Why Does A White Cat Or A Cat Dream From A Dream Book: A Description Of Various Dreams, Modern And Alternative Interpretations Of Dreams
Why Does A White Cat Or A Cat Dream From A Dream Book: A Description Of Various Dreams, Modern And Alternative Interpretations Of Dreams

Why do white cats dream

White cat
White cat

Since ancient times, cats have never ceased to amaze people with their behavior and habits. Therefore, the beliefs and superstitions of different peoples have long been concentrated around these animals, and a special, mystical power was attributed to dreams with cats. The white cat, thanks to its bright appearance, was endowed with mysterious prophetic abilities - both among old interpreters of dreams and among modern ones.


  • 1 Causes of dreams

    • 1.1 Why do people believe in dreams
    • 1.2 Video: Interpreting Dreams from an Islamic Perspective
  • 2 Why do white cats dream - interpretation of popular dream books

    • 2.1 Miller's dream book
    • 2.2 Dream interpretation of Wangi
    • 2.3 Freud's dream book
    • 2.4 Dream interpretation of Nostradamus
    • 2.5 Tsvetkov's dream book
    • 2.6 Loff's dream book
    • 2.7 Dream interpretation Hasse
  • 3 Meanings of the image of a white cat

    • 3.1 Sex of the animal
    • 3.2 Adult white cat or kitten
    • 3.3 Many white cats
    • 3.4 Pregnant cat
    • 3.5 Your pet or an unfamiliar white cat
    • 3.6 Depending on who the cat dreamed of (man or woman)
    • 3.7 Condition and appearance of the dreaming cat
  • 4 How to relate to a dream
  • 5 Reviews

Causes of dreams

While a person's body relaxes and rests in sleep, his brain continues to work. It shuffles the information and impressions received with the momentary sensations of the body - for example, you may feel cold or a toothache at this moment, hear the buzzing of a mosquito over your ear, etc. - and forms fantastic images that weaves into strange plots. It is very interesting and quite amenable to scientific analysis, but one should not clothe normal physiological processes in mysticism.

Sleeping girl
Sleeping girl

Sleep is not a mystical, but a physiological process

Why do people believe in dreams

From ancient times, people were interested and disturbed by what they saw in dreams, and they tried to find a variety of explanations for this - far from always scientific, more often understandable and applied - trying to combine the meaning of dreams with what happens in reality. The peak of fashion for dream books with the interpretation of night illusions fell, perhaps, at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries; the modern theory of dreams originates from the analytics of Sigmund Freud and is based on the theories of many other scientists in Europe and America.

But the mechanism of the occurrence of dreams remains a mystery to many, and accordingly, faith in the prophetic power of dreams is growing. Especially when they are inhabited by characters who are well known from everyday life, but traditionally endowed with magical abilities. For example, cats that have lived next to humans for many millennia, but still have not lost the mysterious halo of a mystical, even totemic animal, occupy a special place in the interpretation of the plots of the night "cinema".

Video: interpreting dreams from the point of view of Islam

Why do white cats dream - interpretation of popular dream books

According to generally accepted judgments, any cats dream of trouble. But here's what is curious: it is the white cat seen in a dream that serves as a kind of warning - problems are coming, prepare for them in advance. However, there are a huge number of popular dream books, and each of them has its own interpretation of dreams with a snow-white cat in the "main role".

The cat sleeps with the owner
The cat sleeps with the owner

Dreams about white cats are interpreted by each dream book in its own way

Miller's dream book

The name of the American psychoanalyst Gustav Hindman Miller was incredibly popular in the United States and Europe at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Until now, the book of the scientist "Dream Interpretation, or the Interpretation of Dreams" remains very popular. This world's largest dream book contains more than ten thousand original author's interpretations, including on the white cat.

The scientist assumed that the white cat portends confusion and confusion in matters that are the enemy's machinations. It is especially bad to see an aggressive or sick animal in a dream - if you are able to control your dreams, try to drive it away or even kill it. Then all intrigues will dissipate, and sick friends will quickly recover.

Cat shows teeth
Cat shows teeth

Aggressive white cat, according to Miller, is a very bad sign

Dream interpretation of Wangi

For many years after the death of a blind clairvoyant from Bulgaria, her “brand” has been actively exploited, and sometimes in the most shameless way. Vanga is credited with a large number of prophecies and predictions to which she had nothing to do. It is possible that Vanga's dream book is also a hoax - but this is not known for sure. Such a dream book - genuine or not - exists, and a lot of attention is paid to a white cat.

According to this dream book, a meeting with a white animal in a dream does not bode well either:

  • to see a white cat - a nasty change in life;

    Cat sneaks
    Cat sneaks

    In dreams, it is better to bypass this cute beast.

  • many white cats - to public condemnation and shame;
  • catching a white cat - to meet a strong person who will negatively affect your destiny.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud, our subconscious mind creates "sleepy" images that can both state and predict states and events. Specifically, a white cat serves as a warning to a person against making hasty decisions: you need to stop, think and introduce system into your life, where confusion has almost certainly formed.

Cat stretches
Cat stretches

White cat, Freud believed, is a safety net for the subconscious

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

Almost a thousand texts belong to the Peru of Nostradamus, but there are still many manuscripts, the creation of which is credited to him, including a dream book, where a white cat also appears among many illusory images.

If the animal that visited your dream was very fluffy, then this is a serious signal: you can make a fatal mistake and thereby drastically undermine your reputation. But forewarned means forearmed - the one who heeds the mystical warning will be able to discover a powerful source of energy in himself and, as a result, gain complete control over his own life.

To meet in a dream a white cat, lonely, but proudly walking along the road, was, according to Nostradamus, a special sign - evidence that a certain great man had appeared in the world who would be able to change the established order of things. The dreamer, on the other hand, can take the chance and serve this extraordinary person - if not for the sake of fame, then for the money.

White cat is walking
White cat is walking

Follow the white cat - it will lead you to fame and fortune

The dream book of Nostradamus claims that a white cat can see itself before important events: for example, when you need to make some fateful decision, and a girl - before the wedding. It is assumed that this dream will push a person to cognize the main truth - the meaning of life. And this is by no means accidental - after all, in the Middle Ages, cats were considered carriers of secret knowledge, servants of magicians and sorcerers.

Girl with white cat
Girl with white cat

White cat in a dream - a harbinger of imminent marriage

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The interpreter of dreams Evgeny Tsvetkov is our versatilely gifted contemporary: a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and at the same time - an artist, journalist, writer, occultist, a talented interpreter of dreams.

According to psychologist Tsvetkov, nocturnal visits of a white cat to human dreams promise only trouble:

  • tears;
  • quarreling;
  • infidelity;
  • disappointment.

And all because a cat in a snow-white fur coat is not an obvious, but a secret enemy of yours. It seems that it is impossible to expect anything bad from this cutie - but the blows of fate directed by her fluffy paw become all the more noticeable.

Loff's dream book

The “Handbook of Dreams” by the American pastor and psychotherapist David Loff is unique in that its author claims that each dream should be interpreted in relation to a specific person, and not the same for everyone.

Loff shifts the emphasis to the mystical image of a cat in general and a white cat in particular. A dream with such an animal is a magical clue: in any situation, you should rely on your intuition and develop it in every possible way, mastering esoteric knowledge. And the secret meaning of a dream must be interpreted, listening only to your own subconscious. The only thing Pastor Loff is categorical about is that he, unlike most of his "colleagues", considers a white cat a good sign.

Dream interpretation Hasse

The huge popularity of Hasse's dream book is due to the talent of this Polish seer, medium and numerologist, who lived at the end of the 19th century. Her book Sleep and Dreams, or Scientifically Based Interpretation of Dreams was built on the magic of numbers and interpreted dreams depending on the date they were "shown."

Pani medium considered the white cat an important guest of night visions and a symbol of black ingratitude. Any appearance of her in a dream should become an alarming "bell": you are being deceived! Moreover, such a deception is by no means fun, but a prudent and insidious plan built by someone from close people. You will fully experience their betrayal and ingratitude if you stroke a white cat in a dream or, even worse, feed it.

White cat stroking
White cat stroking

According to Hasse's dream book, you don't need to stroke a white cat in a dream.

And if she bites you, then relatives and best friends may completely turn away from you - they will not accept your ideas and your way of life.

White cat image meanings

In folk omens and beliefs, a white cat almost always appears as a positive symbol - it personifies purity, innocence, sincerity, even serves as a talisman for home and family well-being. But this, so to speak, is a "day" sign, but the nighttime symbolism of a cat-dream changes exactly the opposite: such a dream is mainly interpreted as a negative prophecy.

All interpreters of dreams recommend remembering as many details and even the smallest details of how and what kind of cat you dreamed of. In their opinion, the accuracy of the interpretation of a dream depends on this.

White cat sitting
White cat sitting

Saw a cat in a dream - remember all the details

Animal gender

A white cat who has visited you in a dream is a warning: trouble is coming from the side of the one you consider your friend. That is, you need to be prepared for deception and betrayal.

White cat and cat
White cat and cat

It is important to find out who you dreamed about - a cat or a cat

If a cat is dreaming, and especially if it is behaving actively, trying to attract attention, then you can expect a conflict with a person whom you have known well for a long time. Extinguish this confrontation in the bud, otherwise it can result in tangible losses.

Adult white cat or kitten

The age of the animal is also of great importance for the correct interpretation of sleep. We have already described what, according to the versions of various dream books, means visiting your dreams for adult animals. A dreamed white kitten is considered a good omen:

  • holding a kitten in your arms is a sign of family joys, and giving it to someone is a sign of general positive changes in a life situation - according to Freud's dream book;
  • a very small kitten symbolizes a long life - according to Vanga's dream book;
  • a newborn white kitten can mean both the acquisition of wealth and the loss of friends - according to Loff's dream book;
  • for a woman, a kitten in a dream portends a pleasant visit, new acquaintances and interesting impressions - according to the dream book of Nostradamus;
  • for a girl, such a dream means making an important decision and choosing a life path - according to Hasse's dream book.

The more kittens visit your sleep at the same time - the oddly enough, for you it is worse. Two kittens warn of impending deception, and many fluffy white babies warn of significant waste that can seriously undermine your budget.

White kittens
White kittens

Such charms in a dream, alas, predict trouble

Sleeping with a dead white kitten is a bad sign - you need to prepare for problems that will generally worsen your life. To see in a dream a cat and white kittens, on the contrary, means a chance for positive changes - do not hesitate to take advantage of them, but at the same time try not to risk and not get involved in dubious adventures, even if they are offered to you by the best friends.

White cat with kitten
White cat with kitten

White cat with kitten - your chance to change your life for the better

A crying, plaintive meowing white kitten is a signal for busy parents: it's time to pay more attention to children and delve into their problems - otherwise there will be trouble.

Many white cats

A dream in which not one, but several white cats appears at once should alert you. Do not let them caress and do not take them in your arms - it is better to try to quickly and far away from these cute creatures. Such a dream is a harbinger of diseases, and you should not attract them to yourself at all.

There is another interpretation - it is set out in Mrs Hasse's dream book - but also not very pleasant: many white cats in a dream anticipate betrayal of friends, betrayal of loved ones and other deceptions from those whom you especially trusted.

Pregnant cat

A pregnant white cat dreams that a lot of confusion has crept into your affairs and personal life - its fruits can be completely unpredictable, but they are unlikely to please you. But this is only one version of the interpretation. There is another, much more positive one: a white cat in an "interesting position" promises a person who sees her in a dream, the establishment of harmony and a change for the better.

Pregnant cat
Pregnant cat

A pregnant cat is dreaming - expect surprises

When in your dream a white cat gives birth to white kittens, treat this sign with great attention: new great opportunities for positive change open up for you - first of all, it concerns work, earnings and career growth.

Five kittens
Five kittens

Many kittens were born - and there will be many problems

Your pet or an unfamiliar white cat

The interpretation of sleep for the owner of a white cat and for those who do not have such a pet can be different. If in a dream you are visited by a pet, trying in every possible way to caress and draw attention to himself, he thus signals: not everything is normal in your house or family - in the closest environment you can expect the manifestation of difficult problems that have been latently accumulating for a long time. We urgently need to put things in order in our life - before it's too late.

The cat sleeps on the railing
The cat sleeps on the railing

You dreamed of a pet - problems are brewing in the family

An alien, unfamiliar cat can appear for a variety of reasons. But her visits should also be regarded as a warning - and in this opinion almost all commentators agree - about future troubles. Most likely, you have become the object of the intrigues of ill-wishers and envious people - either at work or in your personal life.

Cat hiding behind a tree
Cat hiding behind a tree

Alien white cat warns against intriguers and envious people

The degree of future problems that a white cat indicates in a dream is easy to understand by its activity:

  • if the animal aggressively attacks you or, conversely, caresses too obsessively, expect a large-scale negative;
  • if a white cat behaves indifferently and just flickers in your dream - note: somewhere intrigues are woven against you or gossip is spread, but all this dirt, most likely, will not splash out, especially since you, timely warned by a white cat, from now on you will be on the alert.

Here are several interpretations of dreams - depending on the "plot" in which you saw someone else's animal:

  • the cat asks to enter the house - a good messenger will appear, which will mean a lot to you;
  • the cat runs away from you - the troubles will go away by themselves;
  • a cat walks in a garden or park - the wildest dreams and plans will come true.

Depending on who the cat dreamed of (man or woman)

A white cat, dreamed of by an unmarried girl, means for her an acquaintance with a young man, pleasant and affectionate. But you just need to beware of a cat that is persistently trying to climb into your arms and settle down on your lap - this is evidence that the chosen one is unfaithful to you and makes insidious plans. Perhaps he is only trying to appear good, but in fact he is not at all who he claims to be.

Girl with a cat
Girl with a cat

In women's and girlish dreams, a white cat is a symbol of love and family problems

If a woman sees a white cat in the arms of a man - it doesn't matter whether she is an acquaintance or a stranger - serious problems will come to her family. It is necessary to analyze the situation in the house in advance in order to minimize unpleasant surprises.

A dream with a white cat warns a young man: a new woman may appear in his life - bright, beautiful, but very moody and demanding; there will be many problems associated with it.

The condition and appearance of the dreaming cat

A clean, healthy and well-groomed cat of white color looks very attractive in a dream or in reality. Different interpreters interpret this image of night dreams in different ways.

White fluffy cat
White fluffy cat

This white and fluffy creature can symbolize both good and evil.

Occultist Yevgeny Tsvetkov, for example, considers such a beauty to be an extremely bad omen: you will have a painful disappointment - someone whom you consider "white and fluffy" will turn out to be a deceiver or even worse. And psychotherapist David Loff, on the contrary, gives this image a positive interpretation: a beautiful white cat attracts well-being and brings harmony to the life of the one who sees her in a dream.

A sick, emaciated, dirty animal can only evoke pity and sympathy wherever you meet him. A particularly sad sight is a cat with once white and fluffy, but now dirty and matted hair. Meeting with him in a dream warns of an illness - soon either you or someone close to you can get sick.

Dirty white cat
Dirty white cat

Dirty white cat warns of illness

If you dream that such a cat is attacking, it means a fight against the disease - you must drive away or destroy the disease, embodied in an unpleasant feline image.

How to relate to a dream

Dreams can sometimes have a too strong effect on an impressionable or suspicious person - especially if they portend misfortune and loss. But any dreams can be interpreted in completely different ways, and the dreamer's own attitude towards them plays an important role.

White cat lies
White cat lies

Think about the white cat's visits to your dreams.

If you tend to believe dreams, take the white cat's warnings with gratitude - it will help you avoid a lot of trouble. If you are skeptical about such predictions, do not ignore them completely, analyze them - this will give you new knowledge about yourself and an understanding of why exactly the white cat began to appear in your night visions.


Dream magic has deep psychological and historical roots. Treat your dreams with the interest of a researcher - it's curious and informative. And if you learn to control your behavior and your dreams, then a white cat visiting them will never be able to harm you.
