Worst Mothers By Zodiac Sign: Ranking
Worst Mothers By Zodiac Sign: Ranking

Best and worst mothers by zodiac sign


The notorious maternal instinct is developed differently for everyone. Astrologers also think so - in their opinion, each zodiac sign has its own degree of predisposition to motherhood.


Aquarius is the invisible mother. She seems to be, but the child sees her extremely rarely. In general, Aquarians try not to have children, but if they do succeed, they look for ways to get rid of the routine work of upbringing. Most often, this is delegated either to the husband or to the grandparents. And if there are none, then the Aquarius mother will find another socially acceptable way to remove the burden of motherhood from her neck - for example, she will hire a nanny for a full day. Aquarius mothers usually devote their free time to their careers, so that the heir will not be deprived of funds.


Capricorns' perfectionism does not lead them to goodness. The Capricorn mother usually spends many days and months in search of the formula for ideal motherhood. She can look for it herself or (much worse) pay money for special courses from various gurus. On the other hand, if this woman finds a completely working upbringing scheme, she adheres to it quite conscientiously, which has a good effect on the character and mental development of the child. And Capricorns have enough patience and perseverance to do boring developmental exercises.

a lion

The child will not get bored with the mother-Lioness - as soon as the baby appears, she immediately gives free rein to the inner child. Such a woman happily immerses herself in children's games, watches cartoons and in every way has fun with her child. But she will not want to fulfill more serious obligations - change diapers, check lessons, go to the doctor, and at the first opportunity she will push it onto compassionate grandmothers or her father.

Woman with two children
Woman with two children

Mother Leo is always ready to have fun with children, but she is not able to shoulder a heavy routine on her shoulders


Scorpio women love their children madly. They are ready to buy them the best toys, take them to the most expensive resorts, and engage in hobbies with them. True, at the same time they demand complete obedience from the child. A word across - a week without a TV, computer or other entertainment. And after all, the Scorpio mother sincerely believes that she is doing this for the good of the child. To admit that she was somehow wrong is as difficult for her as it is for Leo to sit in line to see a pediatrician. As a result, children learn early on to deceive and manipulate their mother.


The Aries woman is sure that her children will grow up perfect. Obedient, affectionate, smart … But the problem is that it rarely coincides with reality. Therefore, Aries mother easily loses her temper. Any manifestation of "imperfection" is a cruel blow right into her heart. Only by the age of 5-6 does she begin to come to terms with the fact that motherhood will not be the way she imagined. Once she realizes this, the relationship with the children will improve.

Woman with child at the piano
Woman with child at the piano

When the Aries mother recognizes the child's right not to be perfect (in her understanding), she begins to relate more calmly to his mistakes and whims


Mother Sagittarius herself is a child at heart, and therefore becomes not so much a parent as a friend to her children. This allows her to gently educate by her own example and provide the child with effective support. On the other hand, Sagittarius do not differ in responsibility and do not like to follow authorities. Therefore, such a mother may well encourage neglect of school, bad behavior and other things that usually try to eradicate in children.


Virgos are mothers who believe that purposeful parenting is a waste of time and effort. They conscientiously monitor the health of the child, provide him with all the necessary things and good clothes, buy toys and give pocket money. But at the same time they are not going to control the child at all. Sometimes this approach gives really good results - the child learns to be independent and make decisions. But sometimes Virgo goes too far. 12-year-old daughter came home after midnight? Well, I returned, there is nothing to worry about. Stinks of cigarettes from your thirteen-year-old son? A year earlier, a year later, I would have tried it anyway.

The guy draws graffiti
The guy draws graffiti

Complaining to a Virgo about her children is a pointless exercise, because punishment or serious conversation will not follow anyway


Gemini mothers have two modes. In the first, they behave like Lionesses - they rejoice, have fun and play mischievous with the children. But if the child misbehaves and pisses off the Gemini, the second mode turns on - "the strictest mother." In it, the mother, who even five minutes ago was laughing merrily, sliding down the children's slide, begins to punish the child to the fullest extent. But Gemini is easy-going - not even an hour will pass before the mother goes to the world. Children remember this quickly and do not get upset too much when the Gemini mom starts to swear at them. As a result, oddly enough, a completely harmonious relationship is obtained - the child is emotionally close to the mother, but he understands that it is impossible to get on her nerves, otherwise you can get scolded.


Taurus is a tender loving mother who, in a surprising way, manages not to strangle her child with this very love. She perfectly balances between the image of a caring mother and a close friend of the child. But occasionally it may seem to her that the child is growing up too spoiled. In this case, the Taurus mother includes the same strict regime as Gemini, and applies preventive punishment. For a child, such episodes are like a bolt from the blue - mom was just understanding and kind, and then she suddenly whipped her belt over a soft place, and for nothing.


Pisces women have motherhood in their blood. They seem to intuitively feel how to hold the child, how to talk to him and how to make him listen without screaming. Fish from the first days after the birth of a baby feel in their native element. True, they are too suspicious - sometimes it seems to them that the child is in danger from everywhere. Therefore, sometimes Pisces bother their offspring with excessive care.

Mother with baby
Mother with baby

Pisces feel comfortable with both an infant and an older child.


Libra mother from the outside can look completely irresponsible. But in fact, she just tries not to chew on the child all the knowledge about the world around her. She is convinced that the best teacher is experience, and the best education is a good example. And she is very successful in following this model of maternal behavior. As a result, the child grows up to be independent, able to stand up for himself as a person with a flexible worldview.


Cancers are mothers from God. They amazingly do everything in moderation - and caress, and punish, and praise, and scold. Like Pisces, they have developed some kind of phenomenal flair for correct behavior with a child. One misfortune - having learned the joy of motherhood, the Cancer woman is very upset when the child grows up and leaves her father's house. But, as a rule, she does not have to grieve for a long time - soon she applies her experience and skills as a grandmother.

Family at the table
Family at the table

When her own children grow up, a Cancer woman cannot wait for her grandchildren.

The ideal mother is an unattainable image, to which everyone strives in their own way. According to astrologers, the path to maternal harmony largely depends on the sign of the zodiac.
