A Cat Or A Cat Sneezes: Reasons (including Why A Kitten Has It), What To Do, Expert Recommendations
A Cat Or A Cat Sneezes: Reasons (including Why A Kitten Has It), What To Do, Expert Recommendations

Causes of frequent sneezing in cats

The cat lies on its back
The cat lies on its back

Sneezing of kittens and adult cats not only touches, but also alarms when it appears again, and even more so often. Frequent sneezing in cats may indicate the development of a number of serious, including dangerous diseases. The occurrence of frequent sneezing allows an experienced cat owner to pay attention to the presence of other, possibly less obvious signs of the development of the disease, and to seek help from a veterinarian in time.


  • 1 How sneezing manifests itself in adult cats and kittens
  • 2 Sneezing in cats normally
  • 3 Sneezing as a symptom of the disease

    3.1 List of symptoms for which you need to urgently see a doctor

  • 4 Preventing sneezing in cats at home

How sneezing manifests itself in adult cats and kittens

Sneezing in cats, like in all higher animals, is a protective reflex aimed at removing various irritating components (dust, mucus, odorous substances) from the upper respiratory tract. This reflex is unconditioned, is formed by the time of birth and persists throughout the cat's life. When sneezing, irritating substances are removed by means of intensified exhalation, while the tongue with its back adjoins the soft palate and isolates the nasopharynx. This allows the main air flow to be directed through the cat's nose when sneezing.

Sneezing occurs as follows:

  1. The irritant acts on the receptors in the nasal mucosa. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx contains mechanoreceptors that react to the presence of the smallest particles in the inhaled air, and mucus produced in the nasopharynx can also irritate them. Also, the mucous membrane contains chemoreceptors that react to changes in the chemical composition of the inhaled air. When the receptors are irritated, the cat feels a tickle in the nose.
  2. Receptors of the nasopharyngeal mucosa generate a nerve impulse that reaches the respiratory center located in the medulla oblongata of the cat through nerve fibers. The excitation of the respiratory center is transmitted along nerve fibers to muscle groups involved in sneezing. These include the muscles of the soft palate as well as the respiratory muscles of the cat. The respiratory center provides combined muscle contraction. The nerve impulses generated by the respiratory center are transmitted along nerve fibers and to the muscles of the cat's face, and therefore the cat wrinkles its face and closes its eyes when it sneezes.
  3. The cat inhales deeply, and its lungs receive a much larger volume of air than with calm breathing.
  4. Further, the soft palate and the back of the tongue rise and practically close, the anterior arches of the pharynx contract. This will seal off the nasopharynx and the mouth. There is a coordinated contraction of the muscles of the larynx, intercostal and rectus abdominis muscles, as well as the diaphragm. This provides an increase in pressure in the chest and abdominal cavities, which is necessary to ensure a high rate of exhaled air flow.
  5. The nasopharynx opens and the cat exhales vigorously. In this case, the mucus and the cause of irritation of the receptors retained by it are removed at a high speed into the external environment.

By the time a kitten is born, the sneezing reflex has already been formed, so both adult cats and kittens sneeze in the same way.

Sneezing in cats normally

It is perfectly normal for a cat to sneeze from time to time. Sneezing is caused by the accumulation of house dust, plant pollen, fluff particles, soot and other finely dispersed contaminants in the air; inhalation of pungent odors - perfume, paint, cigarettes. Sneezing also occurs when a cat's nose is irritated. It is also completely normal to sneeze with a sharp change in temperature in the environment, for example, a cat returned home from the street in winter; this is due to an increase in the production of nasal mucus in response to a sharp change in temperature, and sneezing contributes to the evacuation of its excess. A greedy cat may start sneezing and coughing after food particles, especially liquid ones, enter the nasopharynx if they are too hasty to consume it.

Periodic single sneezing in cats is absolutely normal, but if the cat sneezed several times, you should pay attention to the situation: clean the apartment, ventilate, do not use substances with a pungent smell in the rooms used by the cat.

Light cat sneezes
Light cat sneezes

Often, sneezing in cats indicates the need for wet cleaning of the room.

Sneezing as a symptom of the disease

Frequent sneezing can signal a cat's health problem. With the development of the disease, sneezing is combined with the appearance of discharge from the eyes and nose, a deterioration in general well-being and other symptoms.

With the development of the disease, sneezing is always a symptom and invariably has a protective function, so sneezing never needs treatment, unlike the disease that caused it

The diseases that most commonly cause sneezing in cats are:

  • Allergic reaction to plant pollen, house dust, household chemicals, tobacco smoke, perfume, paint. It is accompanied by tearing, mucous discharge from the nose. The cat needs:

    • isolate from the action of the allergen;
    • show the veterinarian (you may need a course of therapy to stabilize the state of the immune system and prevent the further development of an allergic disease with its transition to other forms).
  • Parasitic infestations, these include:

    • Toxoplasmosis. The acute form of toxoplasmosis is characterized by:

      • sneezing,
      • cough,
      • lacrimation
      • all this happens against the background of fever, the general depression of the cat;
      • jaundice accompanies liver damage;
      • nervous system - seizures, paralysis, single muscle twitching.

        Usually this form develops against the background of immunodeficiency states, treatment is complex, carried out by an experienced veterinarian.

    • Dirofilariasis. Leads to:

      • development of sneezing and dry cough,
      • increasing shortness of breath and heart failure;
      • weight loss,
      • development of exercise intolerance.

        This is due to the development cycle of the parasite in the cat's body, its migration and habitation in the cavities of the heart chambers. The presence of the parasite causes a strong immune restructuring, which is evidenced, including sneezing. The consequences of infection with dirofilariasis in cats are dire, since even a medically killed parasite can cause blockage of the pulmonary artery and instant death of the cat. Treatment is performed by an experienced veterinarian, usually under the guise of hormone therapy. Reliable prevention of the disease is the regular use of broad spectrum anthelmintic drugs - Milbemax, Dironet.

  • The presence of a foreign body in the cat's nose. In this case, the cat is worried, rubs its nose with its paws, breathing through the nose is difficult. If a foreign body has damaged the mucous membrane, then streaks of fresh blood will appear in the nasal mucus secreted during sneezing. If you cannot remove a small object with tweezers yourself, a veterinarian should do this.
  • Infections (bacterial or viral). In this case, the cat should be urgently examined by a doctor. Disease symptoms:

    • sneezing along with coughing
    • discharge from the nose and eyes,
    • increased body temperature.
  • Tumors of the nasal cavity: both benign (polyps) and malignant. The proliferation of tumor tissue leads to difficulty in nasal breathing (the cat breathes through the mouth) and the fact that mucus with an admixture of blood can be released from the nose, which is formed as a result of the disintegration of tumor masses or their trauma by the air stream, for example, when sneezing. When diagnosing tumor formations, surgical treatment is performed. With polyps, the prognosis is favorable; in malignant neoplasms - very careful and depends on the stage of the disease.
  • Asthma in cats is an allergic disease, otherwise referred to as allergic bronchitis; also causes sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath. The body temperature does not rise, the suddenness of attacks is characteristic, as well as their seasonality. The expectoration is thick and viscous. The cat must be examined by a veterinarian, asthma of cats is treated with hormonal drugs.
  • Inflammatory processes in the area of the teeth and gums also cause sneezing in cats, while chewing is painful, the cat will refuse to eat and lose weight; treatment can be both local (gum ointment), and general - drug therapy, as well as surgical - removal of damaged teeth.
  • Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses also leads to sneezing, profuse, often purulent discharge from the cat's nose, and fever may appear. Therapy is prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • General hypothermia of the cat also leads to sneezing, coughing, and mucous discharge from the nose.

List of symptoms for which you need to urgently see a doctor

The combination of sneezing with the following manifestations requires an immediate veterinarian consultation, since it indicates an obvious development of the disease:

  • fever;
  • discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • cough;
  • difficulty breathing, whistling sounds and wheezing are heard when breathing;
  • decreased appetite;
  • change in usual behavior, depression;
  • the cat has lost weight;
  • diarrhea;
  • rash on the skin and mucous membranes of the cat;
  • the presence of vomiting.
Purulent discharge from the nose in a black cat
Purulent discharge from the nose in a black cat

Sneezing in combination with purulent discharge from the nose indicates the development of an infectious process.

Preventing sneezing in cats at home

Measures that will reduce the frequency of sneezing in cats:

  • regular wet cleaning in the room where the cat resides. Additional use of an air humidifier will reduce the amount of particles suspended in the air, and an ionizer - microorganisms, as well as unwanted odors;
  • timely vaccination according to the vaccine administration calendar will protect the cat from infectious diseases; an animal taken from the street needs vaccination under the guise of hyperimmune serum;
  • prevention of helminthiasis using broad-spectrum drugs. Dirofilariasis in cats is less common than in dogs, but it is more severe. Even if a cat does not live in the focus of dirofilariasis, he can come there, for example, to an exhibition, and it is impossible to protect the cat completely from mosquito bites;
  • with an allergic nature of sneezing, it is necessary to separate the cat from the allergen; it will also serve to prevent the development of asthma, as well as skin lesions by a complex of eosinophilic granulomas;
  • for the prevention of sneezing associated with the presence of foci of chronic infection in the oral cavity, as well as in the paranasal sinuses, regular preventive examinations, both independent and veterinary, are important; timely removal of tartar, treatment of foci of chronic infection - gingivitis, stomatitis, sinusitis.

Sneezing in cats is an unconditioned reflex, is protective and ensures the purity of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Frequent sneezing can be a harbinger of the development of diseases such as viral and bacterial infections, allergic diseases, helminthiasis. Frequent sneezing can also indicate the presence of a foreign body or tumor in the nasopharynx. In most cases, frequent sneezing indicates an unsatisfactory state of the air that the cat breathes - the presence of suspended particles, strong odors. By eliminating the causes that lead to frequent sneezing of the cat, the owner eliminates the basis for the development of a number of diseases, some of which, for example, toxoplasmosis, are dangerous for humans.