Why You Can't Ask The Dead For Help: Signs And Opinions Of The Church
Why You Can't Ask The Dead For Help: Signs And Opinions Of The Church

Why you can't ask the dead for help

girl praying
girl praying

Even the kindest parents or loved ones during life can be harmful when addressing them after death. There are several reasons why you cannot ask the dead for help. Some of them are gleaned from necromancy and folk wisdom, while others come from the Orthodox Church.

Why you shouldn't ask the dead for help

The human soul is immortal. It does not fade away with the body, but only falls asleep before the Lord's Judgment - hence the more accurate name "deceased", that is, asleep. To keep such a soul with your requests, backed up by ritual, is to prevent it from finding the well-deserved peace, to torment it. She will suffer due to the fact that she no longer has a place in the mortal world, but someone close is not able to let her go.

A conspiracy uttered in the cemetery, the purpose of which is to obtain knowledge from the deceased, also seems to be something unreasonable. It is not known who will respond to the request and whether he will be attached after that. Well, prayers and an attempt through them to beg something from the deceased is absurd. Prayer is designed to communicate with God, even through the saints. An appeal to deceased ancestors is a well-known Old Slavic ritual. In other words, a prayer with such content cannot be regarded as a prayer.


Signs and superstitions

There is a different vision of the situation. According to this theory, no amount of prayer can keep the soul of the deceased on earth. On the 40th day, she will leave anyway. And if someone close to the deceased suddenly resorts to a conspiracy containing a request to return and do good, then not the one who no longer exists, but the otherworldly force - the angel of darkness, will respond to his call. With promises and exhortations, he will penetrate the heart of the beggar and push him to ruin. Or it will immediately manifest its essence and the unthinkable will begin to happen around the one who has inadvertently called.

Persistent requests for support in solving problems based on one of the superstitions can result in the appearance of the deceased in a dream. In itself, such a dream does not pose a threat, but if you do what the deceased says or go with him, then you can call death on yourself.

Another theory concerns paganism and the concept of "genus". Followers of this religion believe that there is an inextricable connection between living and deceased relatives. Therefore, you can ask for help, but only those dead people who are related to you by blood relationship and were happy during their lifetime. If grief and need did not let the deceased go, then he can only give them.

girl and demons
girl and demons

Church opinion

If in a critical situation a person turns not to God, endowed with the power to decide human destinies, but to something else, then the Orthodox Church regards this as heresy. At the same time, one must distinguish between a direct request to the deceased to accomplish something and a request to him for intercession before the Lord. The first is a pagan ritual. The second is the Christian way of strengthening prayer. To make it reach the true addressee faster. It is this mechanism that works when they turn to the saints or the apostles.

Video: Archpriest Vladimir about requests to the dead

You can believe in the power of the race, but it is better to rely on yourself and those loved ones who are still alive. No wonder there is a saying about a safe person. He protects himself, therefore God also protects him. And this folk wisdom is almost as old as the old Slavic religion.