How To Get Rid Of The Smell Of Cat Urine On The Carpet At Home, How To Remove Stains, Remove Traces Of Marks, Remove Unpleasant Odors
How To Get Rid Of The Smell Of Cat Urine On The Carpet At Home, How To Remove Stains, Remove Traces Of Marks, Remove Unpleasant Odors

Fight the smell and stains of cat urine on the carpet - folk and commercial remedies

Cat on carpet
Cat on carpet

One of the reasons people refuse to have pets is the likelihood of encountering faeces and urine in the wrong place. A special problem can be the appearance of cat tracks on the carpet - the smell is sharp and unpleasant, but getting rid of it is extremely difficult. It will take a lot of effort so that such an oversight of a pet does not become an excuse to get rid of the soft floor covering.


  • 1 Cause of persistent foul odor in cat urine
  • 2 First steps to neutralize odor
  • 3 How to spot stubborn stains
  • 4 How and how to wash cat urine off the carpet
  • 5 Use of special tools

    • 5.1 Photo Gallery: Products for Removing Stains and Odor of Animal Urine
    • 5.2 Feedback on the use of carpet odor removers
  • 6 What You Should Not Clean Cat Urine Carpet With
  • 7 Professional dry cleaning
  • 8 Preventive Techniques: How to Avoid Incidents

Cause of persistent foul odor in cat urine

Every cat owner knows that an unnoticed puddle in the wrong place in time will become a real problem due to a sharp specific smell, which will be quite difficult to remove. The problem of a corrosive odor exists due to the composition of the stool. So, urea (the end product of the breakdown of proteins) and urochrome (yellow pigment) in the composition of urine dissolve well in water, therefore it is not difficult to remove them using water and detergents, and uric acid, which crystallizes upon drying, exudes an unpleasant odor for a long time … These crystals, appearing on the carpet, are not removed with the help of water, alcohol, conventional detergents, therefore they often remain on the coating, enhancing their aroma every time moisture gets on the site.

As a result, the scene of one pet's crime becomes a permanent problem area for the owner, who is limited to wiping and washing puddles on the carpet. To prevent this from happening, it is important to use agents that destroy uric acid - this is the only way the smell will not accumulate.

First steps to neutralize odor

In the struggle for the cleanliness of the carpet, the speed of the owner's reaction to the incident is of great importance. So, if a cat was noticed for a "crime", you need not rush to scold the animal, but save the carpet:

  1. The puddle needs to get wet, collecting all the moisture as much as possible - it is important that the urine does not spread. The easiest way to do this is with large quantities of paper napkins. You can also use a rag, but you cannot overdo it - you should not rub the carpet too much, soaking motions will be enough.
  2. In place of "peep" it is necessary to pour an absorbent into which the rest of the urine will be absorbed. The simplest example that can be found in every home is soda or salt.


    The place where there was a puddle on the carpet, you need to pour an absorbent, which is perfect for baking soda

  3. After a couple of hours, the absorbent must be collected with a vacuum cleaner, and the carpet itself must be treated with water and detergent and one of the methods of oxidative neutralization of uric acid must be applied, which will be described below.

It is not recommended to immediately wash the puddle with ordinary soapy water - this will only spread the components of urine over a larger surface and complicate the further fight against odor. A timely response will greatly simplify the process in the future, and, most likely, the problem of an unpleasant "sweetheart" in this place will no longer arise.

How to spot stubborn stains

It often happens that there is a smell, but it is not immediately clear where exactly it comes from and where the pet committed its crime. It is more difficult to deal with old stains, but it is quite possible, therefore the task of finding places of dried puddles on the carpet comes to the fore. The following actions will help with this:

  • observation. If there is a smell, the cat will come back to this place again and again to mark or pee there again. Therefore, it is worth carefully observing your pet - to which place he often returns, to which part of the carpet he carefully sniffs. This usually allows you to accurately identify the source of the unpleasant odor in the room;
  • inspection of the carpet. Old stains will work best on the wrong side, especially on long pile carpet. On the wrong side, the contours of dried puddles will flaunt, which will make it possible to clearly establish their localization for further processing;
  • the use of a Wood lamp is a device with ultraviolet long-wavelength glow. Using such a device, it will not be difficult to find a urine spot - it will be clearly delineated on the carpet with a blue glow.

    Label in ultraviolet glow
    Label in ultraviolet glow

    A cat's mark or a dried puddle will be clearly visible on the carpet in the ultraviolet glow

How and how to clean cat urine from carpet

There are several ways to wash cat urine from carpet, the choice of a specific one depends on the speed of detection of a puddle and the type of carpet. The main way to completely decompose uric acid is to act on it with aggressive oxidants or solvents - as a result of a chemical reaction, the crystals disintegrate and neutralize, therefore the unpleasant odor disappears. The most effective home remedies for cat tags are:

  • for a light carpet, the best solution would be citric acid (lemon juice), vinegar (as an oxidizing agent) or hydrogen peroxide (the simplest representative of peroxides, which is an excellent solvent). Any of the listed remedies will help to cope with an unpleasant odor or prevent it. Procedure:

    1. The selected product is diluted in clean water in a ratio of 1 to 3.
    2. Considering the potential danger of acid and peroxide for the color of the coating, it is better to start with a small test - apply a small amount of the product in an inconspicuous place and see if there is a negative reaction from the carpet.
    3. If the color reaction test passed without trouble, a washcloth is soaked in the resulting composition and the place marked by the animal is carefully treated.
    4. After the area is thoroughly worked out with a washcloth with clean water.
    5. The carpet should be dried, preferably outdoors, to minimize the risk of mold.
  • for a dark carpet, potassium permanganate or iodine will be the best solution (in extreme cases, you can try using vinegar). This option can be dangerous from the point of view of the specific color of the solutions, but potassium permanganate itself and iodine perfectly oxidize organic compounds, thereby destroying uric acid. Fight the traces of a feline crime consistently:

    1. Prepare a solution of iodine - 250 ml of water and 100 drops of the product.
    2. The resulting composition is soaked in the problem area for an hour.
    3. After the place of peeing is washed with clean water and the carpet is dried.
    4. If iodine does not help, then you should resort to using potassium permanganate. The crystals are diluted in water to obtain a dull pink color, and the problem area is washed.

      Potassium permanganate solution
      Potassium permanganate solution

      A weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate will help to cope with urine stains on the carpet.

  • a universal method for all types of coatings - glycerin (the simplest trihydric alcohol), which dissolves uric acid on any surfaces. The stain is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in the product, and then washed with clean water with the addition of a small amount of ammonia.

If the stain is already old and the uric acid has crystallized, the removal of the stain will be slightly different:

  1. Rub the carpet with a dry hard brush to remove the acid crystals from the surface as much as possible.
  2. The stain needs to be soaked using a thick paste of soda and clean water - the composition is applied to the carpet and vacuum cleaned after drying.
  3. Only after that you can proceed to surface treatment using one of the methods described.

Use of special tools

There are special products for removing pet urine stains from different surfaces. They can be based on oxidants and alkalis, which work well at the very source of the problem. But special enzymatic cleaners are especially effective in the fight against uric acid on carpets as a source of unpleasant odor - these are compounds with biological enzymes that break down the fetid component of animal urine and get rid of the unpleasant odor. On store shelves you can find:

  • OdorGone Animal is a product for removing animal odors indoors and on surfaces, it contains a complex of 37 plant extracts (the decoding of which is not indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer) and a water base. It is produced in the form of a concentrated spray of 200, 500 ml and in large containers of 3.8 and 5 liters. The product has antibacterial (destroys microorganisms) and bacteriostatic (prevents the growth of bacteria) action and destroys odor by neutralizing it with plant elements. To obtain the result, the spray must be sprayed onto the surface of the carpet in the place of the puddle and covered with a film. After 8-12 hours, you need to check the result and, if necessary, repeat the treatment. The cost of a 500 ml bottle is 650 rubles;
  • Zoo Clean Zoosan is a disinfectant detergent, available in 500 ml spray bottles and 1 liter bottles. The average cost of the spray is 350 rubles. The spray is applied directly to the damaged carpet, and the concentrate, which is produced in bottles, is preliminarily diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 9. The treated area is wiped with a sponge and then washed off with clean water. Consisting of:

    • anionic surfactants for foam formation and quality cleansing;
    • special additives and food fragrance to eliminate odor;
    • antiseptic component of biopag to provide an antibacterial effect.;
  • Urine Off Cat & Kitten - a remedy for removing stains and urine odor in a 200 ml bottle (price - 200 r) and 463 ml. The product contains bioenzymes that destroy uric acid crystals and remove other components of the pet's urine from the surface. Other components of the product were not disclosed, as they are trade secrets. For the treatment of fresh stains, the manufacturer recommends removing excess moisture with a paper towel, spray the composition on the stain and leave it to dry completely, then remove the residue with a damp washcloth. Old stains on carpets will require a longer exposure to the composition, therefore, so that it does not dry out quickly, a film is placed on the treated area under the carpet in place of the stain;
  • Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover removes odors and stains from cats and other animals. Available in bottles of 945 ml and in the form of a spray of 709 ml (average price is about 600 r). The composition contains natural bioenzymes that destroy the constituent elements of animal urine, oxygen activators and citrus flavor. To remove unpleasant odors from the carpet, you must:

    1. Blot a fresh puddle with a napkin, removing the remaining liquid.
    2. Apply the product with a spray.
    3. After 5 minutes, remove the residue with a dry cloth and leave to dry completely.
    4. To remove stubborn stains, the carpet is cleaned with a stiff brush and left on the surface for an hour.
  • Bio-GM is a means for removing urine odors due to the biological enzymatic decomposition of its components (it contains exclusively fruit and vegetable extracts with enzymes and microorganisms that feed on the waste products of animals and humans). The product additionally disinfects the treated surface. Before use, the bottle is shaken and sprayed into a place that exudes an unpleasant odor. After half an hour, the area is wiped with a clean cloth and, if necessary, the procedure is repeated. The product is produced in containers of 0.5 liters, costing 150 rubles;
  • Brovadez-Plus is a disinfecting veterinary drug in the form of a clear liquid with a blue tint. It contains a composition of ammonium compounds (dimethyldialkylammonium chloride, didecyldimethylammonium chloride and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), which neutralizes uric acid, and auxiliary components that form foam and provide surface cleaning. The product destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi, as well as an unpleasant odor, therefore it can be used to treat carpets from traces of cat urine, although its main purpose is processing milking equipment, pre-incubation processing of eggs, aseptic cleaning of slaughterhouses and meat processing workshops. It is produced in bottles of 10.25, 50 and 100 ml and bottles of 0.5 and 1 liter, the cost of a container of 50 ml is about 50 rubles. For use, the product is diluted in water (1 ml per 1 liter of liquid) and the damaged area of the carpet is treated. It is important not to mix the product with soap and detergents.

In addition to specialized formulations, you can also use high-quality carpet cleaning products such as Vanish. A special shampoo is whipped into a dense foam, which is applied to the floor covering, eliminating unpleasant odors and dirt.

Photo gallery: products for removing stains and odor of animal urine

Odorgone animal
Odorgone animal
OdorGone Animal is an animal odor remover based on a complex of plant extracts
Zoo Clean Zoosan
Zoo Clean Zoosan
Zoosan is a detergent that allows you not only to remove urine stains, but also to disinfect the surface and remove an unpleasant odor
Urine off cat & kitten
Urine off cat & kitten
Urine Off Cat & Kitten is a bioenzyme-based product that breaks down the components of cat urine and allows you to completely eliminate unpleasant odors
Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover
Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover
Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover Animal Odor Remover is based on natural bioenzymes and has a light citrus scent
Bio-GM is an inexpensive urine odor remover that disinfects the treated surface
Veterinary drug Brovadez-Plus effectively cleans the surface of the carpet from stains and removes even the strong smell of urine

Reviews on the use of carpet odor removers

What you shouldn't do to clean your carpet from cat urine

When faced with cat urine on carpet, some pet owners resort to using whatever is on hand to save the carpet. However, it should be understood that not all means are effective, let alone safe for the carpet:

  • washing powder. The foam from the washing powder will help remove urine, but it will not rid the surface of uric acid, so the smell after drying will not go anywhere. In addition, it is extremely difficult to wash the powder from the carpet, and its remains will attract dirt, highlighting the pet's crime scene;
  • white. Although it is an inexpensive and effective disinfectant, its use on carpet cleaning is not justified. First, active chlorine can spoil the color of the coating, leaving behind white spots. Secondly, aggressive fumes can be dangerous to pets and humans. Third, chlorine can increase odor.

Professional dry cleaning

If the smell cannot be removed on your own, and incidents occur frequently, then the best solution would be to have the carpet dry-cleaned or call specialists at home. Professionals work according to the following algorithm:

  1. Inspect the carpet, determine the type of material and the nature of the pollution.
  2. Carpet cleaning products are selected.
  3. They are processed either by a dry foam method, or they are washed (the second is not carried out at home). In the first case, a special foam is applied to the floor, and then the carpet is processed with brushes or a vacuum device. Washing will only be necessary in case of heavy dirt.
  4. The coating is treated with either a disinfectant or a special bactericidal lamp with ionization radiation.
A man cleans a carpet
A man cleans a carpet

Dry cleaning carpet at home is a guaranteed way to get rid of urine stain and uric acid odor

The cost of such a service depends on the type of carpet and its size, but usually the price starts from 200 rubles per sq. m. coverage. A big plus of going to dry cleaning will be a guaranteed result, since the process will use special cleaning compounds, most of which are not sold for household use.

Preventive methods: how to avoid incidents

To minimize the risks of encountering a puddle on the carpet, you need to monitor your pet, paying attention to the following aspects:

  • health status. The animal needs to be examined on time when disturbing symptoms appear, because it is likely that the cat does not piss on the carpet on purpose, but simply does not have the opportunity to reach the tray, suffering, for example, from cystitis;
  • stable emotional state of the animal. If the animal is shy, do not force it to come into contact with a large number of guests who come into the house or other animals. If the pet is scared or nervous, then it may well react with a puddle in the wrong place;
  • sexual calmness. If there are no plans to breed kittens, then it is better to castrate the animal immediately - this will help to avoid the appearance of odorous marks in the house;
  • comfortable place for the tray. So that the animal does not ignore its pot, it must be comfortable, located in a quiet place, not on the aisle.

A puddle of cat urine on the carpet is definitely an unpleasant event, but in such a situation, the main thing is not to get lost. The faster the owner reacts to incidents and removes everything, the less unpleasant consequences in the form of smell will be in the future. If the aroma does appear, then you can fight it with both folk and purchased means.
