Flowers For The Bathroom, Even If It Is Wet And There Are No Windows
Flowers For The Bathroom, Even If It Is Wet And There Are No Windows

Flowers that can be placed in the bathroom, even if it is damp and there are no windows


A bathroom is not only a room for keeping the body clean, but also a corner of relaxation and rest. Therefore, the desire to decorate it with indoor plants is quite natural. The main thing is to choose such varieties of flowers that will be comfortable in the bathroom, even if it is small and without a window.



A popular indoor flower that produces many spreading long leaves with white stripes in the center. Looks especially attractive in vertical gardening. Copes with the purification and health of polluted air, saturating it with oxygen.

The rest of the flower is unpretentious: it is not afraid of temperature changes, rare watering and lack of light. Loves loose, drained soil.



The more familiar name for this plant is fern. Due to its long openwork leaves, it has a spectacular decorative appearance. Caring for nephrolepis does not require much effort and time, despite its exotic origin.

Its homeland is humid tropical forests with diffused daylight and high humidity. Therefore, the plant will be comfortable in such a constantly wet place as a bathroom, which mimics these conditions. The only thing that will need to be provided is a roomy pot of loose, well-drained soil.



For the length and shape of leaves with sharp edges, this flower is popularly nicknamed "pike tail" or "mother-in-law's tongue". The plant is prized for its simplicity in home care, trouble-free growth and bright greenery.

Sansevieria perfectly cleans the air in the room, does not need a lot of light and moisture. Even withstands lack of watering for several months - moisture accumulates in the leaves.



This ampelous plant looks luxurious in pots and hanging pots. Due to the fact that the roots take up little space, ivy is suitable for growing in small containers. This also allows it to be placed on cabinets and overhead shelves.

Outwardly they look like maple. Grows well in any type of soil and in shaded areas with no sunlight. Welcomes regular fertilizing with universal fertilizer.



At home, as a rule, a tall aspidistra variety is grown. It is a stemless bushy bush of dense foliage of various shades of green. Flowers are formed on the rhizome and have a nondescript appearance.

Grows in ordinary garden soil. It is not afraid of dryness or excessive humidity. In addition, it is resistant to temperature fluctuations, it feels quite normal even at 10 ° C.



An ornamental plant with dense lush greenery, characterized by rapid growth, will bring the atmosphere of the tropics to the house. It is undemanding to care for and develops well even in the shade.

He loves warmth very much, the optimum temperature is 25 ° C in summer. In winter, it is advisable to keep the temperature at least 15 ° C. When growing a philodendron, it should be borne in mind that it does not tolerate drafts well.

Philodendron can be grown as an ampelous plant. But then he will need a lot of space, which is not always convenient.



In appearance, aglaonema is similar to dieffenbachia. It differs only in the lower height of the bush and the color of leaves of any color: from various shades of green to yellowish with orange and red blotches. However, only green species feel comfortable in the shade.

Prefers loose soil with the addition of sand, peat and leafy soil. Aglaonema loves humid air and abundant watering, but does not tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations.

It should be borne in mind that the plant sap is poisonous. Therefore, all work with the flower should be done only with gloves.



Thanks to its fleshy juicy leaves of a reddish hue with a light speck, begonia has an amazing decorative appearance. Since the roots of the flower are shallow, it is planted in shallow containers with light drained soil.

The plant treats humid air well, but does not like spraying at all: the direct hit of water on the leaves and tubers leads to their decay. For this reason, it is recommended to moisturize gently and in moderation. Better to pour water into a container under the flowerpot.



A special kind of ground cover grass up to 30 cm in height, which is also called "indoor scrub" or "Jericho rose". It grows in the form of compact bushes with beautiful carved leaves resembling lace.

Growing selaginella will not be a hassle. She loves darkness, regular spraying, abundant watering and minimal fertilization. As for the soil, it is advisable to use a loose mixture of peat, sand and compost.
