How To Remove Black Mold In The Bathroom
How To Remove Black Mold In The Bathroom

7 popular ways to get rid of black mold in your bathroom


The bathroom is a special place in the house, where we find comfort and cleanliness. Therefore, I want the room itself to always be in perfect order. The more unpleasant it is to find black mold on the walls. No one is immune from it - disputes surround us, and, getting into a favorable humid environment, they find a refuge for themselves. From this moment the war begins. Moreover, mold is a fairly skillful enemy, and to defeat it, an effective weapon is required.

Soda and vinegar solution

First, wash the moldy areas with a cleaning powder. Then sprinkle this place with plenty of baking soda, then quench the baking soda with vinegar. When the foam settles, rinse everything again with detergent.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree ester can cause allergies, so make sure you and your family are not allergic before the procedure.

As a powerful antiseptic, tea tree oil is good at suppressing the vital activity of the fungus.

Dissolve one tablespoon of ether with 2 cups of water, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray black mold habitats and leave overnight. Wipe the treated surface with a dry cloth in the morning.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is very good at fighting fungus. Its only drawback is its bleaching properties, so before starting work, check the effect on a small, inconspicuous area.

During processing, proceed as follows:

  1. Liberally soak a cloth with peroxide and wipe the walls in the affected area.
  2. If the fungus has settled on a horizontal plane, then you can simply pour peroxide there.
  3. Leave the room for one and a half to two hours until the product dries.
  4. Finally, wipe everything down with a dry cloth.


The ammonia should be diluted with water in equal proportions. Next, fill the spray bottle and treat problem areas. After a couple of hours, the ammonia from the surface must be washed off and wiped dry.

Repeat such procedures every few days for a month, then the black mold can be completely eradicated.

Chlorine-based laundry bleach

Chlorine bleaches like Whiteness have proven to be good weapons against wall fungus.

To achieve the best effect, you do not need to dilute such a product. Just apply it in any way to the surface and wait until everything is dry and the blackness lightens. Then clean the treated areas mechanically.

Since the bleach is quite corrosive, wear gloves and turn on the ventilation.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is used as a primer during finishing work, but in addition to its bonding properties, it prevents fungus from penetrating deep into the walls. You can buy it at any hardware or agricultural store.

It is also better to work with gloves. Add ten parts of water to one part of vitriol. It is better not to spray the solution, but to apply it with a brush. After a few hours, the vitriol must be washed off, and the surface must be wiped with a dry cloth.

Boric acid

Boric acid is completely safe for humans, it is convenient to use this tool regularly.

A ten-gram pack of acid requires a glass of warm water. To make the composition more effective, add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar and 10 grams of borax. Apply the solution to the stains with a sponge and leave on for 2-3 hours.

Repeat the procedure once a week until all mold is removed, and then once a month for prophylaxis.

Of course, there are chemicals on the market that are specifically designed to kill fungus on walls and bathrooms. Only they are quite expensive, contain toxic components and can cause allergies. Therefore, if there is a goal to save money and avoid health risks, then it is better to give preference to one of the safe folk methods for removing black mold.
