Why Hang A Mirror In An Elevator
Why Hang A Mirror In An Elevator

Why you need a mirror in an elevator: 5 really useful uses


Surely we all paid attention to the fact that there is a mirror in every elevator. But it is located there not only for beauty. Few people think about how it is useful and how one day it can save someone's life.

For the safety of passengers

Quite a good reason to install this piece of furniture in the cockpit is concern for the safety of citizens. Additional features of the mirror:

  • allows the climbers to discreetly observe each other;
  • protects the cabin from vandalism.

Even asocial personalities are usually embarrassed to see themselves doing an indecent activity. Therefore, lifts equipped with mirrors have less graffiti and dirt on the walls.

To help disabled people

The small size of the elevator sometimes does not allow a person in a wheelchair to turn around when leaving the car. Therefore, the mirror also serves for the safety of disabled people.

Watching the reflection, you can easily enter the elevator and then back out. People with disabilities do not need to waste their energy and time in order to unfold.

Saves from boredom


Not every person is pleased to stare at the opposite wall or at the dusty floor for a couple of minutes. Therefore, a mirror in the cockpit is a must. It gives you the opportunity to examine yourself during your trip.

If a resident gets stuck with a device malfunction and is forced to spend some time in the cab, he will have something to do. After all, there is often no mobile communication in the elevator.

Creates the illusion of speed

It is not by chance that a popular piece of furniture appeared in lifting devices. This idea was first embodied by our compatriot, emigrant and founder of the sociological school Ivan Sorokin.

Surprisingly, after that, the cars, by all accounts, began to move much faster. During movement, a person is distracted by looking at his own reflection, and it seems to him that the lift is moving at normal speed.

Relieves anxiety and fear

A mirror in the elevator car can help solve several of the problems known to claustrophobes at once:

  • reduce feelings of anxiety;
  • create the impression of a larger space.

In addition, the mirror allows you not to be alone on a subconscious level. A sense of security arises, the person relaxes and can safely travel.
