Cystitis In Cats And Cats: Symptoms (blood In Urine And Others) And Treatment At Home, Medications (pills And Others), Veterinarian Advice
Cystitis In Cats And Cats: Symptoms (blood In Urine And Others) And Treatment At Home, Medications (pills And Others), Veterinarian Advice

Cystitis in cats: how to cure and prevent

Cat stands on the grass
Cat stands on the grass

Noticing signs of cystitis in a cat, its worried owner wants to start treating the pet as soon as possible and often neglects a visit to the veterinarian, starting treatment on their own and relying on everyday experience. This can result in chronic cystitis, as well as delayed diagnosis of a serious disease, a symptom of which it may be.


  • 1 Cystitis and the underlying causes

    1.1 Factors contributing to the development of the disease

  • 2 How does cystitis in cats manifest?

    • 2.1 Forms of the disease
    • 2.2 Main symptoms of cystitis in cats
  • 3 Types of cystitis

    • 3.1 Serous-catarrhal
    • 3.2 Purulent
    • 3.3 Ulcerative
    • 3.4 Hemorrhagic
    • 3.5 Phlegmonous
    • 3.6 Gangrenous
    • 3.7 Idiopathic

      3.7.1 Video: Cystitis in Pets

  • 4 Diagnosis of cystitis
  • 5 When you need to urgently see a veterinarian
  • 6 Treating a cat at home

    • 6.1 First aid for a pet
    • 6.2 Treatment regimen depending on the stage of the disease

      1 Photo Gallery: Medicines for Feline Cystitis

    • 6.3 Medicines for the treatment of feline cystitis

      • 6.3.1 Table: remedies for the treatment of cystitis
      • 6.3.2 Video: Treatments for Cystitis in Pets
    • 6.4 Traditional medicines for the treatment of cystitis in cats

      6.4.1 Photo gallery: traditional medicine in the treatment of cystitis

    • 6.5 How to carry out treatment procedures
    • 6.6 Caring for a sick cat
    • 6.7 How to treat a pregnant cat
  • 7 Prevention of cystitis and its exacerbations
  • 8 Recommendations from veterinarians

Cystitis and the underlying causes

Cystitis is a group of diseases manifested in inflammation of the bladder.

Cystitis is subdivided into:

  • primary - when the cause of the disease is within the bladder, for example, primary bacterial cystitis;
  • secondary - in this case, cystitis is a complication or symptom of another disease, for example, with pyelonephritis, endometritis, or viral immunodeficiency.

Causes of cystitis:

  • prolonged exposure to low temperatures (hypothermia);
  • infectious processes in the bladder caused by:

    • bacterial flora;
    • fungal infection;
    • the simplest;
    • mycoplasmas.
  • infections of other parts of the urinary system:

    • urethritis;
    • pyelonephritis.
  • stones in the urinary system - calculi formed in metabolic disorders injure the epithelial lining of the bladder and provoke an inflammatory process;
  • invasion by helminths and external parasites, causing intoxication and impaired immune status, which result in secondary cystitis;
  • chronic infections:

    • viral leukemia;
    • viral immunodeficiency;
    • calicivirus;
    • chlamydia.
  • diabetes;
  • infections of the reproductive organs, especially in cats, as well as postpartum complications:

    • endometritis;
    • pyometra;
    • unseparated afterbirth.
  • violation of the drinking regime - low water consumption in conjunction with eating dry food can cause stagnation of urine and cystitis;
  • trauma to the abdominal cavity, such as from a failed jump from a height.
Bladder stones removed from cats
Bladder stones removed from cats

A common cause of cystitis is the presence of stones in the bladder, requiring their medical dissolution or surgical removal, a very large role belongs to diet

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

The development of cystitis is facilitated by:

  • obesity;
  • exhaustion;
  • hypodynamia;
  • pregnancy;
  • stress;
  • corticosteroid therapy that suppresses the immune system;
  • heredity.

Cystitis in cats is not contagious and poses no danger to humans

Fat tabby cat sniffing a flower
Fat tabby cat sniffing a flower

Obesity is a risk factor for developing cystitis

How does cystitis in cats manifest?

Symptoms of cystitis are determined by the form of the disease and the type of cystitis.

Forms of the disease

There are the following forms of cystitis in cats:

  • acute form - develops immediately after the action of a damaging factor, for example, low temperatures; in the acute form, the inflammatory process is usually superficial and reversible; complete restoration of organ tissues is possible during high-quality therapy;
  • chronic form - develop when:

    • chronicity of acute cystitis;
    • stones in the urinary tract;
    • an infectious process in other parts of the urinary tract;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • chronic infectious diseases. In the chronic form, the muscular layer of the organ thickens, which makes it impossible to completely empty it, and this further aggravates the course of the disease and prevents healing. Chronization of cystitis is said when cystitis occurs more than 2 times a year, as well as when it is not possible to achieve complete remission (disappearance of clinical symptoms) or normalization of laboratory parameters in the treatment of an acute form.
Blood in the urine of a cat sitting in a litter box
Blood in the urine of a cat sitting in a litter box

With acute cystitis, as well as exacerbation of chronic, blood may appear in the urine

The main symptoms of cystitis in cats

In most cases, there are:

  • the cat begins to visit its litter box more often or urinates before reaching it;
  • urinates in small portions, sometimes with a few drops of urine;
  • pain syndrome when urinating - the cat meows, takes a forced posture or angrily scatter filler with its paws;
  • the cat has a stomach ache:

    • she gently turns from side to side, lies down and stands up;
    • may drag hind legs due to pain;
    • does not allow to feel the stomach.
  • changes in the parameters of urine discharge:

    • urine becomes darker, loses transparency, pathological inclusions can be determined in it:

      • blood, both in the form of urine staining and in the form of clots;
      • slime;
      • pus;
      • sometimes scraps of dead mucous membrane are determined.
    • the smell changes - it feels unpleasant, more concentrated, sometimes purulent or putrid.
  • acute cystitis or aggravation of his chronic form may appear fever - the temperature rises above 39 to C;
  • general non-specific manifestations:

    • weakness;
    • apathy, unwillingness to play;
    • the cat sleeps a lot.
  • there may be thirst.
Blood in the urine of a cat sitting on a table
Blood in the urine of a cat sitting on a table

With cystitis, there is a strong and painful urge to urinate, so the pet cannot always get to the tray

Types of cystitis

Types of cystitis are determined by the nature of the inflammatory changes.


Usually precedes other clinical forms, being their onset, but can proceed on its own. With a serous-catarrhal form, edema of the mucous layer occurs, its vessels dilate, in places the epithelium sloughs off. In the mucous layer, the content of leukocytes increases and an inflammatory exudate is formed; products of inflammation, leukocytes, mucus and dead epithelial cells enter the urine, and it loses its transparency.


The onset of purulent cystitis is possible both with an aggressive bacterial infection and with a weak immune response. An active inflammatory reaction occurs in the mucous membrane, accompanied by fever and intoxication. A large number of leukocytes migrate into the mucous membrane of the bladder, it is edematous, full-blooded, with areas of desquamated epithelium under purulent or purulent-fibrinous plaque. In the urine, clots of pus are determined, a high content of leukocytes, there may be blood from small vessels damaged by inflammation, as well as scraps of the epithelial lining of the bladder.


The ulcerative form of cystitis complicates the course of purulent, when, during the aggressive course of the disease, the muscular membrane is involved in inflammation, and in this case, deep ulcerative defects are formed, covered with overlays of pus or fibrin.


With a hemorrhagic form, the permeability of the blood vessels increases, which is accompanied by the release of a large number of red blood cells from their bloodstream. The mucous layer swells, the edema contains many red blood cells, numerous hemorrhages occur. Erythrocytes penetrate the urine, staining it in shades of red and forming clots. The hemorrhagic form can be combined with purulent and serous-catarrhal.


In the phlegmonous form, the mucous and submucous layers of the bladder wall are literally stuffed with leukocytes; as a rule, this form is observed in immunodeficiency states, as well as in surgical pathology, for example, paracystitis - when the fatty tissue surrounding the bladder becomes inflamed.


In gangrenous cystitis, the inflammation covers the entire bladder wall; the mucous membrane is necrotic in part or in whole. There is a risk of perforation of the affected wall with necrosis of all its layers, which will be complicated by the development of urinary peritonitis. An extremely severe form of cystitis is a complication of surgical pathology or severe systemic diseases.


With this form of cystitis, it is not possible to isolate the microbial pathogen. It is poorly understood, it is assumed that it causes a disturbance in the neuroendocrine regulation of the bladder due to an increased stress response, as a result of which vascular permeability increases under the influence of stress hormones, and urinary irritants have a direct effect on the neurons of the bladder walls, causing the development of inflammatory process. The diagnosis is made by excluding the effects of all existing factors in the development of cystitis.

Video: cystitis in pets

Diagnosis of cystitis

It is usually not difficult to suspect cystitis in a cat. But only a veterinarian can diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Diagnosis of cystitis consists of examining the cat, interviewing the owner, and additional diagnostic methods:

  • general blood test - with cystitis, leukocytosis may appear, an increase in ESR. With a hemorrhagic form with significant blood loss, anemia may develop;
  • general urine analysis - there is a high number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelial cells, mucus and bacteria. In the presence of stones in a significant amount, salt crystals will be determined. Protein with cystitis increases slightly, unlike, for example, pyelonephritis. A very important indicator is the acidity of urine, based on it, methods of dietary correction are selected, which are of great importance in the presence of stones and a large number of salt crystals;
  • biochemical blood test - it is necessary to determine the functional state of internal organs, both in order to identify concomitant pathology, and in order to determine possible contraindications for the appointment of therapy;
  • bacteriological culture of urine - performed in order to isolate the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs;
  • Ultrasound of the urinary organs - the shape and structure of organs is examined, the presence of calculi or tumor formations is established;
  • X-ray methods - to clarify data on the function of organs, as well as their structure;
  • cystoscopy - instrumental examination of the bladder from the inside using fiber optics. It is performed under general anesthesia.
An ultrasound scan for a cat
An ultrasound scan for a cat

With cystitis, it is important to carry out an ultrasound of the urinary system to determine their condition

When you need to urgently see a veterinarian

The doctor should be consulted as soon as signs of cystitis were noticed, because:

  • cystitis with inadequate treatment tends to become chronic;
  • cystitis can cause pyelonephritis, as a result of which renal failure may develop;
  • cystitis can be secondary, being a symptom of another disease.

Treating a cat at home

Treatment of cystitis is carried out at home, following the appointment of a veterinarian.

First aid for a pet

The best first aid will be delivery to the veterinarian. If this is not possible in the near future, it is worth introducing papaverine to the cat in a daily dose of 1-2 mg per kg of pet's weight, the dose is divided into 2 doses. Injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly, can be given as a tablet. This will help reduce pain caused by cramping. The cat is provided with a lot of drinking water, you can drink infusions of medicinal herbs. It is necessary to take all measures for the prompt examination of the pet by a doctor. Most drugs for the treatment of cystitis are prescription drugs and can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Veterinarian examines the cat
Veterinarian examines the cat

Treatment of cystitis should be carried out only by a doctor

Treatment regimen depending on the stage of the disease

With acute cystitis, as well as with exacerbation of chronic cystitis, the treatment regimen includes:

  • antibacterial drugs - they are the main ones in the treatment of cystitis, the vast majority of which are bacterial in nature:

    • Sinulox;
    • Ciprofloxacin;
    • Baytril;
    • Claforan.
  • sulfa drugs - broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs. They can be used alone with a mild course of the disease, as well as combined with antibiotics to enhance the effect:

    • Sulfadimethoxine;
    • Urosulfan.
  • nitrofurans - have antimicrobial activity, and are also effective against fungi and protozoa:

    • Furagin;
    • Furadonin.
  • antifungal agents - used to treat cystitis caused by fungal flora, and may also be needed for the treatment of secondary fungal infection after an aggressive course of antibiotic therapy for severe cystitis - Itraconazole;
  • antispasmodics - are used to relieve spasms of the muscles of the bladder and the associated pain syndrome:

    • Papaverine;
    • Platyphyllin;
    • No-shpa.
  • desensitizing agents - used in severe cystitis to suppress the autosensitization reaction, in which additional damage is caused by their own immunocompetent cells:

    • Tavegil;
    • Suprastin.
  • phytopreparations - have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, promote the dissolution and removal of stones:

    • Cyston;
    • Kanephron;
    • Hofitol.
  • immunomodulators:

    • Gamavite;
    • Fosprenil.
  • crystalloid solutions - may be needed for severe cystitis to relieve intoxication, are used for droppers or for subcutaneous injections into the withers:

    • Ringer's solution;
    • saline;
    • 5% glucose solution.
  • hemostatic drugs - used for hemorrhagic cystitis:

    • Vikasol;
    • Dicinon;
    • aminocaproic acid.
  • means that improve metabolism - Catosal;
  • drugs for the prevention and treatment of intestinal dysbiosis that occurs during antibiotic treatment:

    • Fortiflora;
    • Linex.

For the treatment of chronic cystitis outside periods of exacerbation, phytopreparations are used, as well as traditional medicine.

Photo gallery: medicines for the treatment of cystitis in cats

Sinulox is highly effective in the treatment of cystitis; can be used in tablets and injections
Papaverine reduces pain caused by spasms; its injections are less painful than when using No-shpa
Dicinon ampoules
Dicinon ampoules
Dicinone is used when blood appears in the urine, there is also a form of release in tablets
Canephron is a safe herbal preparation acceptable for use in pregnant cats
Sulf 120
Sulf 120
Combined antimicrobial drug; can be used independently in uncomplicated cases of the disease, as well as combined with antibiotics

Medicines for feline cystitis

It is convenient to consider the means for the treatment of cystitis in more detail in the form of a table.

Table: remedies for the treatment of cystitis

A drug Structure Operating principle Price, rub
Sinulox Amoxicillin, clavulanic acid Broad-spectrum antibacterial drug 910
Baytril Enrofloxacin 310
Sulf 120 Sulfadiazine, trimethoprim Combined broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent 160
Papaverine Papaverine Antispasmodic. Approved for use in pregnant women fifty
Furagin Furagin (furazidin) Antimicrobial agent; not used in pregnancy and kidney failure 114
Lespeflan Water-alcoholic tincture of lespedeza Has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect; nephroprotector - reduces the burden on the kidneys, lowering the content of nitrogenous toxins in the blood 172
Dicinon Etamsilat Hemostatic agent, improves the condition of the capillary wall, microcirculation. Activates platelet function 395
Tavegil Clemastine Desensitizing agent, blocks histamine receptors, prevents the development of allergic reactions. Causes drowsiness, prohibited for use in pregnant and lactating women 154
Kanephron Centaury herb, lovage root, rosemary leaves It has a diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation 345

Video: Treating Cystitis in Pets

Traditional medicines for the treatment of cystitis in cats

Traditional medicines are widely used in the treatment of cystitis, during an exacerbation they are combined with drugs for drug therapy:

  • Lingonberry leaf infusion - improves urine flow, reduces inflammation:

    1. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of chopped dry lingonberry leaves.
    2. Soak for half an hour in a water bath.
    3. Filter hot.
    4. Give the cat 1.7 ml / kg of body weight half an hour before meals 4 times a day.
  • Collecting from plantain, horsetail and cinquefoil goose:

    1. Take 2 parts of chopped dry herb of plantain and 1 part of chopped dry grass of horsetail and Potentilla goose.
    2. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water.
    3. Soak in a water bath for 20 minutes.
    4. Cool at room temperature until warm.
    5. Squeeze out the remaining grass thoroughly.
    6. Add boiled water to a volume of 200 ml.
    7. Give the cat half an hour before feeding in a dose of 10 ml for treatment; 5 ml - to prevent exacerbation of cystitis.

Photo gallery: traditional medicine in the treatment of cystitis

Lingonberry bushes
Lingonberry bushes
Lingonberry has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect
Goose cinquefoil
Goose cinquefoil
Goose cinquefoil has a diuretic and hemostatic effect, promotes healing of the mucous membrane
Horsetail has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, wound-healing and antimicrobial action, and also promotes the removal of stones

How to carry out medical procedures

With a severe course of cystitis, you will have to visit a veterinary clinic for intravenous administration of crystalloid solutions, antibiotics, and hemostatic agents. In most cases, cystitis is treated at home according to the doctor's prescription. Treatment of cystitis does not require complex procedures, it is enough to be able to give the cat pills and injections - subcutaneous and in some cases intramuscular; But the owner of the cat will need patience, the treatment regimen usually includes several drugs, and the course of treatment for cystitis can sometimes last several weeks, since the criterion for the effectiveness of therapy is not only the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, but also the normalization of laboratory parameters.

The scheme of the correct administration of drugs for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections
The scheme of the correct administration of drugs for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections

Medicines are administered to the pet as subcutaneous or intramuscular injections

Taking care of a sick cat

When caring for a cat:

  • placement of a pet in a warm room, the absence of drafts is important;
  • providing access to plenty of clean drinking water;
  • transfer of a pet to a ready-made veterinary diet specially created for feeding animals with diseases of the urinary system, this will allow:

    • reduce the burden on the kidneys;
    • increase the rate of glomerular filtration;
    • increase the outflow of urine from the bladder;
    • will reduce the content of salts in the urine.
  • providing rest;
  • protecting the cat from stress;
  • timely provision of a cat for examination by a veterinarian, as well as regular control tests.

Isolation of a sick cat is not required as cystitis is not contagious.

Royal Canin for cats with urinary tract disorders
Royal Canin for cats with urinary tract disorders

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of cystitis; on the recommendation of the veterinarian, the cat is transferred to one of the ready-made veterinary diets

How to treat a pregnant cat

Treatment of a pregnant cat must be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. It is important to distinguish cystitis from a physiological increase in urination in pregnant cats due to compression of the bladder by an enlarged uterus: in this case, the cat visits the litter box more often, but urination does not cause any pain, the appearance and smell of urine remain normal. In the treatment of cystitis in pregnant cats, antispasmodics, herbal remedies, herbal infusions and veterinary homeopathic preparations are used. They try not to use antibiotic therapy in the interests of kittens. A very important role belongs to the diet and care of the cat. If the symptoms of cystitis progress, the veterinarian will be forced to prescribe antibiotic therapy for the benefit of both cats and kittens,since in cats cystitis usually proceeds together with urethritis - in this case, with the expansion of the inflammatory process, it is possible to involve the uterus and intrauterine infection of kittens. Therefore, it is very important to begin treatment of cystitis in a mother cat when the first signs appear.

Pregnant cat lies
Pregnant cat lies

Careful observation of the pregnant cat is necessary and immediate contact with the veterinarian in case of urinary disorder in her

Prevention of cystitis and its exacerbations

Prevention of cystitis consists of:

  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • avoiding abdominal injuries;
  • regular treatments for external parasites;
  • taking anthelmintic drugs once a quarter;
  • timely vaccination against infectious diseases;
  • balanced feeding of the cat;
  • protecting your pet from stress;
  • preventive examinations by a veterinarian;
  • timely detection and treatment of chronic diseases.

Veterinarian recommendations

Cystitis in cats is a group of diseases, the manifestation of which is inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis can be primary in nature, being an independent disease, as well as secondary - in this case, it is a symptom of another disease. Cystitis is dangerous by the spread of the infectious process to the kidneys with the formation of renal failure, as well as a tendency to chronicity with incomplete cure of its acute form. Treatment of cystitis should only be carried out by a veterinarian.