Castes With Potatoes: Tatar Step By Step Recipe, Photo And Video
Castes With Potatoes: Tatar Step By Step Recipe, Photo And Video

Hearty dish from Tatar culinary experts: recipe for kystybai with potatoes

Ruddy and shiny with oil kystybai awakens appetite at first sight
Ruddy and shiny with oil kystybai awakens appetite at first sight

One of the hearty dishes of Tatar cuisine is kystybai - a fresh flatbread stuffed with millet porridge or mashed potatoes. The word "kystybai" is somewhat difficult for memorization and pronunciation of those who are not native speakers of the original name, therefore the name "caste" is often found in amateur recipes and variants of search queries, which is incorrect.

Step-by-step recipe for kystybai with potatoes

Having tasted the cakes stuffed with mashed potatoes for the first time, I was delighted with the ability of Tatar chefs to turn ordinary products into such a delicious dish. The woman who treated me to the national food told me that kystybai can be made from different types of dough and with different fillings, but the potato filling is the most delicious.


  • 3-3.5 st. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. kefir;
  • 1 pinch of baking soda
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1/2 tbsp. milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • salt.


  1. Prepare food.

    Products for making Tatar flatbreads with mashed potatoes
    Products for making Tatar flatbreads with mashed potatoes

    To prepare kystybai, you need the most common products

  2. Cut the potatoes into plates, cover with water, salt to taste and cook until tender.

    Chunks of raw potatoes in a saucepan of boiling water
    Chunks of raw potatoes in a saucepan of boiling water

    To cook the potatoes faster, cut the tubers into thin slices

  3. Mix kefir at room temperature with soda and 1/2 tsp. salt.
  4. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the kefir mixture.

    Adding flour to the dough
    Adding flour to the dough

    To make the dough more fluffy, cook it from pre-sifted flour

  5. Knead the dough that does not stick to your hands, roll into a ball, leave in a warm place for 20 minutes.
  6. When the potatoes are tender, drain the water and puree with milk and 100 g butter.

    Cooking mashed potatoes with milk
    Cooking mashed potatoes with milk

    To make the mashed potatoes taste more delicate, add milk and butter to the potatoes

  7. Divide the dough into 12 identical pieces, roll into balls.

    Balls of dough on a cutting board
    Balls of dough on a cutting board

    Blanks for flatbread should be approximately the same size

  8. Roll each workpiece into a thin rounded layer.

    Roll out dough on a cutting board
    Roll out dough on a cutting board

    When rolling out the dough, give the pieces as rounded as possible

  9. Bake the tortillas in a hot dry skillet, 1-2 minutes on each side.

    Ready unleavened flatbread in a frying pan
    Ready unleavened flatbread in a frying pan

    As soon as the dough is covered with golden brown spots, the piece can be turned over.

  10. Put the finished cakes in a pile on a dish and cover with a towel, otherwise they will quickly dry out and become brittle.

    A stack of thin dough cakes
    A stack of thin dough cakes

    To keep the tortillas soft, fold them one by one and cover with a tea towel.

  11. Take one flatbread, put 2–3 tbsp in half. l. mashed potatoes.

    Dough cake with potato filling on a cutting board
    Dough cake with potato filling on a cutting board

    For each finished cake, you need to put a few tablespoons of the filling

  12. Cover the filling with the other half of the blank. Repeat this process for all the tortillas and the remaining filling.
  13. Transfer the kystybai to a plate, brushing with melted butter.

    Ready-made Tatar kystybai
    Ready-made Tatar kystybai

    Liberally grease each cake with butter

  14. Serve immediately after cooking.

    Pieces of Tatar tortillas with potato filling on a plate
    Pieces of Tatar tortillas with potato filling on a plate

    Kystybai can be served hot, warm or cold

Video: kystybai potato pancake

Tatar kystybai with potato filling is the simplest dish to cook, which is impossible not to fall in love with. You can offer it for a regular lunch or put it on a festive table, take it to work or a picnic, and also have a snack with it during the day. Enjoy your meal!
