Why Dogs Shouldn't Go To Church
Why Dogs Shouldn't Go To Church

Superstition or justifiable prohibition: why dogs should not enter church


Our smaller brothers often accompany their owners, but this is not always welcomed. Many are interested in knowing whether a dog can enter church and what opinion the clergy have on this matter. Such information will help avoid incidents.

Why dogs shouldn't go to church

Earlier in Orthodoxy, dogs were considered unclean animals, which were not allowed to enter the temple. A similar ban is associated with the times of the Old Testament. The holy book constantly mentions the uncleanness of dogs, which is associated with the eternal struggle of the Jews against the Egyptians and Romans, who loved these animals and took them with them to battle. Even the money received from the sale of a pet could not be brought into the church. Even in the law of Moses, the uncleanness of dogs is mentioned. Comparison of the Jews with this animal was worse than any other insult, so such negative beliefs persist among many to this day.


Jews believe that dogs should not enter the temple

Currently, the attitude of the Orthodox Church towards dogs has changed. Many deacons believe that pets often run to monasteries and temples to find shelter and refuge, so they should not be driven out. The only reason for not allowing an animal is the likelihood that it may defecate in the wrong place. There are no other grounds for a ban on entering the church.

The priests urge to treat animals with respect, like any creation of God, but it is not recommended to bring them to church, because this is a place of prayer. Patriarch Kirill is very fond of dogs and believes that there are no justified prohibitions on the entry of a pet into the temple.

There is no official prohibition on entering the temple with any animals. Rather, they don't do it for ethical reasons. Several centuries ago, the ban extended not only to dogs, but also to pigs, which were considered dirty animals. Modern priests, of course, do not recommend unnecessarily carrying pets to an Orthodox church, so as not to attract attention to themselves and not to break the silence, but they do not prohibit this either.


There is no official ban on dogs entering the church

It is not forbidden to enter the Catholic cathedral with pets, provided that the dog behaves calmly. The four-legged friends even have their own patron, Francis of Assisi. Muslims' attitude to dogs is more categorical. Initially, such animals in Islam were considered unclean and they are strictly forbidden to enter the mosque. There is even a belief that if a Muslim prays and a dog walks next to him, then his petition is instantly canceled. People professing Islam are prohibited from keeping such pets at home.

Dog in church
Dog in church

Catholics allow dogs to enter the cathedral

I think that after all, it is better not to take a dog with you to church, since many church workers adhere to outdated beliefs, and you do not want to conflict in such a place at all. I love animals very much, but I also think that they are not very comfortable in cathedrals. In addition, not every pet can sit still. Some pets are restless, which can disturb the general order.

Dogs and Church - video

Despite the fact that dogs are not prohibited from entering the church, it is deliberately not recommended to take them with you there, since many people working in temples honor old traditions and can behave aggressively. Of course, you can always argue your position, but is it worth spending time and nerves on this?
