How To Make Friends Of Two Cats Or Cats In The Same Apartment: Features Of The Coexistence Of Adult Animals And Kittens Of Different Or The Same Sex
How To Make Friends Of Two Cats Or Cats In The Same Apartment: Features Of The Coexistence Of Adult Animals And Kittens Of Different Or The Same Sex

How to make two cats or cats friends

Cats fight
Cats fight

Having a new pet in the house is not a joy for everyone. Often, old-timers take their neighbors with caution and apprehension, or even begin to hiss, attack and pursue. As a result, the beginner is cornered or rebuffed, which can be fraught with injury. In the future, fights are repeated, so family members have to remain vigilant and monitor the condition of their pets. Sometimes it comes to breaking up with one of the pets.


  • 1 Reasons why a second cat or cat may appear in the house

    • 1.1 Planned
    • 1.2 Unplanned
  • 2 Chances of friendship depending on the age and sex of the animals
  • 3 Rules for organizing life in the event that several cats live in the house
  • 4 How to behave to the owner when a new pet appears in the house
  • 5 What to do in case of a conflict between cats
  • 6 What not to do
  • 7 Expert advice
  • 8 Animal Owner Experience

Reasons why a second cat or cat may appear in the house

To make a forecast, you need to take into account what caused the appearance of a new pet in the house. The animal's reaction to what is happening depends on the background. The reasons can be conditionally divided into planned and unplanned.


A planned addition to the family is of course preferable, as the pet owner can start by gradually accustoming the animals to each other. In addition, the owner selects the most opportune moment to meet. For example, the early adolescence, when the kitten is not yet so actively engaged in capturing status in the hierarchical ladder, but at the same time is agreeable and playful enough to recognize a newcomer.

Kittens play
Kittens play

Cat games can be quite rude, so first you need to determine if the problem really exists: perhaps the animals are just playing, accompanying what is happening with excessive noise.

Most often, the second animal is acquired so that the first one is not bored. It is assumed that the old-timer will have a companion who will play with him while no one is home. In reality, this is an ambiguous decision. On the one hand, with a good set of circumstances, the animals will really make friends, their need for communication with humans will decrease. On the other hand, pets will be less susceptible to education, since they will be more busy with each other. In addition, it is not known whether the pet needs a companion. If the animal reacts to contact negatively or moderately, the kitten or an overly intrusive neighbor will annoy him. There is a need only if the pet really really needs communication, but the owners are not at home for a long time.

Cats sleep next to each other
Cats sleep next to each other

Joint sleep is one of the main criteria for a strong friendship, because during rest the animal is defenseless and can only trust its flock

Sometimes the second cat is given due to the fact that the first was not agreeable and gentle enough. Another option - the old-timer chose only one "his" person and communicates only with him. This is not the best combination of circumstances. The beginner may be undemanding or passive. If one cat has already recognized a leader in someone, then the second pet will do the same and will follow the same person. The only circumstance that can smooth the situation is the overly friendly nature of the beginner. However, it is impossible to be sure of this in advance. For example, my first cat until 2 years old was practically unsociable: at first she hid from us, and then she just showed with all her kind that she did not want to be stroked. After sterilization, the situation changed dramatically. Now she often comes up on her own and even becomes intrusive. But the second cat, as a child, had a positive attitude to affection, but now she does not go into her arms and prefers to spend most of her time alone.

A more acceptable option is to leave the kitten born in the house. Often the owners simply cannot give one of the babies. There will be no traditional spiritual relationship between a mother cat and her child, but the situation will be smoothed out by the fact that the pets will gently go through the dating period. Exceptions are possible if the pet has abandoned the babies. It should be borne in mind that problems may arise later, when the kitten grows up and begins to fight for a place in the pack.


In the case of unplanned reasons, the situation is complicated by the fact that the owner has to prepare for the appearance of the pet spontaneously. Sometimes this happens in parallel with the acquaintance of animals. The fuss created causes stress for both pets, so the likelihood of conflicts increases.

Cat with kittens
Cat with kittens

A cat who has recently had kittens categorically does not want to be friends with another cat or cat, since the latter can pose a threat to her offspring

Most often, an unplanned appearance of an animal in the house occurs if the owner picked up a kitten or an adult cat on the street. In the first case, the chance of success is higher, but the likelihood largely depends on other circumstances: the nature of the pets, the age of the old-timer, etc. Additionally, the new neighbor will have to be temporarily settled in a separate room due to the risk of infection of other animals with infections or parasites. The duration of the quarantine is 15–20 days. During this time, it is necessary to carry out deworming, vaccination, treatment against fleas and ticks and other preventive measures. Since the old-timer will smell the newcomer, the acquaintance will be more relaxed, but conflicts in the future are not excluded.

Deprive the cat
Deprive the cat

If any abnormal symptoms are found, the new cat should be examined at the clinic

Sometimes family replenishment is associated with overexposure of the animal. In this case, there is no strict need for contact between pets. On the contrary, it is better to leave the new companion in quarantine in a separate room, since the likelihood of the presence of infectious diseases and parasites is possible. Cats are very conservative, so the sudden appearance and disappearance of a rival or friend can be stressful. The need for acquaintance appears in the case of cramped conditions, prolonged overexposure or the disappearance of the previous owners. Then, depending on the circumstances, a veterinary treatment should be carried out and an attempt should be made to release a new neighbor.

Friendship odds based on age and gender of animals

The most tense relationship most often occurs between two adult cats. Instincts make them actively compete, which is fraught with fights, territorial marks, etc. The situation is aggravated if a cat lives in the neighborhood: males will fight for her attention even more fiercely. Whenever possible, this combination should be avoided, as cats may not befriend even when conditions are favorable.

Cats are fighting
Cats are fighting

Back ears, arched back, uterine growls are signs of true aggression due to a conflict of interests

Adult cats converge a little easier, but there is still no guaranteed chance. Females can also fight for territory and other resources: food, attention of the owner, entertainment, etc. Even a cat with a docile nature can sharply become aggressive when a rival appears, so it is advisable to avoid such situations.

An adult cat and a cat usually converge more easily, since the rivalry associated with the reproductive instinct disappears. However, animals must be neutered in order to exclude unwanted mating and deterioration in health due to empty streams, hunting and childbirth. The chance of success is reduced if the pets themselves are aggressive: then conflicts arise due to temperament.

Cat in a blanket
Cat in a blanket

After castration, pets lose the reproductive instinct, so they become calmer and more willing to accept newcomers

Adult cats most often easily get used to kittens, regardless of their gender. At first, the baby may be annoying with obsession and attempts to play, but if the old-timer has a personal shelter, everything will probably go fine. Later, the kitten will cease to be too playful, however, conflicts are possible on the basis of the distribution of hierarchical statuses. The situation is even simpler if the cat gave birth to babies and left one of them. Then the pet got used to the kitten in advance.

Adult cats do not agree well with small kittens, but in this case the chance of success is quite high. The gender of the baby is of great importance. A boy kitten can be perceived as a potential rival. Sometimes adult cats even kill babies to get rid of future "enemies". However, in most cases, there are no such intense conflicts. In the case of females, addiction is easier; no problems are observed until adolescence. Later, unplanned mating and conflicts are possible due to the hierarchical position.

Household rules in the event that several cats live in the house

It is necessary to organize the living space so that the animals have as few reasons for conflict as possible. First of all, this implies the presence of several playgrounds, houses or couches. It is advisable to prefer closed structures so that the pets feel safer and can rest easy. Poor sleep is stressful, so no one should disturb the pet in his house. This primarily applies to another pet. If one of the animals behaves too intrusively, you can offer a cage to the second cat or cat as a refuge.

Play complex for cats
Play complex for cats

The absence of extra holes in the house is welcomed, since this can provoke a second cat to play

There is nothing to worry about in a cage. Perhaps we can associate the rods with a prison, but for a cat this is a fortified spacious dwelling in which no one will touch it. Many cells are larger than playgrounds and houses. It is important to choose a product of such a size that the obsessive animal cannot reach its neighbor with its paw. You can put in a cage (of course, against the background of reasonable accustoming) either a beginner or a previously trained old-timer who is already used to it. Attempting to lock the first cat somewhere will be mistaken for territory restriction and status challenge. At best, it will simply cause negative associations; at worst, it will cause hostility.

Closed tray
Closed tray

If possible, trays should be closed, as cats can interfere with each other

Several bowls and trays should be provided for the animals. The latter must be 1 more than the number of pets. Otherwise, not only conflicts and hostile relationships may arise, but also problems with the toilet. Sometimes more trays are required. For example, my cats prefer to walk big and small in different places. In addition, not one will sit on someone else's tray. As a result, with 3 "toilets" one of the cats began to shit in the corner. Another was perceived as a territorial mark, so she began to do the same. The emerging conflict was resolved with the help of additional trays.

How to behave when a new pet appears in the house

Smell is of great importance to cats. If the move of a second animal is at the planning stage, you can ask the breeder or the previous owner for a toy or rag that will carry the beginner's scent. She should be allowed to sniff the old-timer. In case of an aggressive reaction, you can mix the smells: rub the toy or fabric on the scratching post or the bed of the first pet. This will psychologically make it easier for the newcomer to join the pack. A similar trick can be done if the second pet is in quarantine, but the likelihood of infection should be excluded.

On the first day, it is best to isolate the animals from each other. Close the new neighbor in a separate room. Many breeders advise installing a metal mesh so that pets can see each other, but this is not necessary. The editing process itself can be stressful for pets. Cats will smell each other anyway.

Cat bathes
Cat bathes

Some breeders advise bathing cats to make them smell more similar, but in reality this will only increase stress if the animals do not like water treatments.

After a few days, the door between the rooms can be opened. The adaptation period can be delayed if one of the animals shows aggression. In this case, before meeting, you need to wait until the pets calm down, even if it takes a long time. The cats themselves will go to each other. To prevent injury, you should trim their nails in advance. If necessary, animals should be able to hide in the house.

Later, to speed up adaptation, it is recommended to feed the animals at the same time from different bowls so that they can see each other. A calm reaction can be encouraged and given the same treats to pets. Joint games are allowed. Hunting brings animals closer and switches aggression, however, with an overreaction, conflicts are possible, so you should look for an individual approach and be careful.

What to do in case of a conflict between cats

Small skirmishes are permissible, since in this way animals sort things out and distribute hierarchical statuses. Sooner or later, cats will still do this through a fight, so it is better to let events take their course under the supervision of the owner. Hierarchical skirmishes rarely involve bloodshed and quickly end with an opponent fleeing. It is advisable to treat accidentally received small scratches so that they do not become infected, but in most cases there are no wounds.


Some breeders use a spray bottle with every act of aggression, but we advise against doing so as it will create negative associations and increase stress.

If the cats are overly aggressive, a spray bottle should be used in the event of a serious fight to separate the animals. It is not recommended to pull pets away from each other, because in the process they can attack the owner. In addition, stuck fangs will hurt when moving. After a clash, cats need to be seated in different rooms and quarantine repeated so that the animals have more time to get used to each other.

What not to do

It is strictly forbidden to close the old-timer in a separate room, even if he shows aggression. From the point of view of the cat, it looks like you are depriving her of territory. Of course, this will cause fair anger in the pet, followed by attempts to restore its status. This also includes ways of self-affirmation with the help of a beginner. In addition, the old-timers will experience stress, which will make them more aggressive.

It is not recommended to pay more attention to the new cat and feel sorry for her, even in the event of attacks. The old-timer will take it aggressively: from his point of view, the leader of the pack gives more resources to the one who is lower in status. This will also cause hierarchical conflicts.

Do not punish an aggressive cat with beatings or other similar methods. This will escalate the stress. As a result, the pet will become more nervous and will be forced to more actively defend its position in the pack. This is especially true of those cases when the owner of the animals is not their leader: then the cat will begin to attack the owner. At the same time, you should not talk affectionately with a growling and hissing cat. This will unwittingly reward unwanted behavior.

Events cannot be accelerated. There is no need to forcibly introduce cats to each other if they show no interest or are trying to hide. Let it happen as naturally and slowly as possible. Cats get to know each other not only visually, but also through smells.

Expert recommendations

Animal Owner Experience

A new pet in the house is not only a joy, but also a great responsibility. Before you leave the animal with you, you need to weigh the pros and cons, as well as assess your strength. If you are not sure that you can control aggression on both sides, it is better to temporarily refrain from action or enlist the support of a zoopsychologist.