7 Interesting Facts About Women
7 Interesting Facts About Women

7 interesting facts about women that men should also know


Sometimes it seems that women and men are from different planets. They are so different that sometimes it can be difficult to understand each other. Let's talk about the amazing facts that characterize the beautiful half of humanity.

Can't do without adjectives

A woman sees the world more holistically than a man, and she needs to convey the diversity of what she is filled with: details, colors, shades.

Women's speech is poetic. Men are more laconic, more accurate in describing objects and actions. Their speech is simple, they speak clearly and dynamically, there are fewer comparisons and more specificity in sentences.

Large vocabulary

The lexicon of the fair sex is usually richer than that of the opposite. Their cerebral hemispheres work differently.

Men have a more developed left hemisphere, which operates with facts, logic, detail, and speech. In women - the right, associated with the perception of the whole in its complexity and diversity. They always lack words to express themselves.

Live longer than men


In Russia, the average life expectancy for women is longer than that of men. The difference is quite large - 78.5 and 68.6 years. The situation is practically the same in other countries.

The female body is more flexible, resilient and easier to adapt to changes, it is capable of colossal self-healing. The very carrying of a child, feeding and caring for him requires tension that the male body does not face.

Often dissatisfied with their appearance

Statistics say that 95% of the female population suffers from self-dissatisfaction.

But often, this perfect beauty is the result of Photoshop. And that's not the point. As the poet Nikolai Zabolotsky said: “What is beauty and why do people deify it? Is she a vessel, in which there is emptiness, or fire flickering in the vessel?"

Distinguish odors and tastes well

Girls have a finer sense of smell and taste than the other half of humanity.

But this is more about "sweet", and men feel bitter and salty brighter.

Blink more often than men


All ladies are usually emotional. Often they are not completely confident in themselves, tend to worry about trifles and are too attentive to little things.

Frequent blinking is the result of such emotional stress.

Not always the weaker sex

Even from the above, we see that women cannot be called the weaker sex.

In Israel, women are liable for military service. They serve 24 months, young men 36 months. The weaker sex is drafted into the army in North Korea, Eritrea, Taiwan, China.
