Character By Blood Group: How It Affects A Person
Character By Blood Group: How It Affects A Person

Character by blood group: how does it affect a person?


Blood type can tell a lot about a person's character. For the first time such a statement was made by the Japanese scientist Masahito Nomi. Through his own research, he proved that carriers of the same blood group have similar character traits.

First group (0)

Blood group I is the oldest and most common. Its owners are usually called "hunters", since it was the blood of this group that was possessed by ancient people, whose main task was to hunt and fight for survival.


Due to their pronounced leadership qualities, entrepreneurial spirit, energy and enthusiasm, "hunters" often occupy leadership positions

Carriers of the first blood group have a swift and disruptive character. They are confident, hardy, stress-resistant and energetic. A person with I blood group learns easily and quickly, can master any field of activity, always achieves goals. Such is carried away by everything new and unknown, he will not tolerate monotonous existence. The owner of this blood group is sociable, easily starts conversations with people, becomes a leader in the company of friends. The downsides of the representatives are rigidity and categoricalness. Such people do not tolerate criticism, are overly jealous and unbalanced, they are arrogant and arrogant.

Second group (A)

Carriers of the second blood group are called "owners" or "farmers". This group appeared in a quieter time, when a person was mainly engaged in agriculture and he did not need to fight for life.

Man and woman
Man and woman

In love, "farmers" show their romantic and caring character

Holders of the blood of this group have a calm character, they are responsible for any business, unhurried, careful and pedantic. They are able to endure discomfort for a long time, they know how to calculate moves in advance. Family life and well-being in it are of great importance for the carriers of the second group. These do not require leading positions, they know how to work in a team. Any problems are solved peacefully, resorting to worldly wisdom. Of the minuses of the character of "farmers" can be called excessive irritability and stubbornness. Since the nervous system of the carriers of this group lacks emotional resilience, such people are often depressed.

Third group (B)

Holders of the III blood group are nicknamed "wanderers". The formation of this group took place at a time when the ancient people had to wander in search of a better life.


Carriers of the third blood group love to have fun and experiment

Representatives of this group have a changeable disposition. They are independent, not tied to home, are not faithful to traditions, but they have excellent imagination and are inclined to creativity. Their ideas are always original, such people in their work are able to show high creativity and flexibility of thinking. Among the minuses is increased sensitivity, aggressiveness. In addition, carriers of the third blood group are completely devoid of sociability.

Fourth group (AB)

Carriers of the fourth blood group have the nickname "mystery". This blood is the result of a mixture of Indo-European and Mongoloid races. Its name was formed because a person has already found a home, food and family and now wants to know beauty, starting to engage in creativity.

The man at the piano
The man at the piano

It is the owners of the rare fourth blood group that are often art workers.

The owners of this blood group are endowed with tact, intelligence, composure and poise. They are sociable, practical, they know how to organize work moments perfectly, they know how to attract attention to themselves. The representative of the IV blood group is multifaceted and versatile. Indecision is called a negative aspect of the character of such a person. He is not able to stand his ground, tries not to enter into conflicts, always accepts the point of view of the opponent, so as not to spoil relations with others. Internal contradictions develop low self-esteem in the “riddle”.

Each person has a unique personality and behavior. However, there are factors that can influence the formation of these qualities. One of these is the blood group.
