What Pet Is Suitable For The Zodiac Sign
What Pet Is Suitable For The Zodiac Sign

Choosing a pet by zodiac sign: stars to help


Pets are a delight for many people. But astrologers assure that you need to choose a pet in accordance with your zodiac sign. Let's see which pets are right for us, in their opinion.


Aries are tough people, and therefore only a dog of a "serious" breed will suit them. Fighting dogs are perfect for them: bull terriers, pit bull terriers. Aries will get along well with a Doberman (not a dwarf).


Taurus, although affectionate by nature, is still very unreliable. Therefore, it is best for them to have a pet that does not require much attention and is easy to care for. Taurus will feel good with unpretentious aquarium fish like guppies. It seems that there are pets, and caring for them does not take much time.

Aquarium fish
Aquarium fish

Undemanding aquarium fish are an excellent choice for those who cannot spend a lot of time and energy on a pet.


Gemini are lovers of chatting, and therefore silent pets will not suit them. But with parrots able to learn a few words from human speech, this sign will never feel alone. For twins, gray and red-tailed parrots are suitable. When choosing a pet, do not forget that males usually imitate speech, while females are more silent.


Cancers painfully endure the death of a pet, so they need a long-liver. In addition, fussy and active pets quickly give them headaches. Therefore, the ideal pet for Cancer is the Central Asian land turtle. She can live up to 50 years. It's easy to take care of her - the main thing is to equip her terrarium with a UV lamp and turn it on for 4-5 hours a day. By the way, a common mistake in caring for such a pet is simply placing it on the floor. Central Asian turtles are very sensitive to drafts.


The turtle will certainly not annoy Cancer with its excessive activity.

a lion

Despite Leo's desire for luxury, this sign rarely chooses expensive thoroughbred pets. Most often, Leo has a warm affection for small dogs of decorative breeds, for example, Maltese lapdogs, Yorkshire terriers. If it is not possible to get a dog, then this sign will be content with chinchillas or guinea pigs. The main requirement for an animal is to allow itself to be stroked and squeezed. Therefore, hand train your pet from the first days in your home.


Virgins are pedants and cleanliness, so the animal must also be clean. Dogs and cats usually disappear immediately - the smell (from both the pet and the litter box) and the undercoat filling the apartment is unlikely to please Virgos. But with terrarium animals, this zodiac sign gets along well. Conscientiousness and hard work will allow Virgos to create the right conditions for exotic reptiles, and cleanliness will help to regularly maintain a good condition of the terrarium. One of the easiest terrarium animals to care for is the eublefar, but you can also opt for ciliated geckos (bananoed), non-venomous snakes or bearded agamas.

Eublefar and the chameleon
Eublefar and the chameleon

Terrarium animals are no less cute and funny than familiar pets


Libras should never have dogs, because this sign will not be able to raise a pet. Well, how can you swear while looking into those cute puppy eyes? As a result, you will grow up an uncontrollable dog (and it is good if a small one). It is better to have an active cat instead. These breeds are perfect: Norwegian Forest, Abyssinian, Egyptian Mau, Cornish Rex. They are moderately mobile, so they can entertain the owner with their antics. In addition, they are good at cuddling and stroking - for Libra it is very important that the pet goes into contact.


Scorpios love shocking, so a kitten or puppy is unlikely to attract his attention. A deadly python, a tarantula or even a tame crocodile is another matter! This meets the aesthetic needs of Scorpios. But taking care of such pets is quite difficult and, moreover, dangerous. If you do not have experience, money and enough time to devote it to your new pet, it is better to have pity on the animal and refuse such a purchase. Whom to get instead? Try beautiful, but safe snakes - for example, the king python (not to be confused with the king cobra - the largest venomous snake!). If you want someone warm-blooded and large, then get a completely black cat or dog.

Royal python
Royal python

Royal pythons have very cute, curious faces


Streltsov has a downright mystical connection with large animals - horses and large dogs. Of course, not everyone can afford to have a horse - this requires huge financial investments. And large dogs (Russian greyhounds, Labradors, shepherds) cannot be kept in a small apartment. In this case, you can choose a small but smart pet. For Sagittarius, the ability to train a pet is very important, so small but smart dogs, for example, papillons, are perfect.


The name of this breed is translated as "butterfly"


For Capricorn, a pet is not only a pet, but also a way to demonstrate your status. This sign loves classics, and therefore opts for a cat or a dog. The animal must be purebred, preferably from parents who won at exhibitions. From dog breeds, Capricorn chooses Basenji, Corgi, Shiba Inu. From cats, his choice will fall on the sphinxes, Egyptian Mau, Devon Rex. In general, Capricorns prefer short-haired animals.


Aquarians love dogs, but even more they love to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, the ideal pet for them is a dog of an unpopular breed. Corgis, Labradors, Yorkshire terriers and huskies are in fashion now, which means that Aquarius will definitely not want these pets. His choice is likely to fall on the Ivis greyhound, Cane Corso, Coton de Tulear (a great choice for a small apartment). If finances allow, then you can get the rarest Xoloitzcuintle - this breed is probably more than two thousand years old. This is a Mexican hairless dog that responds well to training.


Xoloitzcuintle is an unusually beautiful and intelligent dog


Sensitive Pisces are best suited for pets that love weasel. Exotic animals immediately disappear - they usually don't cling to humans very much, and require specific care. But affectionate cats and loving dogs will perfectly take root in the house of Pisces. Here are the suitable cat breeds:

  • Siberian;
  • Burmese;
  • Russian blue;
  • siamese;
  • sphinx.

And here are the affectionate dogs:

  • Labrador retriever;
  • poodle;
  • collie;
  • Maltese;
  • bichon frize.

You need to choose a pet based not only on the sign of the zodiac, but also on personal preferences. Indeed, love at first sight often happens in a pet store - it is she who often becomes the beginning of a touching friendship between man and animal.
