Why You Can't Hang A Mirror In Front Of The Front Door - Signs And Superstitions
Why You Can't Hang A Mirror In Front Of The Front Door - Signs And Superstitions

Why you can't hang a mirror in front of the front door

Mirror on the wall
Mirror on the wall

It is difficult to imagine a hallway without a large mirror in which you can fix your clothes and hair. But there is a popular belief that it is not possible to hang it anywhere. For example, the area opposite the front door is considered forbidden.

Why is it considered that the mirror cannot be hung in front of the door

Most traditions - both Eastern and Slavic - categorically prohibit hanging a mirror in front of the entrance to the home. In feng shui, this prohibition is explained by the flow of energy. According to this teaching, the positive energy that enters the house is instantly reflected by a mirror. As a result, there will be no admixture of "extraneous" energy in your home. The owner of the dwelling is, as it were, conserved in his own energy, which, according to feng shui, does not lead to anything good. Loss of interest in the environment, drowsiness, illness, and apathy are provided as "punishments" for violating the prohibition.

The signs of the Slavic peoples also indicate that it is impossible to hang a mirror in front of the entrance. It is believed that in this way the landlord attracts the dead and the energy of death. Many superstitious people deliberately do not look into such mirrors, because in this way it is supposedly possible to give the dark forces power over their bodies.

Mirror opposite the entrance
Mirror opposite the entrance

Installing a mirror in front of the front door prohibits both feng shui and more "native" superstitions

There is also such a sign - in the mirror opposite the front door you can see the deceased. There is some truth in it. If someone close to you has recently died, then a sudden collision with a mirror can excite the imagination, which will draw in the reflection the image of the deceased instead of yours. This is especially true for impressionable and very nervous persons.

There is also a rational explanation for such a seemingly strange ban. If you enter your apartment knowing that no one should be there, then you may be afraid of your reflection, seeing it out of the corner of your eye. Such an unpleasant illusion can not only spoil the mood for the near future, but also make you afraid of an empty apartment.

Is it possible to negate a negative action

Some signs can be mitigated by performing a special ritual. Will you be able to do this with the mirror opposite the entrance? We read the advice of feng shui experts and esotericists, but did not find any way that could nullify the supposedly negative effect of the mirror. If you are worried about these signs, then a small reshuffle is the best solution.

Where is the best place to hang a mirror

According to feng shui, it is best to hang a mirror on the same wall with a door. However, in many hallways of Russian apartments this is physically impossible. In this case, you can hang a mirror on an adjacent wall.

Mirror next to the door
Mirror next to the door

Ideal feng shui mirror placement - on the same wall as the door

If you have a wardrobe with doors in your hallway, then the mirror can be hung on the inside of the door. It is practical and convenient, and superstitions for such placement do not predict any misfortunes.

The mirror opposite the front door is both a bad omen and a potential source of irrational fear in an empty apartment. Even if you are not a superstitious person, try to make a small rearrangement - for sure you get an interesting and beautiful hallway.
