Fosprenil For Cats And Cats: Instructions For Use In Kittens And Adult Animals, Contraindications And Side Effects, Price, Reviews
Fosprenil For Cats And Cats: Instructions For Use In Kittens And Adult Animals, Contraindications And Side Effects, Price, Reviews

The use of the drug Fosprenil in cats

cat prick
cat prick

The functioning of the immune system in cats is being actively studied by scientists today. Unfortunately, neither good care of the animal, nor the availability of vaccinations guarantee one hundred percent protection against virus attacks and the diseases they cause. A lot of veterinary drugs are produced, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system. One of these agents is the domestic immunostimulant for felines, Fosprenil. It is designed to help the feline body resist all kinds of viruses.


  • 1 Information about the composition of Phosprenil and the forms of its release
  • 2 How the drug works
  • 3 List of indications for use
  • 4 How Fosprenil is used

    • 4.1 Video: how to give a cat liquid medicine
    • 4.2 Features of intramuscular injection of Fosprenil to cats

      4.2.1 Video: how to give a cat an injection

  • 5 Information on Fosprenil treatment of kittens and cats in position
  • 6 Information on contraindications and side effects
  • 7 Information on interactions with other medicines
  • 8 How to store at home Fosprenil
  • 9 Information about the cost of the veterinary medicine and its analogues

    • 9.1 Table: List of Fosprenil analogues

      9.1.1 Photo gallery: analogues of Fosprenil

  • 10 Reviews

Information about the composition of Phosprenil and the forms of its release

Fosprenil (Russian manufacturer of Micro-plus JSC) is a medicine used to increase the defenses of the animal body, which is produced in the form of a liquid. It is transparent and has a yellowish tint. In the light, the liquid glows somewhat. It does not contain mechanical impurities.


Fosprenil is available in the form of a clear solution, sold in glass bottles of different capacities.

The active ingredient of this immunostimulant is a substance called polyprenol phosphate disodium salt. It is extracted from coniferous trees. The medication is additionally enriched with glycerin, ethanol, water, a stabilizer called "Twin-80".

In veterinary pharmacies, the drug is sold as a sterile solution in glass containers containing 10 and 50 milliliters. The vials are closed with rubber stoppers. Each is fixed with a metal cap. The carton contains up to 5 bottles of solution.

How the drug works

Fosprenil is an antiviral agent with immunomodulatory effects. It tends to regulate the factors of animal immunity. We are talking about the number of antibodies, the activity of phagocytes and others. It provides an increase in the potency of the immune response to vaccination. Helps to increase the effectiveness of complex therapy for numerous feline ailments.

This medication tends to improve the process of cellular metabolism. It is effective against paramyxoviruses, orthomyxoviruses, togaviruses, herpes viruses, coronaviruses and other genera. Fosprenil belongs to a number of low-hazard substances.

List of indications for use

Veterinarians prescribe the use of Fosprenil for diseases and painful conditions diagnosed in an animal:

  • panleukopenia;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • alcivirosis;
  • cases of feline flu;
  • herpes infections;
  • colitis and enteritis of an infectious nature;
  • peritonitis;
  • cases of food poisoning;
  • ailments with an unexplained etiology that affect the gastrointestinal tract.
the cat is sick
the cat is sick

Fosprenil is prescribed to an animal by a veterinarian if certain diseases are diagnosed in it, such as panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, feline flu and others.

How Fosprenil is used

The timeliness of Fosprenil therapy ensures good results. The sooner the owner of a sick cat turns to a veterinarian and starts treating his pet, the better.

For the treatment of diseases of viral etiology, a five-day (sometimes seven-day) course is prescribed, which provides for the daily use of the medication. For prophylactic purposes, it is applied every 3 days.

cat at the doctor
cat at the doctor

The veterinarian prescribes to the animal a course of therapy with Fosprenil and the dosage of the drug, taking into account the severity of the course of the disease

The maximum daily dose is:

  • for a kitten from 0.9 to 1.2 ml per 1 kg of body weight;
  • for an adult feline from 0.6 to 0.8 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

The size of a single dose for adults is 0.2 milliliters, for kittens - 0.3 milliliters.

In exceptional cases where the disease is severe in a cat, the veterinarian may prescribe a large daily dose. Phosprenil therapy is discontinued when the animal recovers.

The use of Fosprenil provides several ways of administering the medication to the cat. It happens:

  • injectable intramuscular;
  • injectable intravenous;
  • injectable subcutaneous;
  • oral administration;
  • drip, used when washing an animal's eyes and nose.

At home, the oral route of Fosprenil is more often used. It allows a two-fold increase in the dose of veterinary medicine administered to the animal (if necessary). Cats that cannot inject medicine into their mouths are preferred to use the injection method. Consultation with a veterinarian is required. He will advise on the type of injections to be given (intramuscular or subcutaneous). Only a specialist can inject the drug intravenously.

drops in mouth
drops in mouth

Treatment with Fosprenil is possible with oral medication

From my own experience, I know that giving an injection to a cat at home is not an easy task. This will require dexterity and a certain skill. When my beloved cat Boniface fell ill, the doctor prescribed him to inject the immunomodulating drug Fosprenil. I did not have the opportunity to often travel with my pet to the veterinary clinic for this procedure. Therefore, I learned how to administer the injections myself. To do this, I found information on the Internet and read a lot of special literature. You can also consult your veterinarian about this. The doctor will tell you in detail how to inject your cat. Personally, I find it easier to inject subcutaneously. To do this, you need to pull the cat's skin at the withers and carefully insert the needle. However, it is worth doing this with precautions. It is best to carry out the manipulation in special sterile gloves. The needle should enter the cat's skin between the owner's fingers. It is very important not to inject yourself during the procedure. Intramuscular injections are a little more difficult. In addition, it takes courage to do this. As for intravenous injections, I personally am convinced that without a medical education, you cannot give them to your pet. It is better to entrust this matter to a specialist from a veterinary clinic.

Video: how to give a cat liquid medicine

Features of intramuscular injection of Fosprenil to cats

The injection method of using Fosprenil ensures the rapidity of the obtained therapeutic effect. Subcutaneous injections are weaker than intravenous and intramuscular injections. The owners of a sick animal can independently carry out intramuscular administration of the drug to their pet.

prick cat
prick cat

Intramuscular injection of the drug is possible not only in the veterinary clinic, but also at home

Injection to the animal in the thigh area is carried out in compliance with the following sequence of actions:

  1. A sterile syringe is taken for manipulation. Medicine is being typed. At the same time, the standard rules for setting injections are observed.
  2. The cat is placed on a flat and stable surface, preferably hard. It could be a table. The animal is pressed against the table to immobilize. If the pet behaves nervously and breaks out of the hands, you will need the help of loved ones. One person will hold the animal, and the second will give him an injection.
  3. The injection is made into the posterior surface of the thigh, which is characterized by the greatest fleshiness. The needle is inserted at an acute angle. Perpendicular injection (from top to bottom) is prohibited.
  4. Do not inject into a tense muscle. The proposed injection site is pre-massaged. The foot should be bent.
  5. The manipulation is painful for the animal. The moment the needle is inserted into the muscle, the cat may begin to pull out. It is important that the foot is securely fixed, and the animal cannot pull it out of the owner's hands. The procedure is carried out calmly, without haste. It requires clear and precise movements.
  6. The needle is inserted to a depth of no more than 1 centimeter. Then the medication is introduced. It is important to avoid getting into the bone.
  7. When the solution is injected, the needle is removed. Then you can release the animal.
  8. With the prescribed course of intramuscular injections in the thigh area, the legs should be alternated. Injections in one and the same thigh are not given in a row.

Video: how to give a cat an injection

Information on Fosprenil treatment of kittens and cats in position

The veterinary drug Fosprenil is applicable to cats of all ages. It suits both a kitten and a feline that is carrying offspring. It is not common for the medication to have a negative effect on the fetus. It is also prescribed for lactating females. However, a specialist must prescribe it to the animal.

Information on contraindications and side effects

Fosprenil is contraindicated in cases of increased individual sensitivity of the animal to its components.

The appearance of side effects during treatment with this veterinary drug is possible in the form of:

  • a slight increase in the temperature index of the animal's body;
  • lethargy and fatigue;
  • general malaise;
  • changes in heart rate.

The appearance of such symptoms is rare. Side effects go away on their own in a short period of time. This is explained by the fact that the active ingredient of the drug is related to the substances contained in the cells of the animal.

Information on interactions with other medicines

Fosprenil is combined with antibiotic therapy. It can be combined with taking antihistamines, interferon and its inducers.

The simultaneous use of this medication with glucocorticosteroid agents (with Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone and others) should be avoided.

How to store Fosprenil at home

The veterinary medicine is stored in a cardboard box in a dry place where the sun's rays do not fall. It is stored at temperatures ranging from + 4 to + 26 ° C for two years from the date of issue. After the expiration date, Fosprenil is not used to treat cats.

Information on the cost of veterinary medicine and its analogues

Fosprenil is available at veterinary pharmacies without a prescription. On average, the cost of packaging their 5 bottles, each with a capacity of 10 milliliters, is 850 rubles.

veterinary medicine
veterinary medicine

You can buy Fosprenil in any veterinary pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Among the analogues of Phosprenil, you can see many veterinary drugs with immunomodulating properties. We are talking about Gamavit, Maksidin, Forvet and others.

Table: List of Fosprenil analogues

Veterinary medicine Manufacturer information Components Who is shown List of contraindications Information about the release form The cost
Gamavit Micro-plus company (Russia, Moscow) The active substances are presented in the form of a denatured emulsified placenta and sodium nucleinate in a saline solution that contains amino acids and vitamins. Prescribed in order to stimulate growth and development, with the preventive purpose of anemia, rickets and other ailments. Prescribed for stressful situations, exhaustion, dermatitis, hypovitaminosis, toxicosis in pregnant individuals Hypersensitivity to drug ingredients Injection solution in a glass bottle of 6, 10 and 100 ml From 150 rubles. for 10 ml
Maxidin Manufacturer "Micro-plus" (Russia, Moscow)

The main component is germanium bis (pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate) 1.5 mg or 4 mg.

Excipients include:

  • water for injection;
  • sodium chloride;
  • monoethanolamine

For therapy:

  • rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis
Intolerance to the components of the medication

Eye drops and intranasal in a container of 5 ml.

Injection solution in a bottle of 5 ml (5 pcs. In a pack)

From 60 rubles. for a bottle of eye drops

Producer "Agrovetzashchita"

(Russia, Sergiev Posad)

The active ingredient is Panavira.

Auxiliary: sodium chloride and injection water

Prescribed in the complex treatment of infectious diseases of the conjunctiva with the cornea Hypersensitivity to the constituent ingredients of the veterinary medicine

Injection solution in ampoules of 5 ml or vials of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ml.

10 ml eye drops

From 370 rub. per pack (3 bottles)

Photo gallery: analogues of Fosprenil

The most popular immunostimulating veterinary drug is Gamavit
Forvet is used in the complex treatment of infectious diseases of the conjunctiva with the cornea
Maxidine is used to treat rhinitis, conjunctivitis in cats


Treating feline infectious diseases is a responsible and serious business. If the animal is not properly treated, then it may die. Feline disease can also be transmitted to the owner. That is why, when the first signs of illness appear in a pet, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. You cannot postpone the visit to a specialist, especially when it comes to viral ailments that are developing rapidly.
