Cheese Cakes In 15 Minutes - The Best Recipes
Cheese Cakes In 15 Minutes - The Best Recipes

Fast and hassle-free: cheesecakes in 15 minutes

cheese cakes in 15 minutes
cheese cakes in 15 minutes

Flatbread is an ancient food that came to us from Central Asia. This is a hearty and simple dish that is easy to make at home. The most delicious tortillas are made from cheese dough. Juicy or crunchy, with or without filling - no one will refuse such a treat!

Cheese cakes on kefir in 15 minutes

According to this recipe, cheese cakes are very tender and crispy. The boiled sausage filling makes them even tastier. And to reduce the total calorie content of the dish, fry the cakes in a dry frying pan without oil.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 200 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 200 g of boiled sausage.


  1. Add soda to kefir and mix. Introduce eggs. Beat the mixture with a whisk.

    Kefir and eggs
    Kefir and eggs

    Eggs with a bright yolk will make baked goods more appetizing

  2. Add flour, salt and mix.

    Adding flour to the egg-kefir mixture
    Adding flour to the egg-kefir mixture

    Flour should be sieved

  3. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Add it to the dough and knead thoroughly.


    Cheese cannot be substituted for a cheese product

  4. Grind the sausage with a grater.


    It is better to take low-fat sausage

  5. Divide the dough into four parts. Roll out cakes from each.


    To prevent the rolling pin from sticking to the dough, grease it with vegetable oil

  6. Place 1/4 of the filling in the middle and pinch the edges. Roll out again.

    Preparation for flat cake
    Preparation for flat cake

    When rolling out the cake, make sure that the dough does not break.

  7. Fry the cakes in a hot frying pan without oil on both sides.

    Flatbread in a frying pan
    Flatbread in a frying pan

    On each side, the cake needs to be fried for 5-7 minutes

  8. Serve hot cakes with sausage.

    Prepared cheese cakes with sausage
    Prepared cheese cakes with sausage

    Ready-made cheese cakes with sausage are delicious with soup

Cheese cakes with sour cream in the oven

These cakes with cheese are very easy to prepare. They have no filling, but they taste great. After baking in the oven, the cakes become mega-crispy and crispy.


  • 150 g sour cream;
  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil to grease the baking sheet.


  1. Grate the cheese.

    Grated cheese
    Grated cheese

    For cheese cakes in the oven, plain hard cheese without additives works well

  2. Mix sour cream with baking soda and salt. Stir and add flour. Knead a tender dough.

    Sour cream with flour
    Sour cream with flour

    It is convenient to knead sour cream dough with a fork

  3. Add grated cheese to the dough and knead with your hands. Roll a ball out of it.

    Cheese dough
    Cheese dough

    Cheese dough is suitable not only for cakes, it can be used to bake cookies

  4. Then roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut the cakes out of it.

    Formed cakes
    Formed cakes

    A regular plate for main courses is suitable as a stencil for cakes.

  5. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Spread out the cakes and bake them for 10 minutes at a temperature of 220 ° C.

    Ready cheese cakes
    Ready cheese cakes

    Ready-made cheese cakes can be served instead of bread

Airy cheese mini cakes

The fluffy mini cakes will be especially appreciated by children. It is appropriate to serve them on a festive table as an appetizer or as an addition to first courses.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • some black pepper to taste.


  1. Beat the egg whites.

    Egg whites
    Egg whites

    Whisk the proteins with a whisk, or use a mixer

  2. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

    Cheese, grated
    Cheese, grated

    Finely chopped cheese will make baked goods airier

  3. Mix grated cheese with yolks and flour. Add salt and pepper. Then add the whipped egg whites and turn everything into a homogeneous mass.

    Kneading the dough
    Kneading the dough

    Knead the dough until smooth

  4. Roll the resulting dough into a layer 1.5–2 cm thick. Cut out small cakes from it and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Brush with melted butter.

    Mini cakes on a baking sheet
    Mini cakes on a baking sheet

    It is convenient to cut flat cakes with a mug or glass

  5. Bake mini-cakes for 7 minutes at 220-240 ° С.

    Cheese mini cakes
    Cheese mini cakes

    Cheese mini-cakes are airy, fragrant and crispy

Video: curdled cheese cakes from Svetlana Chernova

I bake cheese cakes both on weekdays and on holidays. With filling it goes well for breakfast on weekends, and without it as a substitute for bread. As a filling, I use sausage, ham, a mixture of grated boiled eggs with cheese and herbs. Children love unfilled cheesecakes to crunch. It is very tasty to add corn flour instead of wheat flour, so the cakes are even more crunchy.

The advantage of the presented recipes is that such cheese cakes are prepared in no more than 15 minutes. This is a great option for a hot, hearty breakfast or to complement a vegetable salad. You can also take cheese cakes with you on the road or for a picnic.
