The Most Jealous Men By Zodiac Sign: Rating
The Most Jealous Men By Zodiac Sign: Rating

The Stars Are To Blame: The Most Jealous Men By Zodiac Signs

Couple on the shore
Couple on the shore

Jealousy is pretty unpleasant. But astrologers say that its manifestations largely depend on the person's zodiac sign. Let's look at the astrological rating of the most jealous men.


A Scorpio man is often not even sure of his feelings for his chosen one, but this does not prevent him from being jealous of her towards everyone who passes by. E th did not even need a reason - Scorpio able to come up with it, or pull the ears. Have you discussed a business issue with a male colleague? Jealousy! Did you visit a male teacher to talk about your child's academic performance? Jealousy! Throwing alms to a beggar on the subway? Oddly enough, but even here - jealousy! Paradoxically, Scorpio does not see real betrayal at close range. But on a fictitious occasion, he is able to throw a tantrum in a crowded place.


In fleeting romances, Taurus does not show jealousy, but in long-term relationships they become very jealous. Such a man is convinced that his beloved is the fruit of his labors, the Ideal Woman, whom he independently fashioned for himself. This possessive attitude leads to total control attempts. Taurus' wives often sit at home - a caring husband seeks to protect them from exhausting work … and male colleagues. In principle, a woman does not have personal space. If the chosen one of Taurus calmly reacts to this lifestyle, then the scenes of jealousy will be rather preventive. But if she tries to recapture even a small piece of freedom for herself, the jealous Taurus will throw a terrible scene.


Taurus believes that sincere love will force a woman to stay at home and engage in household chores with inspiration, forgetting about ambition and communication with other people.


Aries is convinced that jealousy is a normal manifestation of love. He sincerely believes that his chosen one should rejoice at his manifestations of jealousy - after all, this is how Aries demonstrates to her that he is not indifferent to her. As a result, the man begins to be demonstratively jealous of his beloved for everyone. These manifestations are usually harmless - Aries seeks not to shame a woman, but to show her how dear she is to him. However, if the beloved gives a real reason for jealousy, Aries seems to break off the chain. Usually a caring and very affectionate man becomes aggressive and caustic.


Cancers, despite the external cheerfulness and bravado, are very insecure. They are afraid of losing a loved one, and because of this, they may be unreasonably jealous. However, the Cancer man does not stoop to scandals and screams - he usually arranges long conversations to clarify the relationship. In order for this to happen less often, a woman should openly demonstrate her love to Cancer - insecure men from such manifestations of feelings bloom before our eyes.


Virgos are lovers of total control. But unlike Taurus, they follow their chosen one on the sly - they will secretly check social networks, get into the phone while the girl looks away, spy on the history in the browser, and track the movements by GPS. In person, they will be the last to talk about their suspicions. And if they talk about jealousy, they will accuse them in a frighteningly calm tone.

Man with smartphone
Man with smartphone

Virgos do not hesitate to spy on their beloved


Capricorns are suspicious and observant. They will notice if their chosen one has changed her hairstyle, bought a new beautiful dress, or has perked up to do spectacular makeup. The problem is that the reaction to such actions is not a compliment, but the question "For whom?" However, Capricorns are not seriously jealous - even without having received an intelligible answer to their question, they, laughing, will return to their business. If the reason was not suspicious, then Capricorn will stick with questions for a long time. He will not throw a tantrum - he will methodically inquire about what happened and why.


Sagittarius is jealous almost constantly, as if “in the background”. But what is remarkable, his jealousy does not harm the relationship - on the contrary, he manages to expose her in such a way that the woman becomes even more attached to him. And Sagittarius himself feels a pleasant uplift from his scenes. Sagittarius jealousy is like love in a Mexican soap series - meaningless and silly, but beautiful and romantic. And everyone loves to add a little drama to a relationship sometimes.

a lion

Leo can hardly be called a jealous sign. First, he is convinced that it is impossible to get away from him. Secondly, he is pleased to see that other men also find his companion irresistible. Therefore, he is quite loyal to excessive attention to his chosen one. However, if you give her even the slightest reason for justified jealousy, Leo can become very cruel. Oddly enough, he is not ready to part because of betrayal. But to arrange his beloved hell on earth for such an offense is quite capable.

The guy kisses the girl
The guy kisses the girl

It is very important for Leo to demonstrate that this beautiful woman is his


Gemini are very fond of freedom and, unlike Scorpios and Taurus, are not against the same worldview of a woman. Such a man is rarely jealous and much more often gives reasons for jealousy. However, for Gemini, emotional contact is important. If they feel that the beloved is moving away emotionally, they immediately suspect that something was wrong. True, they usually do not realize that the girl is not leaving for someone, but just like that. Therefore, when parting or even a simple emotional cooling of the chosen one, they turn into terrible jealous people, trying with all their might to find out the name of the rival.

A party
A party

The twins themselves are not averse to hanging out at parties, and their girlfriend is allowed to


Pisces men are very rarely jealous. But if jealousy still hit them in the head, write it was gone. Nobody knows what is going on in the head of jealous Pisces - not even Pisces themselves. The main difficulty lies in the fact that this man is not inclined to discuss his feelings and suspicions. He will behave as usual until he finally leads a logical chain in his head to the link "I'm being cheated on." And after that, it is already impossible to convince him - even if you were only guilty of breathing the same air with another man.


The Libra man strives for mutual trust, and therefore, in principle, is not inclined to jealousy. If he notices that he is being cheated on, he raises this topic and offers parting, if his suspicions are confirmed. The main plus of Libra is calmness. He is ready, without hysterics and shouts, to accept the choice of his chosen one, even if she does not choose him.


Aquarius not only himself is not jealous, but also does not tolerate manifestations of jealousy in his direction. He conditions this quite simply - if sincere mutual love reigns in a relationship, then what kind of jealousy can we talk about? And if there is no true love, then the point is to be jealous of "not your own"?

Jealousy manifests itself in different ways in all people. But nevertheless, astrologers try to describe the common features of jealous people, dividing them according to the signs of the zodiac.
