Everything About The Features Of The Care And Cultivation Of Cucumbers Siberian Garland F1 + Video
Everything About The Features Of The Care And Cultivation Of Cucumbers Siberian Garland F1 + Video

Cucumbers Siberian garland F1 - a new super-yielding variety

Cucumbers Siberian garland
Cucumbers Siberian garland

Every year, vegetable growers face a difficult task, to choose among the cucumber novelties of breeding achievements those varieties that will delight with taste and give a bountiful harvest. Not so long ago, cucumbers appeared, capable of laying ovaries in bunches or bouquets. One such plant bears several times more fruit than ordinary varieties. Cucumbers Siberian garland F1 from this series.


  • 1 Siberian garland F1 - variety description

    • 1.1 Cucumber Siberian garland - video
    • 1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the variety - table
  • 2 Planting cucumbers varieties Siberian garland F1

    • 2.1 Site selection and soil preparation
    • 2.2 Video: an unusual garden for cucumbers
    • 2.3 Growing and planting cucumber seedlings
    • 2.4 Planting seedlings in a greenhouse - video
    • 2.5 Planting cucumbers of the Siberian garland variety with seeds in the garden
  • 3 Care for cucumbers varieties Siberian garland F1

    • 3.1 Watering
    • 3.2 Top dressing
    • 3.3 The regularity and composition of dressings for cucumbers of the Siberian garland variety - table
    • 3.4 Formation of plants of the variety Siberian garland and a garter on trellises
    • 3.5 Correct shaping - video
  • 4 Diseases and pests of cucumbers Siberian garland F1

    • 4.1 Pests of cucumbers varieties Siberian garland F1 - table
    • 4.2 Cucumber pests - photo gallery
  • 5 Harvesting and storage
  • 6 Reviews of vegetable growers

Siberian garland F1 - variety description

Cucumber variety Siberian garland F1 refers to a new type of cucumber with a bunch or bouquet of ovaries. Created at the Chelyabinsk breeding station in 2012. Very early - the first fruits are removed 45 days after germination, super-yielding. One plant can grow up to 400 gherkins or 40 kg of fruit per square meter of area.

The hybrid is parthenocarpic, the fruits are formed without pollination. Tied in any weather. It can grow both in a greenhouse and in an open garden. The Siberian garland has a powerful bush, the creators of the hybrid do not advise planting more than two plants per square meter of area. To reveal all the advantages of the variety, correct formation and timely feeding are required. Affects the yield and the timeliness of removing ripening fruits. Subject to the rules, it can bear fruit for several months, until autumn frosts.

Cucumber Siberian garland - video

Fruits are dark green, 5–8 cm long, with light tips. Pubescent with light soft spines. Delicious, sweet and aromatic. They are good both fresh in salads and in various preparations. There is no genetically bitterness in cucumbers, no voids are formed during salting. They do not outgrow, allowing summer residents to collect greens no more than 1 time a week. The hybrid is hardy. Resistant to cold snaps and droughts. Does not reduce fruiting in cool weather, does not become infected with powdery mildew, brown spot. The variety is not afraid of the tobacco mosaic virus and peronosporiosis.

Siberian garland
Siberian garland

The ovaries of the Siberian garland are arranged in bunches of 5-8 pieces in one knot

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety - table

Benefits disadvantages
Yield Demanding to the correct formation and care of plants.
Long-term fruiting The high cost of hybrids.
Disease resistance The need to buy seeds annually, since those harvested from grown fruits do not repeat the maternal characteristics.
Great fruit taste
Ability not to outgrow for several days
Tolerance to growing conditions: bears fruit equally both indoors and outdoors
Tolerance to growing conditions: bears fruit equally both indoors and outdoors
The ability to get a large harvest from a small area

Planting cucumbers varieties Siberian garland F1

Site selection and soil preparation

The place for cucumbers is chosen sunny, but with light partial shade. They grow well at a soil temperature of not lower than 15 of C. Therefore, regardless of the selection method for cultivation in the open or closed ground under cucumbers equipped warm beds. A trench is dug in the direction from south to north, 70–80 cm wide, arbitrary length, 30–40 cm deep. Fill it with removed turf, roots up, hay or cut grass, chopped branches. Compacted, covered with excavated soil mixed with humus or compost, add 1 glass of deciduous tree ash per 1 m 2and watered abundantly. The prepared bed is covered with foil. In a few days, the process of decomposition of plant residues will begin, with the release of heat, and the soil will begin to warm up from below. When the soil temperature reaches 15–16 o C at a depth of 5 cm, you can plant seeds or seedlings in the garden bed.

Video: unusual cucumber garden

Growing and planting cucumber seedlings

As a rule, hybrid seeds of the Siberian garland are sold already processed and do not need to be disinfected and heated. The soil for seedlings is bought or prepared by themselves in the proportion: 1 part of the land from the garden bed (steamed), 1 part of compost or humus, 1 part of peat, only neutral, not acidic, 1 part of rotted sawdust. The soil should be loose and water-absorbing.

Seedlings are sown for seedlings in mid-April in the middle lane, that is, 30 days before planting in a greenhouse or garden bed. Pots for seedlings are best made of paper. Black and white newspapers are suitable in several layers, from which bags are formed and filled with soil mixture. Place two seeds in one container on the edge, sprinkle with soil on top so that the seeds are buried 2 cm. Water carefully. The strongest is chosen from the sprouted sprouts, and the second is carefully cut off with scissors. Caring for plants consists of watering regularly and providing the necessary light so that the plants do not stretch out. There is no need to feed the seedlings, especially with nitrogen fertilizers, everything you need is already laid in the soil.

Seedlings in newspaper bags
Seedlings in newspaper bags

Newspaper pots allow you to preserve the root system of seedlings during transplanting

Thirty day old seedlings are planted in a greenhouse. To do this, make holes in the garden at a distance of 50 cm, according to the size of the pots, water well and set the seedlings without removing them from the bags. The newspaper will quickly soften in wet soil, and the roots of the seedlings will develop beyond it. The seedling method allows you to get the first ripe cucumbers already at the beginning of June, two to three weeks earlier than those planted with seeds.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse - video

Planting cucumbers of the Siberian garland with seeds in a garden

Hybrids, which include the Siberian garland cucumber, are good because they can grow both in protected and in open ground. Cucumber seeds are planted in the garden at the end of May, when the nights become warmer and the threat of late frosts has passed. In the prepared bed, holes are made at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. It is not recommended to plant cucumbers of this type closer. Since cucumbers are very thermophilic plants, it will be useful to cover the beds from above with arcs and cover them with agrospan or film for the night. On warm days, shelters can be removed during the day.

Garden with cucumbers
Garden with cucumbers

Cucumber bed, equipped with arches for shelter in the night cold

Care for cucumbers varieties Siberian garland F1

Caring for plants consists in carrying out certain actions:

  • watering and mulching the soil,
  • dressing,
  • the formation of plants and a garter on trellises.


Even a short lack of moisture in the soil negatively affects the condition of the cucumbers. Therefore, they need to be watered regularly, avoiding drying out. On dry and hot days - every day. Better in the morning, at the root, abundantly, 3-5 liters per plant. Water for irrigation should be warm, settled, without chlorine and other impurities. Cucumbers grow well when equipped with drip irrigation. Sprinkling with these plants is contraindicated. To retain moisture, the soil under the cucumber bushes is mulched with dried chopped grass with a layer of at least 7-10 cm.

Drip irrigation
Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation helps to bring moisture directly to the plant roots

Top dressing

Siberian Garland F1 cucumbers require frequent feeding to ensure a bountiful harvest. The composition of fertilizers is very different. You can do without the use of chemistry, folk remedies, which is no less effective. It is best to fertilize the cucumbers every week, changing the composition of the dressings. The procedure is carried out after abundant watering so as not to damage the delicate roots.

The regularity and composition of dressings for cucumbers varieties Siberian garland - table

Period Top dressing composition
1 time after germination, when the bushes reach 10-15 cm Infusion of onion peels: pour a quarter of a bucket of peels with 10 liters of boiling water, insist and water the plants for a day at the rate of 1 glass of infusion per bush.
1 time per month (alternating feeding weekly) Green fertilizer: fermented herbal infusion. Half a bucket of chopped grass (nettle, clover, calendula, etc.) is poured with a bucket of water, a handful of humus or compost is added and infused for 2 weeks. Take 1 liter of infusion in a bucket of water and water the cucumber bushes under the root.
Bread leaven: fill a bucket 2/3 with bread crusts (only without mold!), Pour warm water and leave for a week to ferment. Dilute the sourdough 1/3 and water the cucumbers with 0.5 cans per bush.
With diluted milk: milk and water 1/2. Water the plants: 1 glass under the bush.
Weekly after first fruit set Ash from deciduous trees. They bring 0.5 cups under the bush.
Top dressing
Top dressing

Green fertilizer and ash are the best feeding for cucumbers

Formation of plants of the variety Siberian garland and garter on trellises

The Siberian garland F1 has increased requirements for the formation of a bush. If the plant is allowed to build a bush without external adjustment, its super-yielding properties will not appear, the fruits will be tied, like in ordinary varieties of cucumbers. It is necessary to form a plant into one stem. The lower nodes, up to the fourth inclusive, are blinded, that is, all the ovaries and stepsons are plucked out of the leaf sinuses. Then all the stepsons are removed above so that there is one shoot with leaves and bouquets of cucumbers in each node. All ripening fruits must be picked on time so that the development of the next batch does not slow down. You can give the bush freedom to form only after it reaches 2m. The lash is wrapped around the trellis and is no longer pinched.

Correct shaping - video

Diseases and pests of cucumbers Siberian garland F1

With proper care, cucumbers of the Siberian garland variety practically do not get sick. And pests, although they are not particularly scary to strong plants, can still infect individual plants.

Pests of cucumbers varieties Siberian garland F1 - table

Pest Damage Control and prevention measures
Aphid It settles in colonies on the stems and backs of young leaves and sucks the juices from the plant, weakening it. Spraying or rinsing infected shoots in Fitoverma solution (according to the instructions for the preparation), with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. 10 liters of liquid soap water 2 times within 10 days.
Fly miner Lays eggs in the thick cucumber leaf. The resulting larvae gnaw out the leaf from the inside, forming light stripes of a bizarre shape on it, thereby disrupting the plant's photosynthesis.
  • Spraying before the appearance of ovaries with Aktara (a systemic insecticide that penetrates into the thickness of the leaf)
  • Installing sticky fly traps in the greenhouse.
Thrips Very small insects, invisible to the naked eye, suck the juices from the plant, spread viral diseases.
  • Preventive treatments every 10-14 days with Fitoverm or Agravertin with obligatory tillage of the soil under the plants.
  • Using glue traps.
  • In case of strong infection of plants in the greenhouse, the use of biological protection is the settlement of the greenhouse with amblyiseus harmless to humans. This mite feeds on thrips and destroys the colonies that have occupied the greenhouse.
Spider mite It populates and braids the back of the cucumber leaf with cobwebs, sucks the juices from the plant. Treatment of plants with Acarin, Sunmite or Oberon acaricides, which are low-toxic to humans.

Cucumber pests - photo gallery

Miner fly larvae gnaw tunnels in a cucumber leaf, drawing bizarre patterns
Miner fly
Miner fly
Minerfly lays eggs in the leaf
Spider mite
Spider mite
A spider mite in dry and hot weather is able to destroy all plants in the greenhouse in a short time
Spider mite
Spider mite
The top of the shoot, entwined with a web, stops growth and gradually dies
Spider mite
Spider mite
Spider mites live on the back of the leaf and gradually cobweb the entire plant
Thrips enlarged
Thrips enlarged
Enlarged Thrips
Thrips colony
Thrips colony
Thrips are tenacious and fertile
Thrips is dangerous because its presence is not immediately noticeable, and the damage is tangible
Cucumber aphid
Cucumber aphid
A colony of aphids on the back of a cucumber leaf can deprive the grower of half of the crop
Traces of a miner fly larva on a cucumber leaf

Harvesting and storage

Cucumbers are harvested as soon as they reach the required size, for the Siberian garland it is 5–8 cm. In the midst of fruiting, you can collect greens every day. This is especially true of bunch cucumbers, which include the Siberian garland. Ripe cucumbers left on the bushes do not overripe, but do not allow the next ovaries to form in their place. With proper collection, up to 40 kg of gherkins can be harvested from one bush.

Despite the thin skin, the transportability of the Siberian garland cucumbers is high. They can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. If each cucumber is wrapped in a napkin and folded in a perforated bag, it can be kept fresh for up to 3 weeks.

Cucumbers of the Siberian Garland variety are good fresh, but it is best to harvest them for the winter. They are salted, fermented, pickled, canned in various ways.

Cucumbers for the winter
Cucumbers for the winter

Cucumbers Siberian garland are delicious in any form

Reviews of vegetable growers

Siberian garland F1 - new generation cucumbers. According to gardeners, only a few bushes of this wonderful vegetable can feed a family of several people all summer. Everyone speaks of the variety with enthusiasm, mentioning the excellent taste and absence of diseases, noting that in order to achieve such high results, it is imperative to observe the growing conditions: the correct formation of the plant and the feeding regime. The variety has many more advantages than disadvantages.
