 minutes.

    Ready St. Petersburg curd pie
    Ready St. Petersburg curd pie

    Ready St. Petersburg curd pie can only be removed from the mold when it has cooled down slightly

  10. The pie is very aromatic, tall and tender.

    Cutaway pie
    Cutaway pie

    The filling of the St. Petersburg pie is sweet, with a pronounced nutty taste, and the surface is crispy

Video: Petersburg pie with curd filling from Katerina Abat

I thought that I could no longer be surprised with cottage cheese pies, I baked so many of them in my life and, I will not hide, I ate. However, the Petersburg pie with curd filling amazed me. I tried it on a visit to a skilled mother-in-law and immediately wanted to cook it myself. It seems that the products are ordinary, but it turns out some kind of extraordinary cake. There are a few similarities with peat, but this one has a softer taste.

Delicate filling, delicate aroma and crispy crust - it is impossible to resist such baking! Petersburg pie is very tasty both cold and hot. And it doesn't matter who invented it - the young pupils of Smolny or an unknown housewife, whose creation was later overgrown with legends.
