Nicknames That Infuriate Men: How Not To Call Loved Ones
Nicknames That Infuriate Men: How Not To Call Loved Ones

How to call a guy so that he ran away from you: nicknames that infuriate men

Couple by the river
Couple by the river

Of course, all people are different. Surely, somewhere in the world there is a man who only dreams of being called one of these hated nicknames. But most guys don't really like some of the names (and variations of them) that their girlfriends come up with.

Affectionate forms of the name

There is nothing wrong with diminutive suffixes. Call your beloved Sasha, Andryusha, Zhenya in private, and he will surely melt, feel your tenderness and love. But trouble comes when there are too many of these suffixes … And now "Sasha" turns into "Sashulechka" or "Sashusik", and in neglected cases, in some difficult to pronounce "Sashulechenka" (try to guess where the accent should be here). However, not only guys but also girls do not tolerate such an attitude with their own name. So temper your ardor and limit yourself to one diminutive-affectionate suffix - or you can completely abandon them. The short forms of Russian names already sound quite affectionate.

Especially annoying are such distorted names in combination with "my" - "my Boryusik", "my Sashusik" … If you want to discourage a man from yourself, try to call him that in the presence of his friends or colleagues. A very efficient way.

Shushukai with complexes

If your lover suffers from any complexes, in no case should you base your nickname on them. For example, to call a fat guy (who is clearly dissatisfied with his overweight) "my fat man", and a short one "baby" or "inch" is simply offensive and uncivilized. Such nicknames make a person even less self-confident, so you shouldn't flirt with such things. This, incidentally, also applies to girls.


It is unlikely that you would like it if your beloved person noticed your weakness and began to call you by it.


Seals, bunnies, bears and other banal "animals" nicknames are sincerely hated by the absolute majority of men. First, it is unoriginal. Surely one of the former girls already called him a cat. Secondly, this implicitly indicates the infantilism of the woman herself, and many men would like to see an adult next to them. Thirdly, it can not weakly hit male pride (especially if your lover likes to demonstrate strength, dominant behavior, power and other such things). So leave these nicknames for the kid. Well, or for a very infantile guy - he will surely like it.

What tone should not be said

Even the most harmless nickname can be made unbearable if you speak it in a deliberately squeaky and thin voice. Yes, many guys like it when a girl has a high and gentle voice. The key word is gentle. If the beloved begins to constantly talk in a too high, piercing voice, pull the vowels and imitate the child's dialect in every possible way, then soon the young man will look for any reason not to talk to her. An excellent example of such a pronunciation was shown in the animated series "Daria" - a classmate of the main character named Brittany distinguished himself. Listen to how it sounds from the outside - hardly as cute as you would like.

Video: example from the series "Daria"

How to tell if a man doesn't like a nickname

Despite all the displeasure from the nickname, your lover can stubbornly remain silent about it and get angry, without giving explicit verbal signs. A direct question usually does not produce the desired result. How do you know if he doesn't like your nickname? There are several signs:

  • he does not call you in the same spirit. If your lover is a cat, a bunny, a darling, and you remain Lena or Nastya in his mouth (without affectionate modifications), then he is hardly delighted with his nickname;
  • his mood changes dramatically after you say the nickname. And not for the better;
  • if you call him an affectionate nickname in the company of his friends, he will be very uncomfortable. If you have not yet had such a precedent, you should not check it specifically.

All of the above is not the ultimate truth that applies to every man on Earth. Find out the preferences of your loved one, find nicknames that both of you like. Just keep in mind that statistically, he is unlikely to be happy with "kisik" or "zae"
