The Worst Fathers By Zodiac Sign: Ranking
The Worst Fathers By Zodiac Sign: Ranking

Worst (and best) fathers by zodiac sign

Father with daughter
Father with daughter

Raising children is a complex and multifaceted process, and ideally it requires the involvement of both parents. Astrologers predict what kind of fathers these or those signs of the zodiac will become. Let's start with the worst (according to esotericists).


Aquarius men are people who are not willing to compromise for the sake of their family. They have a wide range of interests, but children usually do not. Therefore, he completely entrusts the upbringing of his children to their mother. He will begin to pay attention to his offspring only when the children begin to share his interests - if this happens, of course. But this will no longer be education, but teaching skills.


Father Pisces is a prime example of how over-engagement can hurt. They are motivated by a completely understandable and even sweet desire to raise good people, but the problem is that any deviation from the image of an "ideal person" in the Pisces' representation is punished very scary. The child should not have his own opinion - there is only his father's and wrong. As a result, children can grow up withdrawn and downtrodden, and at the first opportunity they will run away from their father's house, arranging their lives the way they like.

Teenager with a backpack
Teenager with a backpack

As soon as a child has a chance to escape from parental oppression, he will use it


Scorpios are secretive and greedy people. They are very difficult to get close to, and their children are no exception. It will be difficult for a child to grow up in a family where his father constantly teases him, jokes evil and notices the slightest flaws. As a defensive reaction, children will snap back and become more distant and violent themselves. It is extremely difficult to deal with such upbringing, but it is possible - try to show your child that there are softer and kind people in the world, like a father.


Capricorns are pedants and perfectionists stingy with emotions. Therefore, they cannot get emotionally close to children. Capricorn would be happy to become a friend and companion to his child, but natural dryness does not allow him to show warmth. On the other hand, this sign does an excellent job of raising responsibility, hard work and diligence in a child. After all, it is possible to achieve praise from such a stern father only through serious achievements. Lack of warmth can compensate for the mother - in this case, she needs to try to get closer to the child so that he does not feel like a stranger at home.

Girl behind textbooks
Girl behind textbooks

The children of Capricorns, although not treated kindly by their father, are able to achieve a lot thanks to his harsh upbringing.


Gemini is a man of mood. If he wants to babysit the child, he will happily sit with him for several hours, doing various useful things. If he is in the mood to go out on a carousel, he will not be stopped by either the baby in the house, or the swearing wife, or lack of money. This is a very unreliable sign. But fortunately, Gemini very quickly become attached to people. It is enough for him to spend a few pleasant days with a small child in order to spend months and years with him with the same pleasure in the future.


Sagittarius men themselves are like children - they are open to everything new, they are happy to explore the world and love to learn everything empirically. Therefore, it will be easy for such a father to find a common language with a child. But in this case, the mother needs to take on the role of the only adult - to look after that no one is injured. After all, adults Sagittarius often underestimate the danger that threatens others. Therefore, if the father started a hike in the mountains with the child, you should also go - you never know what can happen.


Libra from childhood will educate in the child the ability to find a compromise and not get into a fight. This useful skill will remain with the child for life - and he will be grateful to his father for it. On the other hand, the Libra man is a very squeamish person. Therefore, in the first years of a child's life, you should not expect help from him.


Libra's father will flatly refuse to change diapers-undershirts


Virgos are economical, practical and economic people. They will try to cultivate the same qualities in their children. In itself, this is not so bad, but sometimes the requirements for a small child can be overstated. At the same time, the Virgo father may sincerely not understand why a three-year-old child is not able to store toys in order, in a special box with compartments. And he certainly will not pamper his child with expensive gifts - this is contrary to the principles of Virgo's economy.

a lion

Leo men are great at raising both sons and daughters. Such a person is almost an ideal father image: decisive, strong, capable of protecting his family, ambitious. He commands respect from his children, and they quickly absorb the father's worldview. Leo strives to instill in children pride and love for high social status. Sometimes this leads to the appearance of little princes or princesses with exaggerated demands on others, but usually the Leo father independently brings such children from heaven to earth.


Cancers themselves are excellent family men. They perform household duties well, are responsible and reliable. All this is complemented by love for children. Father Cancer knows how to listen and calm children. He is not tired of naive children's conversations, he is able to watch the same favorite cartoon several dozen times and, on top of that, he is happy to help children develop mentally, physically and spiritually. He sees incredible value in his kids and treats them with awe and love.

Father reading a book to his child
Father reading a book to his child

Cancer father brings up children well without turning education into tyranny


Taurus is a very calm and gentle person. He easily builds trusting and warm relationships with children (unlike Capricorns), and they reciprocate. Plus, Taurus is usually pretty practical. From early childhood they teach children to use their resources responsibly. Taurus will bring up hard work and perseverance in a child, showing him his own good example.


Aries' trait is a passion for something. But at the same time, unlike Aquarius, they are able to combine their hobbies and family life. Moreover, Aries can present his hobby so brightly and interestingly that his child will want to do it. The main plus of Aries as fathers is the ability to ignite interest in the child and maintain it. Such a dad will happily share his child's hobby - whether it's robotics or ballet dancing.


Even if the child does not like his father's hobby, Aries can spark interest in something else.

Of course, the real qualities of a person do not always coincide with his astrological portrait. But, according to astrologers, this is exactly the view on education among representatives of different signs of the zodiac.
