Why Women Shouldn't Wear Pants To Church
Why Women Shouldn't Wear Pants To Church

Seeking justice: why women shouldn't wear pants to church

Orthodox woman
Orthodox woman

Often a person who sincerely strives to get to know God refuses to attend church because of the peculiar dress code adopted in this environment. This issue is especially acute for women, because zealous parishioners especially closely follow their righteousness. So can ladies go to church in trousers and jeans? The opinion of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as extracts from the Bible, should dispel any doubts.

The opinion of the Russian Orthodox Church

The clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church are not as categorical as some of the parishioners. They argue that it is really better to visit the temple in more traditional attire - this look is more suitable for spiritual affairs. But if you do not have such an opportunity, then visiting in jeans or trousers will not be a sin.

Biblical covenants

What does the Bible say? It turns out that there is no word about trousers there either. The Apostle Paul, for example, advises Christians to care more about good deeds and intentions than about dress. This means that a godly woman in jeans is much more righteous than a lady wearing a floor-length dress, but envious and selfish. The Apostle Paul also mentions “decent attire” - this is the phrase that parishioners who care for Orthodox fashion most often cling to. But decency changes over time. An outfit that would have been considered decent at the time of the writing of the Gospel can no longer be called such. And, on the other hand, modern "Orthodox" dresses, too, would hardly have been quoted a couple of thousand years ago.

Often, lovers of Orthodox skirts also refer to the Old Testament, where it is stated that a woman cannot dress in men's clothing, and a man cannot dress in women's. But again, not a word about trousers! Moreover, in those days, men also wore skirts and dresses, just of a different cut. And trousers did not appear in the wardrobes of ordinary people until the end of the Middle Ages. So in modern realities, we are talking more about clothes from the men's department in a store than about jeans and pants.

Can they not be allowed into church in trousers?

The priests will not interfere with you, even if you came in jeans. Of course, it is better to refrain from not the most decent models with a bunch of holes on the legs, but this is not so much a matter of faith as of decency - you should not distract people from spiritual work with your shocking appearance. But even if you come to the temple in a quality trouser suit, you may be attacked by the local elderly ethnics. What to do in this case?

First, you shouldn't raise your voice to prove your case. Your opponents have much more experience in such matters, so you will be easily shouted down, and making a noise in the temple is the last thing. Secondly, you have the right to ignore the prohibitions of the grandmothers at the entrance and calmly go on. The elderly parishioners are unlikely to use physical force against you.

Grandmothers in church
Grandmothers in church

Remember that older women in the church are not priests or law enforcement officers, and you do not have to report to them.

Clothing is only a small, external part of a person's manifestation of faith. For a true Christian woman who not only remembered numerous prohibitions, but also understands the essence of this religion, trousers should not become an obstacle to enter the church.
