How To Remove Fat From The Legs At Home: Exercise, Folk And Other Remedies, Reviews
How To Remove Fat From The Legs At Home: Exercise, Folk And Other Remedies, Reviews

There is still time: removing fat from the thighs before vacation

Sports figure
Sports figure

No matter how much we want to lose weight as quickly as possible, it is very difficult to do this. And if you can get rid of fat on the arms and stomach quite easily, then the hips often become a real problem. If you want to get rid of the fat on your thighs, then set a goal and be ready to adjust your diet and start active training. Fortunately, you can achieve a positive result without leaving your home.


  • 1 Why fat is deposited on the thighs
  • 2 How to remove fat from the thighs at home

    • 2.1 Diet features
    • 2.2 Effective exercise

      • 2.2.1 Sumo squats
      • 2.2.2 Exercise "Chair"
      • 2.2.3 Side lunges
      • 2.2.4 Exercise "Scissors"
      • 2.2.5 Bouncing lunges
      • 2.2.6 Video: Additional exercises for slimming thighs
    • 2.3 Useful procedures

      • 2.3.1 Cupping massage
      • 2.3.2 Wrapping
      • 2.3.3 Self-massage
      • 2.3.4 Coffee scrub

Why fat is deposited on the thighs

Fat can build up on the thighs for several reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition. At risk are those who have people with full legs in the family. Most often these are girls with a pear shape. And even if you have never been bothered by the problem of full thighs, after childbirth, everything can change;
  • wrong lifestyle. In the modern world, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend whole days in their offices at their computers. In addition to this, the food culture has changed - everyone has become obsessed with fast food. The result of this lifestyle is flabby buttocks, a flat bottom and a sagging belly;
  • excess fluid. Excess fluid in the body is signaled by soft, flabby thighs. Avoiding salt will help get rid of this problem.

Even a genetic predisposition to being overweight will not stop you from shedding fat from your thighs. You just need to change your lifestyle. If you decide to lose weight, then you do not need to sign up for a fitness club and various salon procedures. You can achieve your goal at home. Everyone immediately asks the question - how long will it take to lose weight? It is impossible to give a clear answer to this question, since everything is individual. Some will notice positive changes in 3-4 weeks, while others will need months. But if you work hard, then everything will definitely work out.

How to remove fat from your thighs at home

To get rid of fat on your thighs, you need to change your habits, namely: adjust your diet, actively play sports and do useful procedures for losing weight.

Features of the diet

To get rid of the hated pounds, stick to the following healthy eating rules:

  • water. Drink one and a half to two liters of clean water a day. In order not to overeat, drink a glass of water 15–20 minutes before a meal. Also opt for antioxidant-rich green tea;
  • carbohydrates. You should eat complex carbohydrates such as oats, brown rice and unprocessed grains. They are absorbed longer, so you will not feel hunger for a long time;
  • protein. Give preference to fish, poultry, beans, soy products and nuts;
  • vegetables and fruits. They enrich the body with minerals and vitamins to the maximum;
  • healthy fats. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fish and seafood, vegetable oils and nuts. These foods help lower cholesterol levels;
  • dairy products. Yoghurts with bifidobacteria allow for better digestion of food. Also, this product is a source of calcium and protein.

To maintain water balance, you need to consume 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day

There is also a list of foods that should be discarded:

  • sweet soda, juices, energy drinks, alcohol;
  • flour products: pasta, bread, cakes and pastries;
  • semi-finished products;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and other harmful sauces;
  • fast food.

Effective exercise

There are several effective exercises that work well in the glutes, inner and outer thighs.

Sumo squats

Execution technique:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms with dumbbells along your body.
  2. Squat slowly, pulling your pelvis back. A right angle should form in the legs.
  3. Slowly straighten your knees and stand up.

During the exercise, the head should not drop. Repeat the exercise two times 15 times. If you are just starting to play sports, then buy a dumbbell of the minimum weight.

Sumo squat
Sumo squat

Squats can work your glutes and inner thighs

Exercise "Chair"

Execution technique:

  1. Stand half a step from the wall.
  2. Lean your back against the wall and sit down as if on a chair. The knees should have a right angle.
  3. Place your arms along the wall.

Stay in this position for as long as possible. Then rest a little and repeat the Chair one more time. In total, you need to do three approaches. During this exercise, you can pump up your arms at the same time. To do this, take dumbbells.

Exercise "Chair"
Exercise "Chair"

"Chair" - a static exercise that perfectly works the muscles of the back of the thigh

Side lunges

Execution technique:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your waist.
  2. Step to the right and bend your knee. The left leg acts as a support and the weight is transferred to the right leg.
  3. Go up and repeat the same, but in the opposite direction.

It is enough to do three approaches 15 times each.

Side lunges
Side lunges

Side lunges contribute to the formation of a beautiful relief of the legs

Exercise "Scissors"

Execution technique:

  1. Lie on the floor and place your arms along your body.
  2. Raise your legs. Beginners can lift higher, but later try to keep them lower.
  3. Swing your legs like scissor blades.

You should do three approaches of ten swings.

Exercise "Scissors"
Exercise "Scissors"

During this exercise, the muscles of the hips, abs and back work.

Bouncing lunges

Execution technique:

  1. Stand straight and step forward with your right foot, transferring your body weight to it.
  2. The knees of both legs should form a right angle.
  3. Jump up and change legs in the air.

It is enough to repeat this exercise twice 12 times.

Bouncing lunges
Bouncing lunges

Exercise strengthens the calves, glutes and hamstrings

Video: additional exercises for slimming thighs

Useful procedures

There are several home procedures that will not only help to restore the slimness of the legs, but also get rid of cellulite.

Cupping massage

Cupping massage is an effective method of getting rid of cellulite. Only after it bruises may remain on the skin. To make such a massage is simple - apply any oil to the body, then apply a vacuum jar so that it “sucks in” the skin, and run it over the thighs. Thanks to this massage, blood circulation, tone and elasticity of muscle tissue are improved, puffiness is reduced and, of course, cellulite disappears. You can buy banks at the pharmacy. The most popular are those made of silicone.

Cupping massage
Cupping massage

The appearance of bruises on the skin after the procedure can be considered normal.


Home wrap is as effective as salon wrap. During the procedure, a special agent is applied to the skin, and then the thighs are tightly wrapped with cling film. The optimal duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes.


Home wraps are no less effective than salon wrap

One of the most popular store wrap products is the Natura Siberica Siberian mud wrap. The product contains wormwood extract, blue brine clay and white Icelandic moss. These components help to improve blood circulation, eliminate toxins, soften the skin and even out its relief. The product does not contain silicones and parabens.

Natura Siberica
Natura Siberica

Siberian mud wrap has a tonic and anti-cellulite effect on the skin

You can make your own wrap at home. It is very simple to prepare it:

  1. Dilute 200 grams of blue clay with hot water. You should have a consistency that resembles thick sour cream.
  2. Add a couple of drops of razmarine essential oil to the clay.

The resulting mass should be applied to the thighs and wrapped in cling film for 40 minutes.


Self-massage takes place in several stages:

  1. Trituration. Press your fingers to your thighs and start running your hands over problem areas, applying light pressure.
  2. Pressure. Grasp the skin with your fingers and pull it back. Pull the skin with both hands to enhance the effect.
  3. Patting. Make a fist and use your knuckles to hit the problem areas. Alternate light patting with intense patting. You can do this with your whole palm.
  4. Pinches. Pinch the skin slowly at first, and then faster and faster.

It is enough to do this massage for 15 minutes. After the procedure, the skin should be red.


Intense massage movements improve blood circulation

To achieve a positive result, apply an anti-cellulite gel to the skin before the massage. An effective and budgetary remedy is Pure Line Anti-Cellulite Body Gel. It warms up the skin, smoothes it, tones and makes it elastic.

Body Gel Pure Line
Body Gel Pure Line

Body Gel Clean Line helps reduce stretch marks

Coffee scrub

This is the most popular and affordable home scrub. Thanks to the antioxidants in coffee, the skin is restored and the caffeine breaks down fat. Preparing such a scrub is very simple. Take two tablespoons each of ground coffee and sea salt. Add one tablespoon of olive oil and shower gel to these. This scrub is applied to the steamed body with massage movements and washed off after 10 minutes.

Coffee scrub
Coffee scrub

Coffee scrub has pronounced anti-cellulite properties

Getting rid of fat in your thighs takes a lot of effort. The goal can only be achieved with increased training and proper nutrition. And if you do useful cosmetic procedures, then you will also get rid of cellulite and improve the condition of your skin.
