How To Quickly Peel Potatoes, Raw And Boiled (in Their Uniform), With And Without A Knife + Photos And Videos
How To Quickly Peel Potatoes, Raw And Boiled (in Their Uniform), With And Without A Knife + Photos And Videos

How to quickly and safely peel raw and boiled potatoes using simple and proven methods

Peeling potatoes
Peeling potatoes

The process of peeling potatoes always takes a lot of time, especially if you need to prepare dishes or side dishes for a large number of people. Traditionally, a knife is used for this purpose, as well as other kitchen tools that make it easy to peel the root vegetable. However, even in such a seemingly simple matter, there are secrets, the knowledge of which will allow you to peel potatoes quickly, safely and effectively.


  • 1 Methods for peeling raw potatoes

      • 1.0.1 How to clean with a knife
      • 1.0.2 Using a peeler
    • 1.1 Electric potato peeler
    • 1.2 Features of removing the uniform from young potatoes

      • 1.2.1 Method 1
      • 1.2.2 Method 2
    • 1.3 Peeling Boiled Potatoes

      • 1.3.1 Option 1
      • 1.3.2 Option 2
      • 1.3.3 Option 3
      • 1.3.4 Video: easy and quick life hack for peeling potatoes in 1 second

Raw potato peeling methods

The usual method of peeling potatoes involves using a knife. However, you should remember about safety precautions. Before starting work, you can pre-wash the potatoes by soaking them for 10-15 minutes in water, which will make it easy to get rid of the tubers from adhering lumps of earth and dirt. Or not to wash the potatoes, remembering that after peeling the peels, you still have to wash the already peeled tubers.

washing potatoes
washing potatoes

washing potatoes before peeling

If you need to boil potatoes in their uniforms, it is advisable to arm yourself with a brush or sponge. With their help, it will be much easier to rid the potatoes of contamination. Each potato should be washed separately under running cool water. Then place the washed potatoes in a colander.

washed potatoes
washed potatoes

washed potatoes in a colander

How to clean with a knife

A kitchen knife is useful for peeling raw and middle-aged potatoes. It is advisable to choose a small model. An ideal option would be a fruit and vegetable knife.

fruit and vegetable knife
fruit and vegetable knife

It will be convenient for you to peel potato tubers with this knife.

  1. Place the potato parallel to the edge of the countertop.

    potato tuber parallel to the edge of the countertop
    potato tuber parallel to the edge of the countertop

    potato tuber parallel to the edge of the countertop

  2. While gently holding the tuber with one hand, cut off one end from it. In this case, the slice should be cut at an angle of 90 degrees. And its thickness should not exceed 6 mm.

    Cut the edge of the cucumber
    Cut the edge of the cucumber

    cutting the end of the tuber will provide the stability of the potato, which is necessary for further manipulations

  3. Place the tuber upright with the cut side down and hold it with your hand free from the knife.

    vertical placement of potatoes on a board
    vertical placement of potatoes on a board

    Convenient vertical placement of potatoes on the board

  4. Then, starting from the top of the potato, using a sharp knife, begin to peel the skin. In this case, it is advisable not to cut off too thick layers with a large amount of white pulp.

    peeling potatoes with a knife
    peeling potatoes with a knife

    safe peeling of potatoes with a knife

  5. After peeling the potato on one side, you should turn it and continue manipulating until the entire tuber is clean.

    peeled raw potatoes
    peeled raw potatoes

    raw potatoes, completely peeled

  6. When peeling potatoes, special attention should be paid to the so-called eyes, which must be removed with the edge of a knife.

    getting rid of potatoes from the "peephole"
    getting rid of potatoes from the "peephole"

    use the edge of a knife to remove the "eyes" from the potato

This method of peeling raw potatoes is correct and as safe as possible, in contrast to the option in which the tuber is held in weight and peeled with a knife, moving towards itself, as shown in the next photo.

peeling potatoes with a knife
peeling potatoes with a knife

common but not safe method of peeling potatoes with a knife

With a vegetable peeler

A similar procedure can also be carried out with a vegetable peeler. This practical and convenient tool can significantly speed up the process of peeling potatoes, while being safe even for children. In addition, using it, you can save as much as possible the useful pulp of the tubers, since the thickness of the cut skin is very small and limited. Peelers come in different models, the most common of which are "slingshot" peelers and straight, shaped like ordinary knives.

peeler "slingshot"
peeler "slingshot"

peeler "slingshot" will help you perfectly peel potatoes

direct cleaning
direct cleaning

direct peeler is a great helper in the kitchen

In addition to these models, floating blade peelers are also quite convenient. Due to their design features, such products are able to follow the contours of the product, due to which they easily overcome any irregularities. The blades installed on these models can be serrated and straight. A straight blade is best for peeling potatoes.

floating peeler
floating peeler

floating blade peeler is very handy for peeling potatoes

  1. Hold the potato tuber in one hand and hold the peeler in the other like a paint roller, balancing it with your thumb and positioning it as far away from the blades as possible.
  2. If your peeler is Y-shaped, it is best to hold it like a pencil, placing it between your thumb and middle finger, holding it in place with your index finger.

    how to properly hold the peeler
    how to properly hold the peeler

    the peeler must be held in this way

  3. You should start peeling potatoes away from you or towards you. As it is more convenient for you. Cut strips of potato skins along their entire length in one quick motion.

    peeling potatoes
    peeling potatoes

    peeling raw potatoes easily and safely with a vegetable peeler

  4. When finished peeling one side of the tuber, turn it over and continue until the potatoes are completely skinned. By working carefully and slowly, you are guaranteed to achieve the desired result.
  5. After peeling all the skins, pay attention to the dark spots located on the potato and to the "eyes". They also need to be cut. And the "eyes" can be removed with the tip of a peeler or a knife.
  6. To peel the top and bottom of a potato tuber, guide the peeler around the curve as if you were shaving a knee.

    cleaning the tops of the tuber
    cleaning the tops of the tuber

    cleaning the upper parts of the tuber is performed in a circular motion

  7. After finishing the cleaning process, rinse the potatoes thoroughly in cold water, after which they can be used for cooking.

Video: how to quickly cope with a peeler tuber

Electric potato peeler

An electric potato peeler is a great option for people who prefer to save their time as much as possible. With this device, you can peel potatoes as quickly as possible, without any effort.

electric potato peeler
electric potato peeler

an electric potato peeler can save time

  1. Select tubers of the same size, all of which will not exceed 1 kg.
  2. Place them in the container of the device.
  3. Pour three glasses of clean water over the potatoes.
  4. Close the lid and run the device for about 2 minutes.
  5. Take out the peeled potatoes, rinse them under cool water, after putting on gloves.
  6. After cleaning, remove the "eyes" and dark spots from the tubers with a knife.

Process video instruction

Features of removing the uniform from young potatoes

If you need to peel young potatoes, you can also use a knife to gently scrape off the skin. Or with a metal brush or sponge. However, this option will take too long when working with small potatoes. In addition, the juice of new potatoes can leave dark spots on your hands. For this reason, it is advisable to carry out the cleaning procedure with gloves.

peeling young potatoes with a metal kitchen sponge
peeling young potatoes with a metal kitchen sponge

The result of peeling young potatoes with a metal kitchen sponge

Method 1

  1. To peel young potatoes faster, take a plastic bag and sprinkle coarse salt into it.
  2. Then add the washed potatoes to the bag.
  3. Then, as follows, rub the contents of the package.
  4. Remove the peeled potatoes and rinse them in cold water.
peeling young potatoes with salt
peeling young potatoes with salt

peeling young potatoes with salt is a practical and quick way

This method is safe, highly efficient, and also requires a minimum of effort on your part. Using it, you can peel potatoes with one hand.

Peeling young potatoes

Method 2

Another equally effective way of peeling young potatoes involves a sharp change in temperature conditions.

  1. Submerge the tubers in very hot water.
  2. Then transfer them to ice cold water.

After carrying out these manipulations, the peel perfectly leaves on its own.

How to quickly and efficiently peel young potatoes

Peeling boiled potatoes

Jacket-boiled potatoes are used in the preparation of many dishes and are distinguished by their special taste. However, such potatoes also need peeling, which can be done in several ways.

Option 1

The first method is one of the simplest and most common.

  1. Remove the hot potato from the pot.

    extracting potatoes from boiling water
    extracting potatoes from boiling water

    Remove the potatoes carefully from the pot

  2. Place it on a plate or board.

    hot potatoes on a board
    hot potatoes on a board

    hot boiled potatoes are conveniently held with a fork

  3. Then prick with a fork and, holding it, begin to peel off the skin with a knife.

    peeling boiled potatoes with a knife
    peeling boiled potatoes with a knife

    holding the potatoes with a fork, you can start peeling them with a knife

This method makes it easy to peel even very hot potatoes, while losing a minimum amount of edible pulp.

peeled boiled potatoes
peeled boiled potatoes

Hot boiled potatoes, peeled with a knife

Option 2

The next method is also very simple and will make it easy to peel boiled potatoes without fear of burning your hands.

  1. After the cooking process is complete, drain the hot water from the potato pan.
  2. Then fill its contents with cold water and leave for a few minutes.

Carrying out this procedure will make it easy to peel potatoes, the skin of which will lag behind itself. This method is also used when peeling raw young potatoes.

Option 3

However, there is another one of the most effective ways to peel boiled potatoes, which allows you to get rid of the peel in just one second.

  1. Wash tubers well.

    washing potatoes
    washing potatoes

    washing potatoes before cooking

  2. Before dipping them into the water for cooking, make a circular cut in each of them, running the knife along the conventional equator. In this case, it is important that the points of the beginning of the notch and its end coincide.

    making a circular cut on raw potatoes
    making a circular cut on raw potatoes

    making a circular cut on raw potatoes before boiling

  3. Then dip the potatoes into the water and start the cooking process.

    boiling potatoes
    boiling potatoes

    cooking potatoes in their skins

  4. Prepare a container of ice water in advance before finishing cooking. For better cooling, ice cubes can be added to it.
  5. Place the boiled potato tubers in cold water using a slotted spoon and mentally count to ten.

    cooling potatoes with cold water
    cooling potatoes with cold water

    cooling potatoes with cold water and ice

  6. When the potatoes have cooled, remove them from the water.
  7. Take the potatoes from opposite ends with both hands and press on them.

    peeling boiled potatoes by hand
    peeling boiled potatoes by hand

    peeling boiled potatoes with your hands in 1 second

Thanks to this method, the peel will peel off the tuber quickly and easily, while the peeled potatoes themselves will still be quite hot. So, you will be able to clean it in a minimum amount of time, without burning your hands.

Video: easy and quick life hack for peeling potatoes in 1 second

With these simple and field-proven methods, you can quickly and safely peel any amount of potatoes before preparing your favorite meals. Each of the described options has proved to be excellent in practice. To obtain the desired result, you only need to choose the most appropriate option. A variety of potato dishes will add spice to your usual menu and delight your family members with exquisite taste.
