Stone "Cat's Eye": Magical And Medicinal Properties Of The Mineral, Value In Astrology (which Signs Of The Zodiac Are Suitable, Etc.), Types, Photos
Stone "Cat's Eye": Magical And Medicinal Properties Of The Mineral, Value In Astrology (which Signs Of The Zodiac Are Suitable, Etc.), Types, Photos

"Cat's Eye": a mysterious stone and healing mineral

Brown Chrysoberyl Beads
Brown Chrysoberyl Beads

Chrysoberyl, nicknamed the "cat's eye" for its resemblance to the eyes of purring animals, is processed in a special way. Due to this, a bright vertical stripe appears in the center of the mineral, resembling a cat's pupil. For such a bright appearance, the stone is appreciated by lovers of natural jewelry.


  • 1 History of "Cat's Eye"
  • 2 Deposits of the stone "Cat's Eye"

    2.1 Video: Cat's Eye: Stone

  • 3 Properties of the stone "Cat's eye"

    • 3.1 Physical properties of the mineral
    • 3.2 Magic properties of the stone
    • 3.3 Medicinal properties of "Cat's eye"
  • 4 Varieties of "Cat's Eye"

    4.1 Video: stones-eyes

  • 5 How to distinguish a real "Cat's eye" from a fake
  • 6 Who should wear "Cat's Eye"

    • 6.1 Professions and "Cat's Eye"
    • 6.2 Zodiac signs and "Cat's eye"
    • 6.3 In addition
  • 7 Photo review: different types of stone "Cat's eye"

    7.1 Photo gallery: different types of stone "Cat's eye"

History of "Cat's Eye"

"Cat's eye" belongs to the group of minerals bearing the name of chrysoberyl (from Greek "chryso" means - gold, and "beryl" - green stone). The closest "relatives" are tourmaline, alexandrite and aquamarine.

Multi-colored beads "cat's eye" lie on the ruler
Multi-colored beads "cat's eye" lie on the ruler

"Cat's Eye" is available in a variety of colors

Like precious gems, Cat's Eye is equally highly prized. In the Middle Ages, the stone was worn by unmarried girls waiting for marriage proposals. For family people, jewelry with the "Cat's Eye" became a talisman for the hearth. However, at present, this stone is loved not so much as a decoration (more often in the form of a cabochon without a setting or beads), but as a healing and even magical item.

And the name of the mineral was given for the effect of a moving vertical flare, reminiscent of a cat's pupil. Because of what, since ancient times, stones with a similar property have become amulets and talismans.

The official beginning of the history of "Cat's Eye" was laid in 1798, when the French mineralogist Rene-Just Gayuy described in his works the optical effect of one of the varieties of chrysoberyl, calling it "Cat's Eye" stones

Over time, other researchers began to pay attention to minerals with similar highlights. It turned out that quartz, jade and jadeite possess the property of "Cat's eye". But until now, chrysoberyl is most often referred to as stones with a moving vertical reflection on the surface.

Deposits of the stone "Cat's Eye"

If we talk about the origin of the "Cat's Eye", then one should take into account the rarity of the ancestor of such stones - chrysoberyl. Accordingly, there are not so many minerals with a vertical flare effect.

Raw Gray Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl
Raw Gray Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl

"Cat's Eye" is a very rare stone

Since cat's-eye stones appear in sedimentary rocks, it is difficult to detect such minerals. This, in turn, affects the cost of nuggets and jewelry made from them.

Currently, Chrysoberyl "Cat's Eye" is mined in the following areas:

  • Russia (excavations are in progress in the Ural Mountains).
  • Sri Lanka (considered the largest supplier of "Cat's Eye").
  • South Africa.
  • India.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Brazil.

Video: cat's eye: stone

Properties of the stone "Cat's eye"

Chrysoberyl with the effect of "Cat's eye" is otherwise called cymophane, which is translated from Greek as "like a wave." Since ancient times, this unusual mineral has been attributed to various properties - from medicinal to magical.

Physical properties of the mineral

Stone "Cat's Eye" is an opaque mineral with a density of 8.5 on the Mohs scale, which indicates a high degree of hardness.

Green Cat's Eye Beads
Green Cat's Eye Beads

Cat's eye is a pretty hard stone

The main physical characteristics of this kind of chrysoberyl are:

  • variety of colors (color depends on impurities in the breed);
  • glass luster of the treated mineral surface;
  • homogeneous structure due to the microscopicity of the fibers;
  • a thin vertical stripe across the entire stone, which is lighter in comparison with the main one.

In addition, "Cat's Eye" is able to change color when the ambient temperature rises. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave jewelry with it in direct sunlight for a long time.

The magical properties of the stone

The mystical teachings of many countries ascribe the ability to influence the fate and behavior of a person.

The magic ball from "Cat's Eye" stands on a mesh surface
The magic ball from "Cat's Eye" stands on a mesh surface

The cat's eye is a longtime assistant of witches and seers

So, to attract good luck and human sympathy, these minerals are recommended to be worn in the form of rings on the hand. And to protect against the "evil eye", the sages advise to wear pendants with "Cat's eye".

Other magical properties of the stone are called:

  • warning of possible physical damage (the mineral becomes softer if bruises and falls await a person);
  • help in love affairs, finding a betrothed;
  • protecting the hearth, marital fidelity;
  • attracting success in business and gambling;
  • an increase in financial flows (this requires a stone with gold dots);
  • protection from the "evil eye" and envious people;
  • assistance in resolving conflicts and disputes;
  • giving the owner charm;
  • promotion of promotion and favor of superiors.

In addition, stones with the "Cat's Eye" effect give strength and self-confidence, which favorably affects a person's aspirations. Then the goals are achieved faster, and dreams come true more often.

The main condition under which the "Cat's Eye" will act, magicians and sorcerers call the kindness and purity of the thoughts of the owner of the jewelry with such a stone.

Medicinal properties of "Cat's eye"

Until now, scientists cannot explain the relationship between wearing Cat's Eye stones and getting rid of diseases. However, the owners of such minerals are unanimously confident in the healing properties of unusual chrysoberyl.

Pendant with a green "Cat's eye" in a silver setting
Pendant with a green "Cat's eye" in a silver setting

Cat's eye is highly regarded for its medicinal properties

Thus, "Cat's Eye" helps with the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • inflammatory processes in the digestive organs (gastritis, ulcer);
  • violation of the activity of the central nervous system;
  • depression, stress;
  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis, asthma);
  • fractures, dislocations, bruises (the mineral accelerates tissue regeneration);
  • joint pain (arthritis).

In each case, the stone should be worn without a rim as close to the diseased area of the body as possible. The adornment can be made in the form of beads, rosary, pendant, bracelet.

Varieties of "Cat's Eye"

There are several groups of minerals in the world, among which there are stones with an original optical effect.

Bracelet with mother-of-pearl and green "Cat's eye"
Bracelet with mother-of-pearl and green "Cat's eye"

"Cat's Eye" is famous for its variety of shades

In addition to the main family of stones - chrysoberyl - precious gems with a bright light stripe are found among sapphires, topaz and rubies. A semi-precious stone "Cat's Eye" can be opal, obsidian, moonstone or apatite.

In terms of color, the stones "Cat's Eye" are:

  • gray-green;
  • light green;
  • yellow-green;
  • yellow;
  • golden brown;
  • dark green.

All of these colors are united by the characteristic golden sheen on the surface of the carefully polished Cat's Eye.

The brighter and more transparent the nugget, the higher the value of the stone.

When it comes to minerals other than chrysoberyl, the color palette expands to purple and blue, blue and white, black and pink undertones.

Video: eye stones

How to distinguish a real "Cat's eye" from a fake

Currently, jewelry stores offer a solid selection of stones with the "Cat's Eye" effect. However, in small establishments or when buying from hands, you can face the seller's dishonesty and get a fake one instead of the original stone.

Scattering of cabochons from natural "Cat's eye"
Scattering of cabochons from natural "Cat's eye"

In order not to become a victim of fraudsters, you need to be able to distinguish a real "Cat's Eye" from a fake

To prevent such an oversight from happening, you need to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge about the characteristic features of the "Cat's Eye". Knowing these features, the risk of being left with a fake is minimized.

So, the differences between natural stone with an optical effect are as follows:

  • high strength of the mineral with simultaneous fragility, which is checked by holding the stone over the glass (the original will leave a line, since only diamond, ruby and sapphire are harder than it);
  • glow in the dark ("Cat's eye" reflects light even in the absence of lighting);
  • bright shine after rubbing with a flap of fabric;
  • sufficient weight if taken in hand together with an artificial stone (the latter will be much easier);
  • when compared with a fake - the predominance of pale colors.

The first thing that should alert those wishing to purchase "Cat's Eye" is the low price of the product. Real stones with luminous vertical stripes cost almost as much as diamonds. This is due to the rare discovery of such minerals in nature.

Glowing green "Cat's eye" in hand
Glowing green "Cat's eye" in hand

"Cat's eye" can glow in the dark

Since ordinary people cannot always find an opportunity to purchase jewelry with a natural "Cat's eye", the chemical industry came to the rescue and created an artificial analogue of the original. A synthetic stone costs several times cheaper, and differs only in a duller shine (and in large specimens - complete turbidity) and a lack of healing properties. Such a product consists of optical fibers, the length of which reaches eight kilometers.

And the material of manufacture is called ketsite (or - part of the cat's eye), which somewhat brings the fake closer to a natural mineral.

Who should wear "Cat's Eye"

Stones with an optical effect have long been valued for their ability to reveal certain features in human nature. And in the modern world, "Cat's Eye" is worn by people of certain areas of activity, since they are sure of the special influence of the mineral on the energy of people.

Professions and "Cat's Eye"

There are several specialties in the world for which the wearing of stones with a vertical strip of light inside is shown.

Pendant with black "Cat's eye" and cubic zirkonia
Pendant with black "Cat's eye" and cubic zirkonia

Black Stone "Cat's Eye" is suitable for politicians and the military

So, for people in high positions, it is recommended to wear "Cat's Eye" in black. After all, such a mineral makes a person more confident and gives leadership. Indispensable stone of dark shades for the military.

Other professions in which "Cat's Eye" helps to show their abilities:

  • teachers and educators, priests and diplomats - a yellow mineral is used that makes others trust and listen (takes the form of a ring or pendant);
  • statesmen, administrators, directors - golden-brown chrysoberyl is used, which ensures respect in the circle of subordinates (you need to wear it in a well-visible place);
  • entrepreneurs, realtors, trade workers, stock brokers - beads or a seal with a golden-green pebble are desirable to ensure success in transactions and attract finance;
  • manual workers - those will help to focus on production and protect from envious glances dark green "Cat's Eye", located in the chest area like a pendant.

Zodiac signs and "Cat's eye"

Stones with an optical effect are so versatile that they suit almost all representatives of the zodiacal "menagerie".

Earrings with blue "Cat's eye"
Earrings with blue "Cat's eye"

"Cat's eye" suits all signs of the zodiac

It is especially recommended to wear jewelry with "Cat's Eye" for Cancers and Scorpions. Because these "inhabitants of the deep water" are prone to depression and self-digging. A stone with a luminous vertical stripe will help improve the state of mind and normalize life in general.

The beneficial effect on people born under other zodiacal constellations is as follows:

  • for Pisces - the stone will act as a protector and give inspiration;
  • Libra - enhances femininity and charm;
  • for Virgos and Gemini - will become a talisman at the beginning of any business;
  • Capricorns and Taurus - the mineral will add creativity, while increasing stubbornness;
  • Aries, Sagittarius and Leo - will help them achieve success in their careers and attract wealth to them.

But astrologers still argue about Aquarius. Some consider the wearing of "Cat's Eye" by representatives of the sign to be safe, while others speak of a decline in strength and falling into a depression in the presence of such a decoration.

In addition

In addition to the considered classifications, it is worth mentioning the age categories suitable for wearing the "Cat's Eye".

Ring with yellow "Cat's eye"
Ring with yellow "Cat's eye"

"Cat's Eye" is indispensable for teenagers

Such a mineral provides significant help to adolescents who experience a sense of fear and shyness. The stone will give strength and confidence so that the grown-up child can defend his point of view and win any argument. At the same time, "Cat's Eye" will contribute to the successful outcome of the conflict, without bringing matters to a fight.

And for young children, chrysoberyl with a vertical light stripe will help cope with throat diseases and relieve the symptoms of coughing or choking.

Photo review: different types of stone "Cat's eye"

The variety of types of "Cat's Eye" presents a difficult choice for those wishing to purchase such an adornment. And the brilliance and extraordinary appearance of the stone amazes even when looking at the images of the mineral.

Photo gallery: different types of stone "Cat's eye"

Blue stones with a "Cat's eye" effect on the palm
Blue stones with a "Cat's eye" effect on the palm
Blue "Cat's Eye" can be both sapphire and alexandrite
Lemon cymophane beads
Lemon cymophane beads
Lemon cymophane - a rare mineral
Purple Quartz "Cat's Eye" poured in bulk
Purple Quartz "Cat's Eye" poured in bulk
Purple stones "Cat's Eye" look bright and elegant
Scapolite bracelet with "Cat's eye" effect
Scapolite bracelet with "Cat's eye" effect
"Cat's eye" is found even among scapolites
Earrings with pink moonstone "Cat's eye" on the palm
Earrings with pink moonstone "Cat's eye" on the palm
Pink moonstone with optical effect - a mesmerizing sight
Bracelet made of gray quartz "Cat's eye"
Bracelet made of gray quartz "Cat's eye"
Gray beads "Cat's Eye" look strict and unusual

According to the author, "Cat's Eye" is still an adornment for wealthy people. However, small-sized minerals should also be purchased for ordinary people, because such stones have a healing and even somewhat magical effect.

Chrysoberyls with the "Cat's Eye" effect are unusual and mysterious stones. In addition to the fact that such a mineral can become an original decoration, a pebble is also able to protect the owner from many troubles and even death.
