How To Understand That You Have Been Jinxed, And What To Do In This Case
How To Understand That You Have Been Jinxed, And What To Do In This Case

How to understand that you have been jinxed, and how to solve the problem

Evil eye
Evil eye

The evil eye is a dark magic that spoils a person's life. The evil eye is not always applied on purpose, sometimes it happens by accident due to resentment or envy. But how to recognize the evil eye and what to do to remove it?

Signs of the evil eye

The following signs indicate the presence of the evil eye:

  • serious illness of a person or his loved ones;
  • business failures, failures at work, dismissal;
  • breakdown of equipment, furniture and expensive things in the house;
  • problems with speech, public speaking;
  • conflicts in relationships;
  • fines, serious financial losses;
  • constant yawning;
  • prostration;
  • groundless fears, feelings of despair;
  • regular itching;
  • slowness and lethargy;
  • frequent belching for no reason;
  • hot flashes and cold;
  • constant sneezing;
  • strange spots or abscesses on the body;
  • bruises and circles under the eyes that appear for no reason;
  • chest cramps;
  • headache;
  • lack of initiative;
  • irritability.

Of course, you should not draw conclusions based on only one sign, with the evil eye they usually appear together. Children who have been jinxed most often begin to study poorly and get sick a lot, one ailment follows another. In addition to disease, babies suffer from unreasonable abdominal pain.

The baby is crying
The baby is crying

Babies who are jinxed suffer from abdominal pain

How to understand that you have been jinxed

There are several rituals that can help determine the presence of the evil eye:

  • pour clean water into a glass glass, hold in your hands for 9 minutes. Add 3 pinches of salt there. Light a match and let it burn out, then throw it into a glass. If the match drowned, then you have been jinxed;
  • light a candle and slowly trace it all over the body, starting with the abdomen and ending with the head. The evil eye is indicated by sparks, a swept or extinct flame;
  • go to the temple and observe your condition. If you are jinxed, then weakness, trembling, dizziness, burning in the chest will appear;
  • sit in a chair and have someone put a glass of natural water on your head. The helper should hold the glass and break the egg into it. If after a couple of minutes white threads appeared in the egg, and the water became cloudy, then you were jinxed.

How to remove the evil eye

To remove the evil eye, you don't always need to resort to rituals. Sometimes you need to stabilize your psychological state: cry out, play sports, chat with loved ones, take a break from work and go on a trip. You can also carry out simple rituals:

  • stand in the doorway facing the street and wave your hands 12 times;
  • look at the fire and bask in its warmth;
  • sprinkle salt on your head so as to form a cross, then wash your hair;
  • spend a day in nature alone with yourself;
  • Drink holy water 3 times a day;
  • read prayers every day;
  • go to church for the service, partake.

The evil eye can do much harm, even ruin a person's life. But you can get rid of it without the help of magicians. The most important thing is to get rid of the negative, start thinking positively.
