How To Get Rid Of Pellets On Clothes, Bedding, Sofa And Prevent The Appearance + Photos And Videos
How To Get Rid Of Pellets On Clothes, Bedding, Sofa And Prevent The Appearance + Photos And Videos

Getting rid of pellets on clothes, bedding and upholstery

Removing pellets with a comb
Removing pellets with a comb

Each of us wants to wear impeccable-looking clothes, sleep on smooth bedding and enjoy new furniture with beautiful upholstery for a long time. But things do age and one of the first signs of wear is the spools. But you can extend the service life of this or that product if you get rid of the formed lumps in time.


  • 1 Reasons why pellets appear
  • 2 What materials do lumps form on?
  • 3 Means for removing drinking from bed linen, clothing and furniture (for example, a sofa) at home

    • 3.1 Pilling machine

      3.1.1 Video: how to quickly get rid of lumps using a special device

    • 3.2 Blade

      3.2.1 Video: how to remove drinking with a razor

    • 3.3 Sandpaper and pumice
    • 3.4 Video: how to collect lint and lumps with tape
    • 3.5 Manicure scissors
    • 3.6 Brush

      3.6.1 Video: Removing Pills from Woolen Clothes at Home

  • 4 How to avoid the appearance of piles

    4.1 Video: Washable with foil to prevent pilling

  • 5 Reviews of hostesses from forums

Reasons why pellets appear

Pills (saws) appear due to the fact that the threads of the product fluff over time, the fibers fall off, as a result of which small lumps are formed.

Pills can appear on wardrobe items for several reasons:

  • The lining of the seamy side of outerwear usually contains various tags, pockets (including zippers). All of these elements touch the threads of other things, as a result of which the fibers roll off at the points of contact.
  • If a person constantly carries a bag on the same hand, walks with a backpack, then clothes in those places where accessories regularly come into contact with it are also exposed to the formation of piles.
  • Lumps can form due to non-observance of the washing rules indicated on the labels of things. Damage cannot be avoided if the wrong mode is used, the water temperature is not suitable, or detergents that are not intended for a particular fabric.

Bed linen is covered with pellets in the following cases:

  • due to rough or frequent washing;
  • during restless sleep, constantly in contact with the human body.

Furniture upholstery usually suffers from wear and tear in the places where people sit and fold their arms (on the armrests).

What materials do lumps form on?

Most often, saws appear on fabrics that contain a synthetic thread (it is on it that the original material is wound, fluffing and rolling down later). These include:

  • jersey;
  • wool (both natural and artificial);
  • acrylic;
  • polyester;
  • fleece;
  • polyamide (especially nylon);
  • polycotton.

    Faux wool sweater
    Faux wool sweater

    Items made from artificial fabrics are most susceptible to pili formation

Distinctive features of materials prone to pilling:

  • a large percentage of synthetics in the composition;
  • long threads;
  • loose fabric structure;
  • loosely twisted fibers;
  • the presence of lint (the longer it is, the higher the likelihood that the thing will quickly become covered with lumps).

Means to remove drinking from bedding, clothing and furniture (such as a sofa) at home

There are enough ways to get rid of things from the pellets. They are not subdivided according to the type of processed material or the purpose of the products. You just need to take into account the fact that in some cases it is recommended to be especially careful. This applies to thin fabrics and items with large loops (they are easier to hook and damage).

Machine for cleaning products from pellets

A special device cleans things from pellets with knives that are under a metal mesh. To collect lumps with such a machine, you need to apply it step by step to problem areas on the products. The saws will fall through the holes into the working area of the cutting elements, and then into a special compartment. Together with the pellets, the device also removes pile from which no lumps have yet formed. This prevents the appearance of new glomeruli for a long time.

Removing pellets from things with a special machine
Removing pellets from things with a special machine

To remove the spools with a special machine, it is enough to attach the device to the surface of the product and move it along the problem areas

The machine works quickly and efficiently when processing dense materials without large hairs and large fluff. Long pile is wound around a screw with knives, as a result of which the device automatically stops working. Loose and loose fabrics with large loops can cling to cutting elements if you handle the device carelessly and press hard on the thing.

Video: how to quickly get rid of lumps using a special device


The blade is proposed to shave off the pile and pellets from the surface of the material. The method is effective, but the process of removing lumps in this way is not the fastest: you need to walk through problem areas several times. In addition, there is a high risk of snagging the threads of the product and spoiling the thing irrevocably, since the work is done without any additional protection.

The considered method is best suited for eliminating saws on the following products:

  • knitted and woolen items (for example, dresses) with the addition of artificial fibers;
  • bed linen made of chintz with synthetics.

    Removing pellets with a blade
    Removing pellets with a blade

    You can clean the thing from the pellets both with a razor and with one blade.

Video: how to remove drank with a razor

Sandpaper and pumice

Such means clean the product from saws by rubbing the thread on which the spools are held. With sandpaper or pumice, you need to treat the surface, and then remove the lumps, which, after such exposure, are easily removed.

The abrasive material must be chosen fine so as not to damage the product. The thinner the item being processed, the softer the processing method should be. For example, sandpaper is suitable for upholstery, and pumice is suitable for a knitted dress.

Video: how to collect lint and lumps with tape

Nail scissors

Cutting off each lump is a very time consuming process. This method is usually used to deal with pellets in the following cases:

  • drank focused on small areas or ledges;
  • they are large and require precision removal.

This method can be considered auxiliary, complementing the main procedure for cleaning the product from lumps.

Lint removal with scissors
Lint removal with scissors

Large pellets and long pile are best removed with nail scissors


A brush is usually used when it is necessary to clean a woolen product. Such an impact is safe for the thing, the process of removing the saws is fast (1-2 treatments of the problem area are enough). The surface is "combed" in the direction of the threads, and the pellets get stuck in the bristles.

This method can effectively remove lumps not only from wool things, but also the following products:

  • acrylic scarves;
  • knitted dresses;
  • calico bed linen.

Video: removing pellets from woolen clothes at home

How to avoid pili

To help your clothes and other items last longer and not become lumpy, follow these simple tips:

  • minimize the contact of fabrics prone to the appearance of pili with surfaces that may touch them;
  • wash things strictly according to the instructions, using detergents for manual or delicate machine processing;
  • while stripping the product, add a special conditioner;
  • Do not twist things when it comes to spinning to keep the pile soft and smooth.

Video: Washable with Foil to Prevent Pilling

Reviews of hostesses from forums

If the thing has aged, pellets have appeared, then you should not immediately look for a replacement for it. With a little effort to remove clumps and careful handling and care, your clothes, linens and furniture can look good and last longer.
