How To Make A Wish In Order To Come True
How To Make A Wish In Order To Come True

How to make a wish that will certainly come true: 5 easy ways


Each person has a special desire that they would like to realize. There are methods that can help a dream come true much faster than you might imagine.

Compose a fairy tale

In order to better understand your desires, you need to write them on paper and re-read from time to time. Yes, this method really works, it relies on psychology and self-hypnosis.

Reading this tale, a person projects what is happening onto himself and thereby brings the realization of what is happening closer. In this case, it is important to re-read what has been written from time to time, to gain strength and determination.

Make a collage

Sometimes desires are quite mundane, and their reflection can be found in numerous magazines and newspapers.

Create your own collage to represent what you want. Hang it in such a place so that you can see it not once every day, but at the same time, so that others will see it less or do not even know about its existence, since this is primarily your specific dream. Tune in, then you will achieve great success.

Imagine a wish come true

The psychosomatic effect on reality can do a lot. For example, there is a desire to buy a car of a specific brand. Imagine getting into your dream car and starting it, stroking the steering wheel. You can imagine what kind of smell will be present in the transport, what color of car, where you can go.

You yourself will notice how the stars add up for a successful acquisition.

Start a notepad for writing


Sometimes you can do without fairy tales if you can't think through it in detail. In this case, you can simply have a special notebook or notebook that will be beautiful and pleasant enough to make you want to write in them, or looking at them would make you remember what you wrote.

It is better to write in the first person, so subconsciously it will turn out to project these possibilities into your life.

Make plans for water

The method of water is associated with the inner energy of a person and the force that he puts into his desire. In this case, a whole ritual is required.

Now you need to focus and concentrate the energy in your hands and share it with water. Moreover, there should be no physical contact.

Now wait for a while, then silently repeat the desire and drink water.
