How To Determine A Person's Character By Eye Color
How To Determine A Person's Character By Eye Color

Mirror of the soul: how to recognize a person's character by the color of his eyes

girl with blue eyes
girl with blue eyes

A person's appearance, demeanor, habits and hobbies can tell a lot about a person. However, in order to quickly and accurately determine the character of a new acquaintance, it is enough just to look into his eyes and understand what color they are. Physiognomists assure that the color of the iris of the eyes directly affects the character and behavior of their owner. What color are your eyes?

The black

Black eyes are inherent in energetically strong people. They are not afraid to take risks and take initiative, they know how to please others, they are energetic and persistent. Black-eyed people do not tolerate rejections and do not see obstacles in their path. Such people are very stubborn, often show excessive irascibility, but quickly withdraw. The black color of the eyes endows their owner with a desire for leadership and a desire to be an example for others.

Black eye color
Black eye color

The color of black eyes speaks of the passionate nature of their owner.


The owner of brown eyes is confident, witty and attractive. He is accustomed to making decisions on his own, is persistent in business, easily finds a common language with others, but is extremely capricious and often leaves things unfinished. A person with brown eyes is endowed with hot temper and straightforwardness, which is why he often unconsciously offends others.

Brown eyes
Brown eyes

Brown eyes indicate intelligence and wisdom, the ability to make the right decisions

Brown eyes make their owner lead an active life, be in the eternal search for adventure and new hobbies

Light brown

Wearers of light brown eyes are shy, dreamy, withdrawn and secretive. They love loneliness, are reliable and diligent in business. When making a decision, they weigh the pros and cons for a long time, they often doubt their choice. Such people are often stubborn, trying to do everything on their own, beyond the control of the majority. They are very impressionable, they endure grievances for a long time and are afraid of failure.

Light brown eyes
Light brown eyes

A feature of the character of people with light brown eyes is a deep impressionability


People whose eyes combine brown and green have a wise, calm and courteous disposition. The most important thing for them is to feel comfort and peace of mind. They are patient and purposeful individuals with many friends and acquaintances.

Kare-green eyes
Kare-green eyes

Kare-green people will always be able to earn not only for bread, but also for butter and caviar


A blue-eyed person is emotional, romantic and sensual. He is very amorous, has extraordinary thinking and an unpredictable character. The owners of blue eyes clearly know their desires and strive to fulfill them. They are endowed with a heightened sense of justice, are ready to defend the truth by any means.

Blue eyes
Blue eyes

Blue-eyed people can involve you in a tumultuous relationship, and then quit all of a sudden

People with blue eyes often suffer from arrogance. They are also overly emotional and conflicting.


Blue-eyed people have a romantic and dreamy disposition. They tend to idealize everything around them, often suffer from depression, get upset over trifles and have a changeable mood. These are very secretive people, sometimes too tough and calculating.

Blue eyes
Blue eyes

Blue-eyed representatives of humanity tend to change partners "like gloves"


Blue-eyed people have a sense of purpose, self-confidence, and impulsiveness. They are accustomed to achieving what they want, never lose their peace of mind, show coldness in communication, dream of independence and justice.

Grey-blue eyes
Grey-blue eyes

A person with gray-blue eyes, intelligent, decisive, tough, leading and extraordinary, but in moments of failure needs support

In love, as in other matters, these people are used to relying on the mind, not the heart. Therefore, situations in which logical thinking does not work can confuse them.


Gray eyes characterize a person as highly intelligent, balanced and self-sufficient. They do not have big ambitions, are endowed with hard work and curiosity, they have a rational and strong character. These are brave and stubborn people who are often lucky in love and in finance.

Grey eyes
Grey eyes

Mystics believe: gray-eyed can bewitch and get what they want from a person

In love, a gray-eyed person is often monogamous. He knows how to take care of loved ones, is reliable and faithful. Such a person will not express his emotions vividly, but he will always be honest and fair in a relationship.


Green-eyed people are endowed with tenderness, talents and initiative. They are always ready to help, sincere and loyal to their loved ones. A person with green eyes is able to please everyone, without exception, knows how not only to support any conversation, but also to listen to the interlocutor.

Green eyes
Green eyes

It is difficult for green-eyed people to find a life partner because of their ambitions and exactingness.

People with green eyes are proud and independent, but they are subject to the opinions of others. In relationships, they show themselves as responsible and calm people on whom you can rely. At work, they are prone to workaholism, extremely demanding of themselves and colleagues, they dream of achieving perfection in everything.


People with eyes of different colors are endowed with intelligence and discernment. They have versatile abilities, they can reach unprecedented heights in work and love. Their temperaments are unpredictable and life is full of surprises. Often such individuals have supernatural abilities.


People with eyes of different colors are able to hypnotize with a look

Eye color can reveal some of the secrets of a person's character. However, you should not rely only on this factor, making up the impression of a new acquaintance.
