Snickers Cake: A Step By Step Recipe With Photos And Videos
Snickers Cake: A Step By Step Recipe With Photos And Videos

Snickers cake: an amazing dessert for a festive table


Flavored Snickers cake with peanuts will not leave anyone indifferent! The treat can be served as an everyday dessert or a festive treat. This cake features a delicate sponge cake and a thick layer of chocolate ganache.

Snickers cake: step by step recipe

For the cake, biscuit dough boiled with boiling water is used. The cake is airy and crumbly.

Products for biscuit layers:

  • 220 g sugar;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tsp vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 120 ml boiling water;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 bag of baking powder.

Ingredients for filling, impregnation and glaze:

  • 300 g of peanuts;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 2 white chocolate bars;
  • 300 g of chocolate drops;
  • 350 ml of cream.


  1. Sift flour.

    Sifting flour
    Sifting flour

    Sifting flour ensures airiness in baked goods

  2. Mix cocoa with sugar.

    Cocoa powder with sugar
    Cocoa powder with sugar

    You can use powdered sugar instead of sugar.

  3. Add baking powder, vanilla and cinnamon.

    Baking powder, vanillin and cinnamon
    Baking powder, vanillin and cinnamon

    Baking powder, vanillin and cinnamon can be mixed in advance

  4. Whisk the egg and milk.

    Egg with milk
    Egg with milk

    Beat the egg with milk until foam appears.

  5. Add oil.

    Vegetable oil in a measuring spoon
    Vegetable oil in a measuring spoon

    The oil must be odorless

  6. Mix all the dough ingredients. Then add boiling water to it and stir quickly.

    Chocolate dough
    Chocolate dough

    The chocolate dough for the biscuit must be thoroughly mixed, so it rises better when baking

  7. Line the mold with parchment and pour the dough over it. Bake the crust for 40–45 minutes.

    Chocolate dough in a baking dish
    Chocolate dough in a baking dish

    Before baking, be sure to level the surface of the dough with a knife

  8. Roast the peanuts in the oven.


    Use a deep pan for roasting peanuts

  9. Peel off.

    Peeled peanuts
    Peeled peanuts

    Peeled peanuts should cool down a little more.

  10. Grind with a blender.

    Peanuts in a blender bowl
    Peanuts in a blender bowl

    Chopping the peanuts too fine will make the filling of the cake look less appetizing, so don't go overboard

  11. Open a jar of boiled condensed milk and mix its contents with nuts.

    Boiled condensed milk
    Boiled condensed milk

    Condensed milk should be taken natural, without the addition of palm oil

  12. To soak the cake, melt white chocolate in a water bath.

    Melted white chocolate
    Melted white chocolate

    Keep melted white chocolate in a water bath until you need it to soak the cake

  13. Prepare the required amount of chocolate drops.

    Chocolate drops
    Chocolate drops

    Drops are very convenient for making chocolate ganache

  14. Heat the cream to a temperature of 50–55 °.


    Stir the cream while heating

  15. Whisk the hot cream and drops in a deep pan. Stir until a thick, homogeneous mass is formed.

    Chocolate ganache
    Chocolate ganache

    Chocolate ganache cannot be left for a long time, it must be stirred all the time, otherwise it will thicken too much

  16. Now you need to quickly assemble the cake. Spread melted white chocolate on a layer of cooled biscuit, place the nut-caramel filling on top in an even layer. Fill the entire surface of the cake with ganache and smooth it with a hot knife blade.

    Ready cake "Snickers"
    Ready cake "Snickers"

    Before serving, the Snickers cake should stand for 2-2.5 hours

Video: an alternative recipe for a cake with a meringue layer

The recipe for the Snickers cake was given to me by my mother-in-law, who prepares this dessert for all home holidays. At first I thought that the treat would be too sweet and cloying, but the cake turned out to be quite balanced in taste. Now we have this favorite dessert for all occasions.

Snickers cake is prepared simply and consists of available products. Roasted peanuts, caramel, biscuit and chocolate ganache are a win-win combination for a homemade dessert.
