"Bad Apartment" From Which It Is Better To Move Out
"Bad Apartment" From Which It Is Better To Move Out

8 signs of a "bad apartment" from which it is better to move out


It is pleasant to be in some apartments - a person feels calm and comfortable. In others, you can feel discomfort - only after crossing the threshold of the house, you want to leave it. It is not immediately possible to determine the negative in the apartment. To determine a home that will be uncomfortable and uncomfortable, it is worth paying attention to some aspects.

Flowers fade all the time


An alarming sign indicating negative energy in the home will be problems with flower cultivation. Plants may not take root, die quickly, or stop developing. Indoor flowers need positive energy for harmonious growth.

It's hard to find your things

If things constantly disappear, although their owner remembers where he left them, this is evidence of the presence of evil spirits in the room. Sometimes in this way the brownie shows that he is dissatisfied with the owners. In any case, if such phenomena are detected, urgent action must be taken.

Bad smell for no reason

In some houses, they constantly clean, wash, clean all surfaces, but there is still an unpleasant odor in the home. The reason for this may be natural problems with the sewage system, garbage chute or other communications.

If their examination did not bring a tangible result, one can suspect that not everything is going well with the apartment. It will be unpleasant for the inhabitants to be in the house. They will strive to leave their home for any, even the most trivial reason. The way out of the situation will be the invitation of a priest or psychics, as well as a change of place of residence.

Animals often get sick


Pets often take all the energy hits on themselves. They will protect their masters in any way they can. If there are murders, suicides, or other crimes in the house, pets will see strange inhabitants of the house. Sometimes they inflict energy shocks on animals, which often become the cause of various diseases in pets. When animals suddenly start to get sick often, it is worth taking a closer look at your home.

Products deteriorate quickly


The negative energy at home can have an impact on food as well. They will deteriorate much faster than in other homes. Milk can turn sour almost the next day, fruits quickly begin to rot, and various insects start in chocolate and cereals. These warning signs will be a clear indication of the presence of negative energy in the house.

Ants appeared

Ants, cockroaches and bedbugs love to settle in places with negative energy. When there are suddenly a lot of such "neighbors", it makes sense to think about spoiling. As soon as the source of negativity is neutralized, the insects themselves will leave in an unknown direction.

Sounds from an empty room

Many people often hear incomprehensible noises or footsteps in their home, even when everyone is absent. This indicates the presence of "guests" from the other world in the house.

Often people who did not die of their own death return in the form of a ghost to their home. Often the goal is not to scare the people living there, but sometimes it happens. The ghost can set itself the goal of getting strangers out of the house.

If such a situation arises, it is better to change the apartment. In some cases, a visit from a priest or people with a magicalt helps. The first will try to drive out the uninvited guest, and the second will try to come to an agreement with the ghost.

Daily scandals over trifles


In a house with negative energy, scandals constantly occur in families, even if earlier all relatives lived together. If people began to notice that quarrels happen from scratch, it is worthwhile to carry out energy cleaning of the room.

This can be accomplished with a church candle and prayers. To clear the space, it is necessary to go around the whole house with a lit candle counterclockwise, reading prayers. Salt placed in the corners of the dwelling will also help. She will absorb all the negative. The salt is changed once a week. The used product is taken to a wasteland and thrown away.

You should not dispose of waste salt in places where people walk, otherwise a passing person may pick up trouble. Fumigation of the room with herbs will also show positive dynamics in cleansing the space. For these purposes, wormwood, St. John's wort, thistle and other herbs are suitable.
