How To Open A Beer Bottle Without An Opener
How To Open A Beer Bottle Without An Opener

How to open a beer bottle without an opener: 8 items to help


Everyone got into a situation where the bought bottle of beer turns out to be nothing to open. If you show a little imagination, many items that are always at hand can replace the opener. Let's find out what can be used in such a situation.



The classic opener works on the principle of a lever that even a pocket lighter can serve. To open the bottle, you need to tightly grasp the neck with one hand, and slip the lighter under the edge of the lid with the other. It should take the form of a lever, supported by the thumb. Now we hold the first hand tightly, and with the second, with the help of a lighter, we make the cap off the cherished drink.

House keys


The function of a lever can also be performed by an ordinary key from the front door. In this case, the first hand must be held as in the case of the lighter, and the second one must be put under the edge of the lid. You need the key to lie sideways, between the finger and the cap. Now all that remains is to press it well and the job is done.

Another bottle


If there are two bottles, the first one can be opened without any problems. To do this, we firmly hold the first bottle by the neck (for reliability, it is better to put it on the table), take the second by the neck and turn it over. Now we clamp the teeth of the second bottle cap between the teeth of the first cap and the thumb. It remains to apply a little force and one bottle is open, the rest of the methods listed in the article will help to deal with the rest.

Tightly rolled sheet of paper


Everyone will definitely have paper at hand. It is not necessary to have dense material, even a bill will be enough. All that is required is simply to roll it up the maximum number of times, after which the density of the finished “tube” will increase significantly. Now let's fold it in half and use the already familiar principle of a lever, as in the case of a lighter or a key - the lid will definitely not stand up.



If you have a strap on hand, in most cases a regular plaque will work to open the beer. We apply it as if it were an ordinary opener and enjoy it. In the case of a plaque without a hole, we use the universal method listed above.

Spoon or fork


Cutlery, such as a spoon or fork, can play the role of a lever. It is more convenient to pry on the lid with a spoon, but the fork will also not fail. We put our “tool” under the teeth of the cover, hold our thumb firmly and expand the functionality of objects familiar from childhood.

Music disc


The once popular media is another surprise item that can help you discover beer. Disks (preferably unnecessary) are also used according to the method described at the beginning. The main thing is not to try to knock off the lid with a wave of the disk, as if it were a saber, otherwise the precious drink may shoot and spill.

Womens shoes


If the tricks described are not enough, it will not be superfluous to mention that you can even open a bottle of beer with a woman's shoe. To do this, we hold the bottle tightly by the neck with one hand, and with the other we take the heel, place it between the edge of the cap and the thumb, then apply force - it's done. Or buy shoes with heels with a built-in bottle opener.

As you can see, many objects around us are suitable for emergency opening of a beer bottle. Such knowledge will help you enjoy your favorite drink and surprise your friends with unusual skills.
