White Cat With Blue Eyes: Popular Breeds, Grooming, Photos
White Cat With Blue Eyes: Popular Breeds, Grooming, Photos

White cats with blue eyes

White cat
White cat

White cat with blue eyes - first of all, it's beautiful! Very beautiful, in any breed. And outbred "blondes" with blue eyes are extraordinarily good-looking. But their owners need to be prepared for the fact that such beauty requires special care: a lot of time, effort and additional costs. However, it's worth it.


  • 1 Genetics of white color
  • 2 Breeds of white cats with blue eyes

    • 2.1 Turkish Angora

      2.1.1 Video: white color - angora classic

    • 2.2 British cat

      2.2.1 Video: meet - the same Kobe

    • 2.3 Siberian breed
    • 2.4 Cornish Rex
    • 2.5 Persian breed
    • 2.6 Scottish breed
    • 2.7 Russian white cat
    • 2.8 Sphinxes
    • 2.9 Oriental
    • 2.10 Foreign White
    • 2.11 Kao-Mani Cat

      2.11.1 Video: sacred and special kao-mani cats

  • 3 Features of white blue-eyed cats

    • 3.1 Is it true that they are deaf?
    • 3.2 Propensity for disease and other problems
    • 3.3 How albino cats differ
  • 4 Caring for white cats
  • 5 Owner reviews

Genetics of white color

The beautiful white color of the cat's hair is unique primarily in that it is formed not due to the coloring pigment, like all other colors, but, on the contrary, due to the absence of pigmentation. Especially interesting is the genetics of this color in blue-eyed "blondes".

White cat in profile
White cat in profile

White blue-eyed cats have special genetics

But the main "insidiousness" of the W gene is manifested in the fact that, along with the pigmentation of the coat, it blocks the growth of cells of the hearing apparatus in the developing embryo. This is why many blue-eyed white cats are born deaf. This pathology is most common in outbred animals, because during breeding work inside nurseries, breeders conduct a strict selection and do not allow animals with a hearing loss into breeding.

The spectacular bright appearance of the white blue-eyed simply cannot fail to attract attention. White cats, after black and tricolor cats, lead in the number of myths and superstitions of which they are heroines.

White cat in her arms
White cat in her arms

People have always paid attention to white cats.

White cat lies
White cat lies

These cats are often endowed with mystical properties.

Breeds of white cats with blue eyes

The standards of many domestic breeds allow for white cats in combination with blue eyes. The eyes can also be yellow, green, or multi-colored - an interesting phenomenon called heterochromia.

Turkish angora

This most famous of the white cats is distinguished by its beauty and extraordinary harmony - moreover, the famous, ostrich-feather-like tail of the Angora is considered the longest of all breeds of domestic cats. The centuries-old breeding strategy has made it possible to create a wonderful animal, perfect both in appearance and in character. The Turkish Angora is famous for its high intelligence, friendliness and excellent adaptability.

White angora
White angora

For the beauty of angora, white is preferred.

Video: white color - angora classic

British cat

A separate requirement of the breed standard of a white British cat is color purity - no nuances, not a single non-white hair! On the special plush fur of British women, the white color looks unrealistically beautiful - especially in combination with bright blue eyes. It is no coincidence that a white shorthaired Briton named Kobe was recognized as the cat with the most beautiful eyes in the world.

White british cat
White british cat

"Plush" white coats are very appealing to British cats

Kobe the cat
Kobe the cat

The most "big-eyed" cat in the world is called Kobe

Video: meet the same Kobe


Siberian breed

Pure white color is rarely inherent in Siberian cats - usually there are some shades or markings in their rich fur coat. But such an exclusive color does not affect the character and behavior of this strong charismatic animal.

Siberian white cat
Siberian white cat

White Siberian cats are very rare in the breed

White cat in the snow
White cat in the snow

White cat on white snow looks amazing

Cornish Rex

The unique fur, consisting of curls and curls, makes the representatives of this breed one of the cutest pets. But Cornish Rexes are attractive not only for their funny appearance, but also for their cute character - cheerful and friendly.

Cornish Rex
Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex - blue-eyed cat - "sheep"

Persian breed

The flattened face of the Persian only at first glance may seem always dissatisfied with something - in fact, they are very affectionate and grateful animals. Pedigree phlegm in the case of a white color is only a plus, therefore such a wonderful fluffy coat must be carefully protected, and not wiped off the dust under sofas with it during endless games and hide and seek.

White Persian
White Persian

White Persian is always a bright personality, and not only externally

Scottish breed

Cute unusual appearance is not the only virtue of the Scottish cat - this charming creature has a unique ability to compromise. Scottish is able to "negotiate" and make friends with anyone, and at the same time - to tune the whole family to a peaceful and prosperous wave.

White scottish kitten
White scottish kitten

Scottish fold kitten is cute and touching, like a small child

Russian white cat

Oddly enough for a breed with such a name, its history began in … Australia, from the Russian breeds brought there: the white Siberian and the blue cat. The result of such a remote Russian experiment was the emergence of this young breed, which few people know about yet. The descendants went with the quality of wool to the father - a Russian blue, and in color and temper - to the mother, a Siberian cat.

Russian white cat
Russian white cat

Russian white cat was invented in Australia

But felinological organizations do not yet have a common opinion about the young breed. ACF and GCCF consider it a variation of the Russian blue, while ACFA proposes to unite all Russian shorthair cats - blue, white and black - into a single breed. The Russian White received full recognition only in the RAS Cat Fanciers Club (Royal Agricultural Society) - this happened in 1975 in South Wales.


How can a naked cat be white? Not only can, but often happens, moreover, it is extremely popular. Look at the Sphynxes (Canadian, Don, and Petersburg) - these hairless cats have an extensive palette of colors in their breed standards, but white is beyond any competition!

White sphinx
White sphinx

The white sphinx with blue eyes is fantastically beautiful


The colors of the Oriental cat breed could be the topic of a separate story with a very exciting plot. For many decades, felinologists around the world have been hotly debating this issue. About a hundred years ago, the elite British club categorically refused to breed other colors than the Himalayan. Since then, and for a very long time, the predecessors of the modern orientals were severely limited - both in livestock and in development.

Oriental white
Oriental white

Oriental white has only recently been officially recognized

Only at the end of the seventies of the last century did enthusiasts manage to achieve recognition of monochromatic colors, including white. And in 1995 the modern standard of the oriental breed was finally approved.

Foreign white

"Foreign White" - this is how the name of the Forin White breed is translated in a somewhat unusual way. This is still an experimental breed, not recognized by all felinological organizations, which is essentially a Siamese cat of a white uniform color. Therefore, the authoritative association TICA, which recognizes foreign white, proposes a single standard for the Siamese group of cats, to which it also classifies the "foreign white" breed.

The cat is very graceful and elegant, mobile and capricious, it is distinguished by high intelligence, good learning ability and strong affection for humans. From the ancestor breeds - the British White Shorthaired and the Siamese Seal Point - the Foreign Whites have inherited the best qualities that their owners appreciate. Despite the fact that these cats are only white and only blue-eyed, their offspring are born hearing well and do not show signs of albinism.

Foreign white
Foreign white

Foreign white literally translates as "foreign white"

Kao mani cat

These cheerful and friendly cats belong to an ancient aboriginal breed originally from Thailand, where they were only allowed to be kept by royalty. The first written mention of the breed appeared in the fourteenth century. Now the attitude towards the breed has become much more democratic, but it still remains rare and, accordingly, costs a lot - it is in the top 10 most expensive cats in the world.

Kao mani cat
Kao mani cat

no other cat has such amazing eyes - only Kao-mani

Despite the developed hunting instinct, kao-mani are absolutely devoid of aggression. They are extremely playful and active. They do not like to be alone and feel best in a big feline company. Be prepared for these Thai Snow Whites to be talkative, sometimes too much.

Video: sacred and special cats kao mani

Features of white blue-eyed cats

Owners of white cats note their extraordinary modesty and even shyness. Despite their striking appearance, these beauties are not at all arrogant and arrogant. They need increased attention and care of the owner. And if strangers often appear in the house, ask them to be as correct as possible and not to frighten your pet - she is suspicious and too vulnerable, and she does not need extra stress at all.

White cat peeps
White cat peeps

A white cat can be shy and even shy

Is it true that they are deaf?

The claims that all, without exception, white blue-eyed cats are deaf is not true, although such cases are not uncommon. Studies by geneticists, based on the extensive practice of various breed catteries, state that a third of these cats do not have any hearing problems. Even Darwin noted the connection between deafness of cats with their white color and blue eyes.

The "culprit" of the white cat's deafness is the influence of the dominant allele of the W gene, which at the early embryonic stage not only forms the white color of the kitten, but also blocks the growth of cells of the organ of Corti - the peripheral part of the auditory analyzer, its degeneration and becomes the root cause of the animal's deafness. This is the rare case when one gene forms not one, but several traits - this phenomenon is called pleiotropy.

White kitten sitting
White kitten sitting

Even if the kitten does not hear, it will definitely bring joy to your home.

You should not refuse to purchase a kitten you like just because he does not hear. But, of course, only if you do not plan to exhibit this animal or use it in breeding. Breeding work with deaf individuals is prohibited in all breeds. And responsible owners should abandon the idea of "getting kittens" from their deaf pet. It would be more correct to sterilize or castrate such an animal.

You should not keep a deaf cat on self-walking, and if you walk with it, then only on a leash. The risk of getting lost and dying for a deaf cat is very high and should always be kept in mind.

Disease Propensity and Other Problems

Like all white animals, cats have very sensitive skin. They are prone to allergies and various dermatoses. This feature should be remembered by too loving owners who now and then indulge their pet with a variety of "human" sweets. Any food from the master's table is an unambiguous taboo for cats in general, and even more so for whites.

Here's what "tasty" they are categorically forbidden to treat:

  • sweets and fresh pastries;
  • peppery, salted and seasoned with any spices;
  • smoked, fried and pickled;
  • sausage and cheese;
  • chocolate;
  • citrus fruits.
White cat sunbathing
White cat sunbathing

Sunbathing is not good for a white cat

The delicate skin of a white cat can also suffer from external adverse factors - for example, from drafts, frost or, conversely, heat - each breed has its own risk zone. But for all, without exception, "snow white" are dangerous direct sunlight. Protect your cat from them - a tan will definitely not be useful for her. Severe dermatoses can also cause bites of various insects, so it is especially important to treat white cats in a timely manner from all types of parasites.

Often these animals also have problems with bone tissue, which can cause the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the dental system.

White cat at the vet
White cat at the vet

Veterinarian checkups should be regular

What is the difference between albino cats

White cats with blue eyes are not albinos. Albinism is expressed in the absolute absence of pigment. Such cats have not only white fur, but also red eyes, and the skin under the fur is always dyed pink. The blue color of the eyes indicates that there is a pigment - it stains the iris of the eye.

White albino cat
White albino cat

Albino cat eyes and skin are pink in color.

Albinos have the weakest immunity of all white cats. Drafts, hypothermia or overheating, contact with sick animals and other provoking factors are especially dangerous for them. In addition, the nervous system of albinos is highly sensitive, and this is important to take into account when creating conditions and a mode of comfortable living for them.

Fat albino cat
Fat albino cat

A comfortable lifestyle is very important for an albino cat

Caring for white cats

Most experts agree that the white color is the most advantageous for showing at exhibitions. But the requirements for white cats of show class are very high - their coat should be in perfect condition, without any spots and shades. Of course, keeping snow-white wool in order is more difficult than any other, but beauty is expensive.

White cat with mistress
White cat with mistress

Even a hairless white cat needs special care

Regular bathing and thorough brushing should be mandatory for keeping a white cat, regardless of its breed and fur length. You need to wash the animal every two months or in cases where the coat is heavily soiled. In the presence of a large amount of undercoat, such procedures are vital for your home, otherwise all surfaces in it will quickly become covered with a thin layer of weightless white fluff.

White cat with flowers
White cat with flowers

Cosmetics for a white cat must be of high quality and have a natural composition.

Study the composition of the shampoo carefully before purchasing it for your pet. It is highly advisable to wash white cats with products that consist of natural ingredients. Of course, they are more expensive, but they will not harm the health of your pet. In addition to special shampoos for white wool, you will also need special bleaching powders and pastes.

Persian cat white
Persian cat white

The most difficult care is the Persian white cat

It is especially important to take proper care of the "most woolly" cat - the Persian. White kittens of this breed should be accustomed to frequent bathing and brushing as early as possible.

On a white background, any flaws are more noticeable - for example, unkempt ears or eyes. It is not recommended to use tea leaves for rinsing the eyes, as it stains the white wool. It is better to purchase special care products at the pet store - they do not have a coloring effect.

Owner reviews

A white cat in the house is definitely not an animal for lazy people. if you dream of allowing yourself such perfection, you will have to correspond to it in everything: not only pay a lot of attention to caring for your coat, but also maintain perfect cleanliness in the house - so that there is not a speck of dust or specks anywhere. And the owner will now simply have to look worthy of this snow-white queen. You will not even notice how the appearance of a white cat will gradually change your whole life for the better …
