Why You Can't Wear A Skirt Over Your Legs - A Practical Meaning, Signs And Superstitions
Why You Can't Wear A Skirt Over Your Legs - A Practical Meaning, Signs And Superstitions

Why you can't put on a skirt over your legs: signs and facts


The skirt is present in the wardrobe of many women, but few of them think about how to wear this type of clothing correctly. Our ancestors believed that wearing a skirt over the legs is by no means possible and strictly followed this rule. What is the reason for such a prohibition and how can its violation result?

Signs and superstitions

In the past, there was a special attitude towards clothes. There were many signs and superstitions around her. The people have developed beliefs related to how to properly wear a skirt for women.

It was believed that a skirt should only be worn over the head. Women who disobey this rule faced various troubles:

  • unmarried girls were predicted eternal loneliness;
  • married women should prepare for the adultery of their spouse.
Girl in a long skirt
Girl in a long skirt

Our ancestors believed that a girl who wears a skirt over her legs would not be loved by men

Esoteric opinion

The ancient Vedic theory says that any girl has a close connection with the Earth, which strengthens her women's health and sends the necessary energy flows. A skirt, especially a long one, helps to receive the necessary energy from the ground, and if you take it off or put it on through your legs, the energy flow will dissipate and the woman will lose her strength.

Modern esotericists also believe that it is best to wear a skirt over the head. After all, if you put on a thing through your legs, then it will surely touch the floor, which means it will collect all the negative energy from it. After the skirt is put on, all the negative will be transmitted to the woman.

Historical roots of the ban

There is an opinion that the roots of this prohibition go back to history. Several centuries ago, girls had to wear several skirts, due to the lack of underwear and warm clothes. As you know, skirts then were long and wide, so putting them on top of one another was very difficult, and it was completely impossible to do it through the legs. Then the belief was born that it is impossible to put on a skirt over the legs.

Girl in Slavic clothes
Girl in Slavic clothes

In the old days, our ancestors did little for things - fabrics were expensive, and families were large; in the cold season, one skirt was not enough and several petticoats were put under it, it was inconvenient to put one long skirt on another through the legs

How about today

Today, few girls believe in omens, so they put on a skirt as it suits them. There is no evidence that failures in a woman's personal life are due to the fact that she puts a skirt over her legs. If you believe in omens, then try changing the way you put on your skirt. After putting on a skirt over your head, you not only follow the ancient advice, but also protect your clothes from unnecessary pollution. Dirt and dust can be on the floor and can easily get onto a skirt that is worn over the legs.

Modern girls prefer jeans and trousers to dresses and skirts. However, our ancestors believed that it is the skirt that connects a woman with the energy of the Earth, and putting it on correctly helps to establish a personal life and maintain women's health.
