Why You Can't Look In The Mirror Together, Especially For Girls: Signs And Superstitions
Why You Can't Look In The Mirror Together, Especially For Girls: Signs And Superstitions

Why you can't look in the mirror together, especially for girls

man and woman at the mirror
man and woman at the mirror

Since ancient times, inexplicable magical powers have been attributed to the same things. Mirrors occupy a special place among such items. It is generally accepted that they connect the real world with the other world. Until now, during the Christmas week, girls obsessed with curiosity try to see their betrothed in reflection. And in a house where there is a deceased, it is customary to cover all mirrors with cloth. Another interesting point: those inclined to superstition argue that two people should not be looking at their reflection at the same time. There are different opinions about why it is impossible to look in the mirror together.

Popular explanation of the ban

They say that if two people standing next to each other meet their gazes in the same mirror, then one of them (or even both at once) will face big trouble.

girls at the mirror
girls at the mirror

Quarrels cannot be avoided

People were friendly, peace and understanding reigned between them. Suddenly, their relationship has changed dramatically, and there is no reasonable interpretation of this fact. But there is a mystical explanation, which no one paid attention to - they admired their common reflection in one mirror.

There is a chance to read the thoughts that a person hides from everyone

Adults always have something to hide from others. Mistakes of the past, shameful acts, dirty desires - you don't want to demonstrate all this to those who think well of you. Otherwise, disappointment and discord in the relationship will be inevitable. Popular belief says that if two people in front of a mirror look into it at the same time, then they can read each other's hidden thoughts.

Dashing people jinx it

Science cannot explain why some of us possess a special destructive power, whose name is the evil eye. It is not clear why bad thoughts can cause tangible material harm to a living being. According to esotericists, the surface of the mirror absorbs the negative energy emanating from the envious person, and then with a vengeance brings it down to the unsuspecting victim.

In a situation where two people stand in front of one mirror and see a common reflection for both, one may treat the other badly (or simply envy him). The stream of anger emanating from him will turn the mirror on the second. As a result, a person blooming with health turns into a sick and unhappy person in a few days. And no one understands what really happened to him.

Can substitute for fate

The evil eye is an unintentional phenomenon; specially performed dark rituals should be distinguished from it. Such witchcraft actions include the desire to change fate with someone who is more successful and prosperous, to throw on him his sufferings and illnesses. It is believed that a nasty person can pull off this sneaky trick using the mystical powers of reflection. He will get such an opportunity by looking in the mirror, at which his victim is preening at this time.

How you can neutralize the effect of bad omens

girl at the mirror
girl at the mirror

The risk of simultaneously meeting someone's gaze in reflection is quite high. You need to know how to negate the negative impact. Knowledgeable people recommend that in order to avoid danger, simply blow on the surface of the mirror.

It's hard to say how true the accusations against the mirrors are. But nobody wants to check on themselves whether they are right or wrong. So it is better to take note of the wisdom that has come down from the depths of the centuries.
