Magnetic Lock For An Interior Door: Types And Their Characteristics, How To Choose And Install Correctly, Reviews
Magnetic Lock For An Interior Door: Types And Their Characteristics, How To Choose And Install Correctly, Reviews

Magnetic locks for interior doors: choose and install

Magnetic lock on the interior door
Magnetic lock on the interior door

Locks are needed not only on the front doors, they are often installed on the interior linens. If in the first case the main focus is on the safety of the mechanism, then in the second - on the convenience and ease of use, as well as the compactness of the device. Magnetic locks meet all these requirements, so they are often installed on interior doors.


  • 1 Features and characteristics of magnetic locks for interior doors

    • 1.1 Types of magnetic locks
    • 1.2 Features of choice
    • 1.3 Video: pros and cons of magnetic locks
  • 2 Installation of a magnetic lock on an interior door

    2.1 Video: installation of a mortise magnetic lock

  • 3 Repair and replacement of magnetic locks

    3.1 Video: magnetic lock repair

  • 4 Operating tips
  • 5 Reviews

Features and characteristics of magnetic locks for interior doors

To ensure the normal functioning of interior doors for many years, it is necessary that the door leaf and door frame are made of high-quality materials, and the lock is correctly selected and installed. Interior doors are opened and closed more often than entrance doors, therefore the requirements for the reliability of the locking devices installed on them are the same high, and for secrecy and burglary resistance - much less.

Magnetic lock on the interior door
Magnetic lock on the interior door

The magnetic lock on the interior door must be designed for a large number of opening and closing cycles

Magnetic locks satisfy these requirements, therefore they are very popular when installed in interior doors. Despite their small size, they perfectly fix and hold the door leaf. The principle of their work is based on the fact that a magnetic strip installed in the door leaf attracts metal parts in the frame. Some models only allow the doors to be locked in the closed position, there are devices that automatically lock them and require an electronic key to open.

Types of magnetic locks

All magnetic locks are divided into several types:

  • passive. These are the simplest mechanisms, in their design they are similar to those used on furniture doors, only more powerful. The principle of their operation is very simple: a metal plate is installed on the jamb, and a magnet is placed on the canvas. When the door is closed, these elements are attracted to each other and securely hold the door closed. In order to open the doors, you need to apply a certain effort, after which the magnet and plate are opened. Most often, such locking devices are installed on accordion doors, but there are powerful models that can also be mounted on swing doors;

    Passive magnetic lock
    Passive magnetic lock

    A passive magnetic lock for an interior door works the same as a furniture lock, but it has a higher holding force

  • with a crossbar. Such devices have a more complex design. In addition to the magnet, they contain mechanical elements. Outwardly, they resemble conventional mechanical locks, but there is no pressure spring in their design. The crossbar, made of magnetized material, is attracted when the door is closed and enters the strike plate. To open the door, you must press the handle, after which the bolt and the counterpart are opened. Locks with a deadbolt fix the door more reliably, so they are most popular;

    Magnetic bolt lock
    Magnetic bolt lock

    When closed, the deadbolt is pulled inside the striker and securely holds the door

  • electromagnetic. Usually such mechanisms are installed on the entrance doors, but if there is a need to ensure reliable closing of the interior door, then they can be used here. You can open such a lock using an electronic key. The main feature of electromagnetic locks is that a constant power supply is required to ensure their operation. If not, then the lock is open.

    Electromagnetic lock on the interior door
    Electromagnetic lock on the interior door

    An electromagnetic lock is usually installed on front doors, but it can also be mounted on interior doors

The main advantages of magnetic locks:

  • no noise during operation, which is very convenient and allows you to install such locks in children's rooms or bedrooms;
  • ease of installation;
  • long service life, since there are practically no rubbing parts in the mechanism;
  • affordable cost.

Magnetic locks, like any other locking mechanisms, have a number of disadvantages:

  • the magnet works constantly, so metal dust will accumulate around it, and iron objects that fall into its zone of action may stick;
  • the magnet begins to act at a certain distance, therefore it works as a closer. If the lock is opened with a key, then it is necessary to take into account the possibility of its spontaneous snapping, even if there is no draft in the house;
  • if the purchased model does not have a rod or a door leaf position sensor, the magnetic bolt can come out of the case when the door is closed and, when it hits the frame, break;
  • for the operation of the electromagnetic lock, a constant power supply must be provided.

Selection features

In hardware stores, there is a large selection of magnetic locks designed for installation on interior doors. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • lock type;
  • the form;
  • the size;
  • holding power.

It is imperative to ask what load the acquired lock can withstand. For plastic doors or lightweight fiberboard structures, it is enough to purchase a locking mechanism designed for a load of up to 100–150 kg. If you plan to install a magnetic lock on massive wooden doors, then you need to buy a lock that can hold up to 250–350 kg.

Magnetic lock on solid door
Magnetic lock on solid door

Electromagnetic locks are capable of holding loads of up to 400 kg and more, so they are placed on massive doors

To ensure maximum service life of a magnetic lock, it must have a high quality protective coating. Usually such structures are coated with a layer of nickel or zinc. To increase the service life of a metal plate, it can be covered with a special film. It is not recommended to paint the magnet and the counterpart of the lock, as this reduces their technical characteristics.

Video: pros and cons of magnetic locks

Installation of a magnetic lock on an interior door

If you have basic skills in carpentry and locksmith work, then it will not be difficult to install a magnetic lock in the interior doors.

To complete the installation, you will need the following tools:

  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • set of screwdrivers;
  • screwdriver;
  • manual frezer;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • measuring instruments;
  • pencil.

    Magnetic Lock Mounting Tools
    Magnetic Lock Mounting Tools

    You will need hand and power tools to install the magnetic lock.

Installation procedure for a mortise magnetic lock:

  1. Markup. A mortise magnetic lock is usually installed at a height of 90-110 cm from the floor. At the end of the door, mark the place where the niche for installing the lock will be located. If the lock is with a handle, then on the front side of the door choose a place for its installation.

    Door markings
    Door markings

    A lock is applied to the canvas and its dimensions are noted

  2. Creates a hole for the handle. In the marked place, using an electric drill, a through hole is made for a square bar, which will connect the handles located on both sides of the door.

    Creating a hole for a handle
    Creating a hole for a handle

    If the lock is with a handle, then a hole is made for its installation

  3. At the end of the door, first, a small sample is made for the front plate of the lock, and then a niche is created into which the mechanism itself will be installed. It must match its size. A niche is made using a hand router. If such equipment is not available, a drill with feather drills or a hammer and chisel can be used.

    Making a place for a castle
    Making a place for a castle

    The place for the lock can be made using a drill, router or hammer with a chisel

  4. Mark the places for fastening the lock. To do this, place it in a prepared niche and drill holes for self-tapping screws in the places where the mechanism is fixed to the canvas.
  5. Installation of the lock. Insert the lock into the niche and securely fix it at the end of the door. If there is a handle, then it is fixed on the doors and the operability of the mechanism is checked.

    Installed magnetic lock
    Installed magnetic lock

    After installing the lock and handle, check its performance

  6. Mounting the counter part. If the lock is without a bolt, then a striker is simply fixed on the door frame opposite the lock. If there is a crossbar, you must first make a place on the frame for its entry. To do this, you can use a router or electric drill, a hammer and a chisel. Then they install the striker and check the functionality of the lock.

    Mounting the counterpart
    Mounting the counterpart

    The striker is mounted opposite the lock

Video: installation of a mortise magnetic lock

Repair and replacement of magnetic locks

Although magnetic locks are highly reliable and last for many years, situations may arise when they need to be repaired or replaced.

Signs indicating that the magnetic lock needs to be repaired:

  • there was a deformation of the mount;
  • the fixation of the lock or striker plate is weakened;
  • lack of magnet attraction;
  • noise during the operation of the lock.

The main reasons for the breakdown of magnetic locks are most often associated with improper installation or the purchase of low-quality products. If the mechanism is of poor quality, then its repair will help to eliminate the problem that has arisen only for a while, you still have to replace it soon. If problems arise due to improper installation, then you can try to fix it.

Repair of passive magnetic locks:

  1. Unscrew the decorative overlays and remove the handles.

    Removing the handle
    Removing the handle

    Remove handles and decorative covers

  2. Remove the lock mechanism. They open its case and determine if there are any parts that are out of order. If possible, they are replaced with new ones. In some cases, repairs fail and you have to buy a new lock.

    Magnetic lock kit
    Magnetic lock kit

    Disassemble the magnetic lock mechanism and determine the cause of the breakdown

  3. If the problems were associated with poor fixation of the lock or its distortion, then the places from the old self-tapping screws are closed with wooden plugs and the lock is installed in the correct position.

Repair of an electromagnetic lock:

  1. Check if power is supplied to the electromagnetic lock.
  2. They disassemble the lock and check the operability of all its nodes. This requires a multimeter.
  3. Check the functionality of the electronic key reader.

    Electromagnetic lock connection diagram
    Electromagnetic lock connection diagram

    They check the operability of the elements of the electromagnetic lock, as well as the integrity of all wires

If during the repair process it turns out that it is impossible to eliminate the breakdown, you will have to completely replace the magnetic lock. This is not difficult. To simplify the work and not create a seat for a new mechanism, it is necessary to purchase the same model of the lock or a device with similar dimensions. In this case, it will be enough just to remove the failed mechanism and insert a new one in its place.

Video: magnetic lock repair

Operating tips

In order for a magnetic lock installed on an interior door to work for a long time and reliably, it must be properly operated. There is nothing difficult in this, it is enough to adhere to simple rules:

  • it is necessary to periodically clean the magnet and striker from debris and metal dust adhering to them;
  • in order to provide the manufacturer's declared clamping force of the magnetic lock, it must be correctly installed. A deviation from the recommended size of the gap, even by a few millimeters, changes the strength of its retention, therefore, the installation must be performed carefully and efficiently;
  • if moisture gets on the lock mechanism, it must be wiped so that the parts do not oxidize;
  • periodically it is necessary to check the fastening of the lock and the counterpart, if necessary, tighten the screws.

    Attaching a magnetic lock
    Attaching a magnetic lock

    It is necessary to periodically check and tighten the fastening of the magnetic lock and striker

If you have purchased and correctly installed a high-quality magnetic lock, then under normal use it will work reliably for many years


The popularity of magnetic locks for interior doors is constantly growing. This is due to the simplicity of their design, reliability, attractiveness and long service life. Installation of such mechanisms is simple, so even a beginner can handle the installation.
