Why Can't You Go To Church With Your Period?
Why Can't You Go To Church With Your Period?

Why you can't go to church during your period

Woman in church
Woman in church

The church imposes many prohibitions on its parishioners. There are a huge number of rules for visiting this holy place and rules of conduct in it. For example, it is believed that women should not come to church during their periods. Where did this ban come from?

Menstruation in paganism

Even our distant ancestors considered menstruation unclean and believed that blood attracts demons. Women were not allowed to take part in various rituals and generally visit holy places. The priest could not touch a woman with bleeding, otherwise, according to legends, he would lose his strength. Ordinary people also moved away from the fairer sex during this period, so as not to incur trouble. The Indians, for example, generally isolated women from the tribe until the blood stopped flowing.

Menstruation in Christianity

The Christian religion in matters of menstruation is not far removed from paganism. According to the Bible, monthly bleeding was the punishment God sent Eve for her sin. Menstruation was also associated with miscarriage and fetal death. That is why a woman during critical days was always "unclean" and was not allowed into the church.


The church is considered a holy place where blood should not be shed

The temple is considered a place in which blood should not be shed, and if this happens, then it becomes defiled and requires cleansing. In those days, when tampons and pads did not exist, blood could well have leaked onto the floor, so the ban on visiting the church was a kind of protection of the holy place and people who visited it from "evil spirits".

The opinion of modern priests

Despite the fact that there are no prohibitions in the New Testament regarding attending church during menstruation, previously the priests did not allow this. Today the situation has changed slightly. Thanks to hygienic means, a woman will not stain the holy place with blood, therefore, spiritual purity comes to the fore, and not physical.

Modern priests believe that praying and lighting candles during menstruation is okay, but some activities, such as baptism and communion, should be postponed

Video: is it possible to enter the temple on critical days

Previously, the clergy did not allow women to attend church during their periods. Now this ban has been lifted, so each woman can decide for herself whether to visit the temple or not.
