What Women In Russia Could Be Left Without Husbands
What Women In Russia Could Be Left Without Husbands

What women in Russia were reluctant to marry


It is believed that in Russia it was easier to get married than it is now, but in reality, men of that time were picky about the choice of a wife. Historical sources say that matchmakers were involved in the selection of brides. They were the ones who checked whether the girl meets the criteria important for grooms.

Brides without a dowry

In Russia, it was customary to give in marriage with a dowry - values, property, cattle.

Their parents often turned to the princes for a dowry allowance.

Wrong class

By the way, social inequality of the bride and groom could become a serious obstacle to marriage.

However, extramarital unions were not uncommon.

Little educated brides


Interestingly, uneducated girls were also not in demand among suitors.

Peter 1 at the beginning of the 18th century even issued a decree that brides should at least know the letter.

Dedicated to God

Of course, girls who dedicated their lives to serving God did not pretend to be married.

At that time, women went to the monastery both voluntarily and as punishment for serious misconduct.

Sat in girls

The age limit was also respected.

In 1775, the Synod legislated the age for marriage: girls were married at 16, and boys were married at 18.

Women with unusual appearance

Appearance in Russia also played an important role, they tried not to take girls with flaws into wives. If the bride was lame, oblique, pale, with large birthmarks, she had little chance of finding a groom.

By the way, the pagan beliefs of the Slavs said that a barren woman was cursed by God, therefore they were afraid to bring a "yalitsa" to the family.

In addition, women with a narrow pelvis often died during childbirth in those days, because obstetrics did not exist.

Most of the criteria for "suitability" for marriage in Ancient Russia are considered savagery today, but some have survived to this day in a slightly modified form.
