Bengal Cat: Description Of The Breed, Character And Habits, Photos, How To Choose A Kitten, Reviews Of The Owners Of A Home Bengal
Bengal Cat: Description Of The Breed, Character And Habits, Photos, How To Choose A Kitten, Reviews Of The Owners Of A Home Bengal

Bengal cat: an exotic pet

bengal cat
bengal cat

Bengal cats are bright representatives of the feline family, whose unusual color attracts the minds of lovers of exotic pets. These small predators stand out not only for their elegant fur coat, but also for their affectionate character. However, not everyone can afford such a pet, because the cost of a kitten reaches several thousand dollars. The more the animal resembles a wild ancestor, the higher the cat is valued in the pet market. And the maintenance and care of a Bengal does not require compliance with strict rules, it is enough to take care of the pet like an ordinary house cat.


  • 1 Where does the Bengal breed originate?

    1.1 Video: Bengal cat, lecture about the breed

  • 2 Features of the appearance of Bengals

    • 2.1 Photo gallery: subspecies of color of Bengal cats
    • 2.2 Photo gallery: types of patterns on the wool of Bengal cats
  • 3 Habits of Bengal cats
  • 4 How long do Bengal cats live
  • 5 Choosing a Bengal kitten
  • 6 Features of the content of Bengals
  • 7 Questions of breeding Bengal cats
  • 8 Breed reviews

Where does the Bengal breed originate?

In the forests of India along the banks of the Bengal River, there are leopard cats of the species Felis Bengalensis. It was they who became the ancestors of the domestic Bengal breed. These predators differ in their small size and secretive behavior. Since olden times, wild Bengal leopards have been purchased from poachers by lovers of exotic animals. Until the predator was crossed with a domestic cat.

Wild bengal leopard
Wild bengal leopard

Leopard cats from India - ancestors of domestic Bengals

It all began with the fact that in 1963, American Jean Sajen (a psychologist interested in genetic experiments and issues of hybridization) accidentally crossed a wild leopard cat, purchased from a veterinary store, and a black domestic cat. They settled the animals in one cage just for the company, and after a while the kitty bore offspring. Although zoologists deny the possibility of interspecies crossing, the unplanned experiment succeeded. And the female who survived as a result gave new offspring - a black male and a spotted girl. It was not possible to save the first, and the female subsequently gave birth from her father. The litter included a black cat and a leopard-colored cat.

Bengal creator Jean Mill with a cat on his shoulder
Bengal creator Jean Mill with a cat on his shoulder

Jean Mill pioneered the development of the Bengal cat breed

However, due to the death of her husband, Mrs. Sajen was forced to give the animals to the nursery, where the kittens fell ill with pneumonia and died. The researcher returned to experiments with crossing Asian leopards and domestic cats after 14 years, being already Mrs. Mill (by the name of her new husband). The woman began to collaborate with scientists at the University of California, conducting research on panleukopenia (distemper) in felines. Jean Mill worked with Dr. William Centerwall until 1982. During this time, the foundation was laid for the Bengal breed, although all males were born sterile. Crossbreeding was carried out with brown shorthair cats. In 1983, the Bengal cat breed was registered in the International Organization TICA.

Since then, the history of the new species of the cat family has developed according to the following scenario:

  • 1988 - foundation of the International Bengal Society of TIBCS;
  • 1991 - official recognition of the Bengal breed, the opening of a champion class for representatives of the breed at exhibitions;
  • 1997 - the emergence of French and American Bengals in Moscow, the foundation of the "Cesarion" club.

The breed standard has not yet been recognized, but it has been allowed to participate in exhibitions according to the WCF system since 1991

Despite the love of breeders and ordinary people for such unusual cats with a bright spotted color, the Bengal breed is still considered rare, because new donors are not found as often as we would like.

Video: Bengal cat, lecture about the breed

Features of the appearance of Bengals

Since Bengals originate from wild leopards, domestic hybrids are also not small in size. These cats weigh on average from 5 (females) to 8 (males) kilograms, and the body length reaches 90 cm. The height at the withers of an adult cat is 27–33 cm.

Bengal cat lies with its paw dangling
Bengal cat lies with its paw dangling

Bengals are fairly large pets

The peculiarity of the breed is considered to be pronounced grace and flexibility, jumping ability and glitter color. The latter means a specific glow that appears on a fur coat when a cat gets into a lighted room or on a sun-drenched street. Not every animal has this sheen, so specimens with glitter are highly prized.

Other characteristic features of Bengals are:

  • wedge-like shape of the head, due to which the ears are located on top of the head;
  • a square chin that makes these cats look like tigers;
  • short ears with rounded tips;
  • The curved nose is larger and wider than that of regular domestic cats;
  • large pads with a mustache stand out next to the downy cheeks;
  • almond-shaped eyes are bright green or golden in color;
  • a strong neck with protruding muscles in proportion to the head and body;
  • the shape of the paws is round, the limbs are large and strong, and the hind ones are longer than the front ones;
  • medium-sized tail with spots or rings in color;
  • very soft and dense coat, short or medium in length;
  • the color is dominated by spots or stripes, evenly distributed throughout the body.

An interesting feature of the Bengal breed is considered to be a phasing inherited from wild ancestors, when, at the age of 2 months, kittens begin to grow with long grayish hairs. Because of this, the clarity of the spots is muted. But by the age of 4 months, such fluff disappears, and the animal becomes similar to adults.

In addition, in the process of breeding Bengals, several varieties of color were bred:

  • the original Leopard Brown Tabby;
  • silver Silver Tabby;
  • white, or snowy Snow Bengals;
  • gold with black or chocolate spots;
  • coal with well-defined spots;
  • Peach Seal Sepia Tabby;
  • Brown Spouted Tabby with blackout along the spine;
  • blue, the most rare.

Photo gallery: subspecies of color of Bengal cats

Bengal leopard print lies with his head turned
Bengal leopard print lies with his head turned
Bengals of classic leopard color are the most popular type of these cats.
Silver bengal on blue background
Silver bengal on blue background
Silver Bengal cats are very beautiful animals
White Bengal cat lies on its bed, looking up
White Bengal cat lies on its bed, looking up
Snow Bengal is a luxurious pet with a noble coloring
Peach colored bengal lies on a blue background
Peach colored bengal lies on a blue background
The delicate peach coloring of Bengals makes them a decoration for any home.
Golden Bengal with kittens
Golden Bengal with kittens
Golden Bengals - bright and memorable animals
Coal bengal looks back
Coal bengal looks back
The charcoal color gives the Bengal kitten a mysterious look
Kitten with color type Brown Spouted Tabby
Kitten with color type Brown Spouted Tabby
Bengals Brown Spouted have a clear dark line on their back.
Bengal with blue color lies on the floor
Bengal with blue color lies on the floor
Bengals with blue color - exclusive animals

And also distinguish between the types of patterns on the fur of Bengals:

  • marble - when spots on the body of an animal have different sizes and shapes;
  • spotted - here we are talking about rounded specks;
  • rosette - in this case, the cat can boast of a fur coat with both round and oval spots, and sometimes with frequent long stripes.

Photo gallery: types of patterns on the wool of Bengal cats

The marble type of drawing in a Bengal walking with a raised front leg
The marble type of drawing in a Bengal walking with a raised front leg
Marble spots on the body of Bengals sometimes take on very bizarre outlines.
Spotted Bengal sitting on a pouf
Spotted Bengal sitting on a pouf
Spotted Bengal seals look like common domestic cats
Rosette Bengal in the hands of the owners at the exhibition
Rosette Bengal in the hands of the owners at the exhibition
Rosette Bengals are recognizable by many lovers of exotic cat breeds.

The disadvantages of the breed, excluding participation in exhibitions, include:

  • the presence of vertical stripes on the fur coat;
  • in marble colors the presence of "bull's eye" - round spots;
  • Seal Sepia and Seal Mink have too dark markings in comparison with the main color of the pattern on the coat;
  • the presence of white spots on the chest, abdomen or neck.

Animals showing aggression, seeking to bite or attack are subject to disqualification. And according to external signs - with the absence of a pattern on the fur coat, without a tail, with six or more toes on the front, and with five or more on the hind legs.

Bengal cat habits

When choosing a Bengal kitten, you should pay attention to which generation the animal belongs to. After all, the first three tribes are distinguished by their wild and wayward character, and only cats from the fourth litter become socially adapted and affectionate pets.

Bengal cat growls
Bengal cat growls

Bengal cats become affectionate and tame only by the fourth generation

Other characteristic features of the behavior of Bengals are:

  • calm temperament;
  • playfulness and even hyperactivity until old age;
  • quick-wittedness and the ability to memorize all instructions on the fly, high intelligence;
  • sociability both in relation to people and other pets;
  • love of freedom and independence;
  • the desire to defend their territory even in the most aggressive way;
  • striving to maintain cleanliness;
  • affection for one family member, which is expressed in constant surveillance of the chosen person.

In addition, Bengal cats have an increased love of water treatments. Animals constantly tend to splash water, even when drinking.

They love these animals and height, often climbing on doors or backs of sofas. Indeed, from this position, it is easier to control the entrusted territory and the actions of households, as forest cats do.

From wild leopards to domestic descendants, an unusual voice similar to a dog barking has passed. In Bengals, you can hear rumbling, and clicking sounds, and growling.

Another quality that unites Bengal cats with dogs is the quick addiction to the harness and the need for regular walking.

At the same time, like a real cat, the Bengal deftly catches mice and other small rodents. But he prefers to celebrate the need not in a tray with filler or sand, but in water. Therefore, it is better to immediately teach your pet to the toilet.

Unlike ordinary cats, both males and females mark the territory of Bengals. Therefore, it is advisable to castrate and neuter the animals.

How long do Bengal cats live?

Animals of this breed are distinguished by good health and strong immunity. Therefore, they rarely get sick. The first representatives of the breed suffered only from disorders of the digestive system. This feature is still noted by breeders and owners of spotted cats.

Bengal kitten in the hands of veterinarians
Bengal kitten in the hands of veterinarians

A preventive examination will help to avoid health problems in a Bengal cat

Other diseases that Bengal seals are prone to are:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathism is a disease consisting in a thickening of one of the walls of the heart muscle. It is dangerous because it is asymptomatic and fatal. In order to diagnose the disease at an early stage, it is important to regularly do an ECG and an ultrasound of the heart for the cat. After that, you should be very careful to keep the animal and take care of it.
  • Flattened chest syndrome - the disease follows kittens and is a violation in the structure of the rib bones. Because of what the chest is compressed, and breathing becomes difficult. In severe cases, animals with this syndrome die in the first days of life. Otherwise, as the bones grow, they straighten and in the future, the ailment does not cause inconvenience to the cat. For kittens, special balanced nutrition and massage are prescribed.
  • Allergic reactions - occurring to drugs and anesthesia during surgery. The veterinarian is taking the necessary measures, injecting antihistamines, in order to exclude the irreversible development of the situation.

The breeding method also affects the pet's well-being. If the animal is obtained after repeated mating within the same genus, the kitten will have poor immunity, suffering from worms and other feline ailments.

In order to protect your pet from diseases, preventive measures should be taken:

  • choose the diet correctly, keeping an eye on the freshness and quality of the feed;
  • annually examine the cat at the veterinarian, preventing diseases in the early stages;
  • follow the vaccination schedule from the moment of purchase in the nursery;
  • eliminate parasites, monitoring the appearance of fleas and ticks in the Bengal;
  • be sure to sterilize, because outside the breeding program, the offspring will not give positive qualities and will be born with deviations.

If these requirements are met, the Bengal cat will participate in the life of the family for 12-15, or even 20 years.

Choosing a Bengal kitten

Having decided to buy a Bengal, you need to remember about the low prevalence of the breed. That requires the purchase of an animal only in a verified, certified nursery.

Bengal kitten stands with its tail raised
Bengal kitten stands with its tail raised

Bengal kitten should only be purchased from certified breeders

Since the true color appears in cats of this breed only by the fourth month of life, breeders do not sell animals before this time. And in little-known nurseries and from dubious sellers, you can buy a mongrel kitten under the guise of a Bengal with a similar color.

To prevent this from happening, you need to pay attention to the signs that distinguish the Bengal breed from others:

  • athletic physique;
  • instant response to the environment;
  • wide nose, and next to it - bulging pads with vibrissae;
  • large oval, almost round eyes, which makes the Bengal look like wild ancestors - night hunters;
  • short ears set on a wide base;
  • slightly curved profile with a thick low tail.

Well, the cost of real leopard cats fluctuates in the region of 30-40 thousand rubles

When choosing a pet, you need to pay attention to the temperament of the animal, whether it is playful and loyal to people. If aggression is shown, it is better to abandon the cat in favor of another animal.

You should also carefully examine the Bengal for cleanliness of eyes and ears, density and smoothness of the coat. The coat should shine, and there should be no swelling near the anus. The kitten must have a good, healthy appetite and a curious temperament.

In many catteries, pre-booking of kittens is practiced, so you can follow your favorite Bengal from the first days of life until the moment of purchase

Together with the cat, the newly-made owner will receive:

  • an agreement for the sale of an animal;
  • veterinary passport with information about vaccinations;
  • pedigree with information about ancestors and registration in the club;
  • suitable filler for the toilet;
  • food familiar to the baby;
  • parting words for the care of a kitten.

Features of the content of Bengals

First of all, you need to keep in mind that Bengal cats do not tolerate loneliness. And the best way to care for an animal is to have a pet near the Bengal.

Bengal kittens playing with a box
Bengal kittens playing with a box

Bengal cats are very lively and inquisitive guys

Other features of the content of these predators are called:

  • constant access to water, including running water (for this you can purchase a special fountain);
  • regular hygiene procedures - cleaning the ears and eyes with cotton swabs, combing the coat with a cat brush (especially during molting);
  • at the same time - rare bathing - no more than once every three months, so as not to spoil the structure of the coat and not dry out the delicate skin;
  • providing a large space for the cat to live and play;
  • regular walking in the fresh air;
  • weekly cutting of nails with a special nail clipper;
  • the installation of a pillar-shaped scratching post with high stability is also required.

Bengal cat owners also note the love of animals for window openings, so it is important to ensure the safety of such places in the house. The safest way is to put limiters on each window.

As for the toilet, it is important to remember about the predilection of domestic leopards for burying. Therefore, when choosing a tray, it is better to give preference to deep or closed models. As a filler, both regular sand and classic cat litter mixes are suitable. The volume of filling the tray is also important - the larger the mixture, the better for a clean pet.

You need to choose a place for the toilet in advance, and the best option would be a secluded and at the same time accessible area for the cat

If the animal refuses to go to the tray, there is no need to scold and punish the Bengal for this. Otherwise, the problem will only get worse. The reason for this behavior can be a disease of the genitourinary tract, and the smell of flavoring, which is used to process litters for cat litters.

Regarding the feeding regime, the following points should be noted:

  • adults are fed twice a day, adolescents (up to six months) three times, and kittens four;
  • the Bengal menu should consist of 60% meat food, 20% grain, and 20% vegetable;
  • finely chopped chicken scalded with boiling water is suitable for the first complementary feeding at the age of six weeks;
  • further, other types of meat, cereals and raw eggs are introduced into the diet;
  • adults need to eat well, and the food should be fresh and of high quality;
  • you should not give milk to cats, replacing the latter with yoghurts without additives and yogurt;
  • fish should be given rarely, so as not to provoke urolithiasis.

If the animal eats dry food, it is imperative to monitor the Bengal's constant access to water.

To maintain health, it is recommended to include in the cat's diet vitamin and mineral complexes with calcium and glucosamine.

In addition to milk, the following types of products are prohibited for Bengal cats:

  • chicken and fish bones;
  • pig, goose, ram and turkey meat;
  • sausages and canned products;
  • smoked and spicy dishes;
  • confectionery and sugar;
  • potatoes and legumes.

It is also important to monitor the temperature of the food, because too cold or hot food may compromise the integrity of the tooth enamel, and the animal may catch a cold or burn the mouth.

Breeding issues of Bengal cats

In the case of purchasing a kitten for home keeping, it is not recommended to breed this breed. Since when crossing, culling is possible with obtaining aggressive offspring with a violation of the color quality. Thus, with uncontrolled reproduction, the breed deteriorates and deteriorates.

Bengal cat feeds a litter of kittens
Bengal cat feeds a litter of kittens

Breeding Bengals should be supervised by professional breeders

Professional breeding is carried out in specialized nurseries. The latter take individual individuals from America, and then knit them with females of the same breed at the place of residence. Crossbreeding with other breeds is not allowed. Pregnancy lasts 65 days. There are three to four kittens in a litter. Sexual maturity occurs in cats at 9 months, and in cats - already at 6 or at least 10 months.

From this time on, both males and females begin to mark the boundaries of the territory. Why do animals mark furniture, curtains and other interior items? Therefore, pets are castrated, which also makes it possible to exclude anger during the mating period and the desire to walk out of need in every nook and cranny of the home. In addition, uncastrated domestic leopards may instinctively run away from home.

Castration is performed at the age of 5 months and is painless for Bengals. The operation is performed within 15 minutes under local or general anesthesia. In cats, an incision is made in the scrotum and the testicles are removed. No stitches are applied, but only the wound is treated with an antiseptic. In cats, the peritoneum is cut under general anesthesia and the uterus and ovaries are removed. After the operation, a blanket is put on the animal, which the veterinarian will remove after 10 days.

Reviews of the breed

The Bengal cat is the dream of many pet owners. An obstacle to the acquisition of an animal is not only the high price, but also the inability of the spotted purr to survive loneliness. Therefore, citizens who are always busy at work are not suitable for such cats as owners.

Bengal cat lies with its front legs extended
Bengal cat lies with its front legs extended

Bengal cats are not for busy people

In my opinion, this rule applies not only to Bengals, but also to all pets. And spotted cats, due to their character, endure long lonely hours harder than other animals. Even worse, due to the presence of wild ancestor genes, domestic leopards can become reclusive and embittered. What is dangerous if there are small children in the house.

In general, the breed stands out for its playfulness and affectionate disposition, for which it is appreciated. This is evidenced by the reviews of the owners:

Bengal cats are not cheap. After all, these domestic leopards are an expensive and valued breed among breeders and owners. Therefore, it is important to cherish and take care of such an exotic and vibrant pet. Bengal needs quality food, constant communication and conversation, open access to water resources and wide space for a fulfilling life.